[Jersey] Jersey and Spring (Not Integrated) with no web.xml

From: Robert DiFalco <>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2014 09:05:00 -0800

I am using Jersey and Spring together. I am not using the integration. I'm
using servlet 3.0 and attempting to create an app with no web.xml. So I
have the following. I am sending my spring ApplicationContext to my
RestConfig because I bind one bean (a JobServiceLocator) to inject into my
Rest Resources (they typically just delegate their requests to the job

I am not using the JerseyServletContainer and am instead doing this. It
seems to work but are there any red flags anyone can think of with this

public class AppInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {
    public void onStartup( ServletContext servletCtx ) throws
ServletException {
        WebApplicationContext springCtx = createSpringContext();
        servletCtx.addListener( new ContextLoaderListener( springCtx ) );
        addJerseyServlet( servletCtx, springCtx );

    private void addJerseyServlet( ServletContext servletCtx,
ApplicationContext springCtx ) {
        Servlet jerseyServlet = new ServletContainer( new JerseyRestConfig(
springCtx ) );
        ServletRegistration.Dynamic dispatcher = servletCtx.addServlet(
"RestAPI", jerseyServlet );
        dispatcher.setLoadOnStartup( 2 );
        dispatcher.addMapping( "/rest/*" );

    private WebApplicationContext createSpringContext() {
        AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext context = new
        context.register( MySpringConfiguration.class );
        return context;