Yes this filter updates the injected UriInfo to more closely reflect what the client sent.
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> On Mar 14, 2014, at 2:39 AM, Vetle Leinonen-Roeim <> wrote:
>> On 12.03.14 22:54, Robert DiFalco wrote:
>> I am deploying Jersey on Heroku. So I have created a
>> ContainerRequestFilter that resets the Base and Request URI based on the
>> scheme and port that heroku forwarded.
>> On Jetty I did not have to set the port but on Grizzly I do.
>> Okay the question. Is this following the best way to achieve this? Am I
>> doing anything naive here?
> If you inject UriInfo in your resources, and do UriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder, it will still return the original URI?
> Or does the call to ctx.setRequestUri change what is returned from UriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder()?
> [...]
> Regards,
> Vetle