[Jersey] Using filter to always set charset=UTF-8 on response

From: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 20:26:33 +0000 (GMT)

I need to set charset=UTF-8 on all responses from my jersey endpoints.
I've googled a lot, and in search of a configurable solution, it seems
that using a response filter is the way to go.

3.html, Paul Sandoz showed the conceptual idea of how this should work:

> Perhaps the best way you can add the charset is to write a response
filter to modify the
> content-type for certain values rather than modifying all your
> ContainerResponse response;
> MediaType m = response.getMediaType();
> if (/ charset not present on m and m requires a charset) {
> // create a new media type adding a charset of UTF-8.
> m = ...
> response.getHttpHeaders().putSingle("Content-Type", m);
> }

I ended up doing pretty much this:

    public class UTF8ResponseFilter implements ContainerResponseFilter
        private static Map<String, String> charset =
Collections.singletonMap("charset", "UTF-8");

        public ContainerResponse filter(ContainerRequest request,
ContainerResponse response) {
            MediaType oldType = response.getMediaType();
            MediaType newType = new MediaType(oldType.getType(),
oldType.getSubtype(), charset);
            return response;

My single question, then, is this:

-> Is this best practice for setting charset on all responses?
