[Jersey] Re: OAuth signature does not seem to comply with OAuth specification

From: Martin Matula <>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 20:44:23 +0100

Hi Azad,
If you have a patch, can you please attach it to this issue?

On 15.11.2011 17:36, wrote:
> This is a restatement (with updates) of an an ealier message
> erroneously posted to the issues list:
> 9.
> The OAuth specification,, states
> that in signing a request, the base signature that is to be signed by
> the secret key should include name=value pairs for the request
> parameters in lexicographic order of the parameter names. And if there
> are multiple values for a parameter, the name=value pairs for that
> parameter are to appear in the base signature string in the order of
> the values. Thus, the major sort order is the parameter name, and the
> minor sort order is the parameter value.
> But the method OAuthSignature.normalizeParameters that constructs the
> OAuth base string in the Jersey OAuth implementation sorts the
> parameters not in this major/minor sort order of name/values, but
> instead by the value of the string "name=value".
> Here is an example where sorting by the "name=value" string does not
> produce the correct result.
> Suppose there is a parameter named "org" (value "acme") and another
> named "org-country" (value "US").
> The standard says org should come before org-country in the base
> signature string.
> But the method OAuthSignature.normalizeParameters sorts the strings
> "org=acme" and "org-country=US", and since '-' comes before '=' in byte
> ordering, places 'org-country' before org in the signature string,
> contrary to the standard.
> This is the case in the OAuthSignature class both in
> oauth-signature-1.9-ea04-sources.jar
> oauth-signature-1.9-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar.
> The upshot is that the correct signature of a non-Jersey client
> adhering to the standard can be rejected by a Jersey server.
> To fix this issue, one can change the sort order to use the following
> name/value pair class (snippet shown below) rather than the string
> "name=value".
> public class OAuthKeyValue implements Comparable<OAuthKeyValue>
> {
> private String name;
> private String value;
> // ....
> @Override
> public int compareTo(OAuthKeyValue o)
> {
> int comp =;
> if (comp == 0)
> comp = this.value.compareTo(o.value);
> return comp;
> }
> // ....
> }
> I am working with such a fix right now, and can share it if desired.
> Azad