[Jersey] Request disappearing into HttpUrlConnection

From: Eric Stein <>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:27:32 +0000

Today all my integration tests stopped working. They just sat and spun. I'm using JUnit 4 test cases extending JerseyTest with Jersey 2.4.

A little debugging identified the stack trace:

Thread [main] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 379 in HttpURLConnection))
        HttpURLConnection(HttpURLConnection).getResponseCode() line: 379
        HttpUrlConnector._apply(ClientRequest) line: 316
        HttpUrlConnector.apply(ClientRequest) line: 216
        ClientRuntime.invoke(ClientRequest) line: 217
        JerseyInvocation$ line: 655
        JerseyInvocation$ line: 652
        Errors.process(Callable<T>, boolean) line: 315
        Errors.process(Producer<T>, boolean) line: 297
        Errors.process(Producer<T>) line: 228
        RequestScope.runInScope(Producer<T>) line: 422
        JerseyInvocation.invoke() line: 652
        JerseyInvocation$Builder.method(String) line: 387
        JerseyInvocation$Builder.get() line: 291

For some reason, getResponseCode() is no longer returning *on my local machine*. It was returning last week. It still returns on our build server. It still returns on my coworker's machine. Does anybody have any idea as to what might be going wrong? I'm not even really sure where to start trying to debug this one.
