[Jersey] Is there a Basic Auth server example?

From: Robert DiFalco <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:20:22 -0700

I'd like to use basic auth on my J2SE/Grizzly Jersey server. I am not using
J2EE security.

Essentially, I just want a simple way to delegate Basic Auth checks to
database lookups.

Are there any examples of this? I think I know how to write it on my own
but I don't want to reinvent the wheel.

Without guidance I would take the following approach:

   1. Setup an annotation for @ApiAuth or @UserAuth that I can use to
   annotate resource request methods.
   2. Create a filter that takes the "authorization" header, base64 decodes
   the value. If the method is @ApiAuth then verify it matches my static API's
   3. If it is @UserAuth ensure the value matches the user intended for the
   url. These usually take the form of "/user/1/some_user_resource" where 1 is
   the primary key of the user. So I would look up the user credentials at id
   1 and ensure they match the user and password in the header.
   4. If either of these don't match raise a not authorized exception.

That's pretty much it sans some caching and edge cases. Should I just
implement this or are there Jersey provided classes I'm not aware of or a
better approach to take?
