[Jersey] Bean Validation Oddity

From: Robert DiFalco <>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 12:23:34 -0700

I have an issue with Bean Validation and curious if you agree before I
create an issue.

If I have the following method:

    public void delete(
            @QueryParam( "emailAddress" )
            String emailAddress,
            @QueryParam( "password" )
            String password ) throws NotFoundException {
        userService.delete( emailAddress, password );

And if the client sends a null for the first query parameter, the resulting
exception maps to "arg1". Pretty much every where else I use Bean
Validation it is smart enough to use the name of the argument as

Is there any way to rectify this? Kind of a drag since even if I parse the
CVE into a nice JSON entity for the 400 response it will say "arg1" instead
of "emailAddress".
