[Jersey] Re: Jersey on Heroku

From: Vetle Leinonen-Roeim <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:39:54 +0100

On 12.03.14 22:54, Robert DiFalco wrote:
> I am deploying Jersey on Heroku. So I have created a
> ContainerRequestFilter that resets the Base and Request URI based on the
> scheme and port that heroku forwarded.
> On Jetty I did not have to set the port but on Grizzly I do.
> Okay the question. Is this following the best way to achieve this? Am I
> doing anything naive here?

If you inject UriInfo in your resources, and do
UriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder, it will still return the original URI?

Or does the call to ctx.setRequestUri change what is returned from

