I am deploying Jersey on Heroku. So I have created a ContainerRequestFilter
that resets the Base and Request URI based on the scheme and port that
heroku forwarded.
On Jetty I did not have to set the port but on Grizzly I do.
Okay the question. Is this following the best way to achieve this? Am I
doing anything naive here?
public class HerokuContainerRequestFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter
public void filter( ContainerRequestContext ctx ) throws IOException {
String scheme = getValue( ctx.getHeaders(), "x-forwarded-proto" );
String port = getValue( ctx.getHeaders(), "x-forwarded-port" );
if ( scheme == null && port == null )
UriBuilder baseBuilder = ctx.getUriInfo().getBaseUriBuilder();
UriBuilder requestBuilder = ctx.getUriInfo().getRequestUriBuilder();
if ( scheme != null ) {
baseBuilder.scheme( scheme );
requestBuilder.scheme( scheme );
if ( port != null ) {
int nPort = Integer.parseInt( port );
baseBuilder.port( nPort );
requestBuilder.port( nPort );
ctx.setRequestUri( baseBuilder.build(), requestBuilder.build() );
private String getValue( MultivaluedMap<String,String> headers, String
header ) {
List<String> values = headers.get( header );
if ( values == null || values.isEmpty() )
return null;
return values.get( 0 );