[Jersey] Re: hot class reloading

From: Libor Kramolis <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:55:07 +0100

We do some experiments with Spring Loaded [1], it can reload changed classes. We are going to use it just during development phase, not in production. And also it does not reload Jersey JAX-RS model. It means if you changed your RESTful API (changed JAX-RS annotation usage) it is not automatically reloaded. You do have to call Container.reload() method [2]. See reload example [3].

Still not sure if it works in all cases. But we think about it just for development purposes...

Best regards,


On 20 Mar 2014, at 02:59, Oleksiy Stashok <> wrote:
> Adding Jersey mailing list in case anyone has experience with that.
> Just my guess is that you probably have to split resources jar out of main jar and replace and reload only resources, not entire jar.
> Thanks.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
> On 18.03.14 13:26, Andrew Munn wrote:
>> What is the best way to reload some part of the web facing portion of an
>> app running in production without taking the Grizzly/Jersey server down?
>> I'm doing this:
>> Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<>();
>> classes.add(myapp.MyClass.class);
>> classes.add(myapp.MyOtherClass.class);
>> ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig(classes);
>> HttpServer httpServer =
>> GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(BASE_URI, rc);
>> System.out.println(String.format("Jersey app started with WADL available
>> at " + "%sapplication.wadl", BASE_URI, BASE_URI));
>> and tried to reload like this after replacing the running jar:
>> GrizzlyHttpContainer c = (GrizzlyHttpContainer)httpServer.getHttpHandler();
>> c.reload();
>> but no luck, just a ClassCastException. Will that method do what I want
>> and what's the preferred way to get a reference to it?
>> Thanks!