[Jersey] Problem unmarshalling entity to correct JAXB object

From: Farrukh Najmi <>
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2011 09:18:23 -0500

Hi Guys,

I have an XML Schema as follows:

<complexType name="RegistryRequestType">

<element name="RemoveObjectsRequest">
<extension base="rs:RegistryRequestType">

I use JAXB to generate bindings for above schema as follows:

public class RegistryRequestType {

public class RemoveObjectsRequest extends RegistryRequestType {

I have a jersey server resource method as follows:

     public Response putRequest(RegistryRequestType req) {

I issue a client PUT request where entity is a RemoveObjectsRequest
element using following code:

     RemoveObjectsRequest removeRequest = ...
     ClientResponse resp = webResource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).
//marshalls RemoveObjectsRequest object to String

When my putRequest() resource method is called, I expect the req param
to be set to an object of type RemoveObjectsRequest. Instead it is set
to a an object where the type is RegistryRequestType and data members of
the RemoveObjectsRequest are not set.

Is this a issue in jersey (note I am using 1.10) or do I have faulty
assumption on what to expect?

If the expected behavior is not possible then what is the way to get the
raw entity from the request within my resource method so I can
unmarshall it as needed.

Thank you for your help.

Farrukh Najmi