- [Jersey] [ANN] Jersey 2.7 has been released
- [Jersey] About file size upload limit with Jersey
- [Jersey] Annotations in interfaces, how to use with jersey?
- [Jersey] ANNOUNCEMENT: Closed down commits_at_jersey.java.net mailing list.
- [Jersey] AOP Support plan for Jersey 2
- [Jersey] Bean Validation Oddity
- [Jersey] Cancelling asynchronous client Future<T> calls?
- [Jersey] Catch all requests under a specific path
- [Jersey] Confused by Jersey Dependencies
- [Jersey] Exceptions not being thrown when using JerseyTest
- [Jersey] Failing to build jersey in jersey-tests-integration-servlet-2.5-mvc-3
- [Jersey] Grizzly vs Netty vs Jetty for Jersey
- [Jersey] Is there a Basic Auth server example?
- [Jersey] jersey + jersey-media-moxy = MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException: MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json
- [Jersey] Jersey 2.7 giving up on jdk 1.6?
- [Jersey] Jersey 2.7 with Karaf
- [Jersey] Jersey and Spring (Not Integrated) with no web.xml
- [Jersey] Jersey Client 2.6 PUT request
- [Jersey] Jersey on Heroku
- [Jersey] Jersey request introspection question
- [Jersey] Jersey1 issue closed because "will not fix in substained code"
- [Jersey] JerseyTest and Spring and creating a ServletContext
- [Jersey] Migrating from 1.17 to 2.x
- [Jersey] MQTT intergeration
- [Jersey] Name Binding in jersey 2
- [Jersey] OAuth 1 server example
- [Jersey] Request disappearing into HttpUrlConnection
- [Jersey] Running parallel unit tests under Jersey 1
- [Jersey] Server sent event: EventOutput is not closed after client drops
- [Jersey] UriInfo oddness on Jetty vs Grizzly
- [Jersey] UriInfo_at_getBaseUri() with a load balancer
- [Jersey] Using _at_Inject in Jersey
- About file size upload limit with Jersey
- Annotations in interfaces, how to use with jersey?
- Bean Validation Oddity
- Catch all requests under a specific path
- Confused by Jersey Dependencies
- Exceptions not being thrown when using JerseyTest
- hot class reloading
- Is there a Basic Auth server example?
- Jersey 2.7 giving up on jdk 1.6?
- Jersey 2.7 with Karaf
- Jersey Client 2.6 PUT request
- Jersey on Heroku
- Jersey request introspection question
- Jersey1 issue closed because "will not fix in substained code"
- JerseyTest and Spring and creating a ServletContext
- Migrating from 1.17 to 2.x
- Name Binding in jersey 2
- Problem with concurrent HTTP client and proxy authentication in Jersey 2.5
- Running parallel unit tests under Jersey 1
- UriInfo oddness on Jetty vs Grizzly
- UriInfo_at_getBaseUri() with a load balancer
- Using _at_Inject in Jersey
- Last message date: Thu Mar 20 23:48:50 2014
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:14:47 2017 PDT