- [jms-spec users] Fwd: [javaee-spec users] [jsr366-experts] update to Java EE 8 plan
- [jms-spec users] JMS 2.0 errata: final request for comments
- [jms-spec users] JMS 2.0 Errata: JMS_SPEC-161 (serialVersionUID of JMSException has changed from JMS 1.1 to JMS 2.0 )
- [jms-spec users] svn -> git (GitHub)
- [jms-spec users] The future of JMS 2.1 and Java EE 8
- [jsr368-experts] [jms-spec users] JMS 2.0 Errata: JMS_SPEC-160 (JMS API source contains self-closing HTML tags)
- [jsr368-experts] Advice: mirror on GitHub
- [jsr368-experts] createContext on Queue and Topic Connection Factories
- [jsr368-experts] Fwd: [javaee-spec users] [jsr366-experts] update to Java EE 8 plan
- [jsr368-experts] JavaOne 2016
- [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 errata is now released
- [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 errata now available for formal review
- [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 errata: final request for comments
- [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 errata: JMS_SPEC-125 (Define whether a JMS provider should call reset after sending a BytesMessage asynchronously)
- [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 Errata: JMS_SPEC-157 (JMS 2.0 introduced an incompatible restriction on creating two sessions per connection in Java EE)
- [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 Errata: JMS_SPEC-161 (serialVersionUID of JMSException has changed from JMS 1.1 to JMS 2.0 )
- [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 Errata: JMS_SPEC-162 (Typos in section 7.3 "Asynchronous send")
- [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 Errata: JMS_SPEC-163 (Javadoc for JMSContext#setClientID contains obsolete MessageContext reference)
- [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 Errata: JMS_SPEC-167: Session javadoc should mention consumer.close is allowed outside thread of control
- [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 errata: MS_SPEC-164 (Typos in section 7.3.5 and 12.2: Change Session to MessageProducer)
- [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 errata: Summary of proposed changes
- [jsr368-experts] JMS_SPEC-116: JMS MDB improvements:
- [jsr368-experts] JMS_SPEC-133: Update javadoc comments for QueueConnection#createQueueSession and TopicConnection#createTopicSession
- [jsr368-experts] JMS_SPEC-155 (JMS 2.0 introduced incompatible changes to createSession(bool,int))
- [jsr368-experts] JMS_SPEC-165: Error in javadoc for Connection#stop and JMSContext#stop
- [jsr368-experts] JMS_SPEC-166: Define that the JMS provider should call reset on a StreamMessage passed to a CompletionListener
- [jsr368-experts] svn -> git (GitHub)
- Advice: mirror on GitHub
- createContext on Queue and Topic Connection Factories
- JavaOne 2016
- JMS 2.0 errata now available for formal review
- JMS 2.0 errata: final request for comments
- JMS 2.0 errata: JMS_SPEC-125 (Define whether a JMS provider should call reset after sending a BytesMessage asynchronously)
- JMS 2.0 Errata: JMS_SPEC-157 (JMS 2.0 introduced an incompatible restriction on creating two sessions per connection in Java EE)
- JMS 2.0 Errata: JMS_SPEC-158 (JMS 2.0 introduced incompatible changes to Connection.stop and close and Session.close)
- JMS 2.0 Errata: JMS_SPEC-167: Session javadoc should mention consumer.close is allowed outside thread of control
- JMS 2.0 errata: Summary of proposed changes
- JMS_SPEC-116: JMS MDB improvements:
- JMS_SPEC-116: Take advantage of EJB 3.2's RA improvement for MDBs
- JMS_SPEC-155 (JMS 2.0 introduced incompatible changes to createSession(bool,int))
- JMS_SPEC-165: Error in javadoc for Connection#stop and JMSContext#stop
- JMS_SPEC-89: Standard API to create and configure a ConnectionFactory
- svn -> git (GitHub)
- Last message date: Tue Nov 29 01:28:26 2016
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:14:56 2017 PDT