
[jsr368-experts] Re: [jms-spec users] Re: Re: JMS 2.0 errata: final request for comments

From: Matthew White <WHITEMAT_at_uk.ibm.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 12:47:26 +0000

Hello; Sorry that was a very badly worded question!
I was thinking about the jms2 version of the jms.jar - for us to be able
to us it it needs to come via a Partner agreement site.

More than happy with the approach taken for the updates.


Matthew B. White
Architect: IBM MQ JMS, Connectivity & Integration

Phone: 44-1962-817653
E-mail: WHITEMAT_at_uk.ibm.com
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"The wrong answers are the ones you go looking for when the right answers
stare you in the face."

From: Nigel Deakin <nigel.deakin_at_oracle.com>
To: jsr368-experts_at_jms-spec.java.net
Date: 02/01/2015 10:36
Subject: [jms-spec users] [jsr368-experts] Re: Re: JMS 2.0 errata:
final request for comments


On 23/12/2014 14:21, Matthew White wrote:
> Happy with the updates.
> When might the JMS2.0 errata version be available for the partners?

Are you asking for a draft of the updated spec?

The reason I haven't published one so far is that the JCP process for a
maintenance review
(https://jcp.org/en/procedures/jcp2#5) appears to require me to submit
each change separately (as "diffs") rather than
as a single updated spec document containing all the changes together.

That's why I have recorded each set of changes separately in the
corresponding JIRA issue, and provided links to
everything from the table at
https://java.net/projects/jms-spec/pages/JMS20RevA#Proposed_content . It's
the information
in that table that I will be submitting.

I also thought this might be easier for people to review.

Only after the Executive Committee has approved the changes am I required
to update the specification itself.

I'm obviously going to have to update the spec and javadocs eventually, so
I could circulate a draft, but I'm slightly
worried that, as our discussions continue, the draft might get out of step
with the list of diffs that I actually to submit.


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