Hello Jersey experts.
I have yet another problem I have encounter for which I hope there is a
better solution than I came up with.
Jersey handles OPTIONS and HEAD requests automatically unless a method
is implicitly implemented.
I found out that I need to implement OPTIONS method for all methods I have
unique @Path.
It's easier with an example. Let's say I have two methods like the
followings to begin with.
public Response foo() {
@Path("{path: .*}")
public Response all() {
Then, I want to handle OPTIONS request for any path, so I add something
like this hoping OPTIONS /anything will go to this method.
@Path("{path: .*}")
public Response allOptions() {
But, it doesn't. A request to OPTIONS /bar will go to the method, but
OPTIONS /foo won't because Jersey will find default Options handler for a
path "foo".
This makes sense. "foo" is a better match, and Jersey is finding a default
Options handler for "foo" path.
So, then I have to have this in order for me to handle the request.
public Response fooOptions() {
Now, my question is, "is there a better way to do this other than to have
corresponding OPTIONS handler for all the @Path I am handling in a
It seems like there is ought to be a better way that I don't know of.
Thanks in advance,