Hello Vasiliy,
Example [1] shows how to implement your custom ObjectMapper provider.
The only thing which is different in your code bellow
is the unnecessary @Provides annotation. Try to remove that. Does it help?
Another thing is you might want to check if your provider gets
registered at all.
Jersey should write a message on registered root resources and providers
to the log.
Can you see it there?
On 20.11.2011 4:15, Sadokhin, Vasiliy wrote:
> Hello
> maybe it helps:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1465946/java-jaxb-and-using-char
> Leonardo, I use JAXB and XmlAdapter implementation. It works great
> when client requests something with response
> MediaType.APPLICATION_XML. But when client requests JSON answer
> XmlAdapter will not work, Jersey uses JacksonJsonProvider and
> ObjectMappers inside.
> Just configure ObjectMapper with the date format you want:
> objectMapper.setDateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat(...));
> and that's it. Assuming you use POJO mapping.
> Tatu, how do I let Jersey know to use my configured ObjectMapper?
> I tried several cases. One of them is extending from JacksonJsonProvider:
> @Provider
> @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, "text/json"})
> @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, "text/json"})
> public class OurJacksonJsonProvider extends JacksonJsonProvider {
> @Override
> public ObjectMapper locateMapper(Class<?> type, MediaType
> mediaType) {
> ObjectMapper om = super.locateMapper(type, mediaType);
> SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
> om.getSerializationConfig().setDateFormat(df);
> om.getDeserializationConfig().setDateFormat(df);
> return om;
> }
> }
> In this case JSON date parsing works great for responses. But POST
> requests JSON parameters deserialization stops working for all
> application. I didn't catch why. If I remove this class from the
> application deserialization will work well. If I just
> remove locateMapper method it will not work.
> Another way I tried that is create and register your own object mapper
> like below (take a look both commented and not cases):
> @Provider
> @Produces("application/json")
> public class JacksonConfigurator implements
> ContextResolver<ObjectMapper> {
> private ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
> public JacksonConfigurator() {
> // ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
> // mapper.getSerializationConfig().setDateFormat(new
> SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT));
> // mapper.getDeserializationConfig().setDateFormat(new
> SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT));
> //
> mapper.configure(SerializationConfig.Feature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS,
> false);
> // SimpleModule sm = new SimpleModule(Date.class.getName(), new
> // Version(1, 0, 0,
> null)).addSerializer(Date.class, new JsonDateSerializer());
> // mapper.registerModule(sm);
> SerializationConfig serConfig =
> mapper.getSerializationConfig();
> serConfig.setDateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT));
> DeserializationConfig deserializationConfig =
> mapper.getDeserializationConfig();
> deserializationConfig.setDateFormat(new
> SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT));
> mapper.configure(SerializationConfig.Feature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS,
> false);
> }
> @Override
> public ObjectMapper getContext(Class<?> arg0) {
> return mapper;
> }
> }
> I saw that Jersey creates my JacksonConfigurator but never calls
> getContext method. I tried both examples with
> disabled/enabled com.sun.jersey.api.json.POJOMappingFeature property
> in web.xml. It didn't help, Jersey(Jacksone?) used their own
> ObjectMapper for serialization/deserialization. I catched it using debug.
> It looks like that I missed something simple and important related to
> Jersey configuration. Any ideas?
> I also tried one more approach:
> http://blog.seyfi.net/2010/03/how-to-control-date-formatting-when.html
> But my DateSerializer was not called at all. I saw old Jersey forum
> discussion about it. Person recommended to enable POJO mapping. I did
> it but DateSerializer was not called anyway. Where is a mistake?
> Thanks,
> Vasiliy