
[jsr368-experts] Re: JMS_SPEC-155 (JMS 2.0 introduced incompatible changes to createSession(bool,int))

From: Nigel Deakin <nigel.deakin_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 14:42:52 +0000

On 04/12/2014 12:30, Nigel Deakin wrote:
> Here's the next proposed correction for the JMS 2.0 errata release.
> https://java.net/jira/browse/JMS_SPEC-155
> (JMS 2.0 introduced an incompatible restriction on creating two sessions per connection in Java EE)
> This is quite a significant correction, so I'll explain the issue in some detail and then give a high-level summary of
> how I propose to correct its. You can read a more nicely-formatted version in the JIRA issue.
> I'll follow this up with a second email containing a line-by-line list of spec and javadoc changes.

Here's that line-by-line list of proposed spec and javadoc changes. Again, you can read a more nicely-formatted version
in the JIRA issue.

JMS specification section 12.3 "Behaviour of JMS sessions in the Java EE web or EJB container"

Existing text:

    When an application creates a Session or JMSContext in a Java EE web
    or EJB container, and there is no active JTA transaction in progress,
    then the session that is created will be non-transacted and will be
    automatically-acknowledged. The use of local transactions or client
    acknowledgement is still not permitted. Parameters may be specified
    when creating the Session or JMSContext to specify whether the
    acknowledgement mode should be AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or
    DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. If any other session parameter values are
    specified they will be ignored and an acknowledgement mode of

    The use of local transactions or client acknowledgement is not
    permitted in a Java EE web or EJB container even if there is no active
    JTA transaction because this would require applications to be written
    differently depending on whether there was a JTA transaction or not.

    The JMS API provides the following methods to create a session which
    allow the session to be defined using either the two parameters
    transacted and acknowledgeMode or by the single parameter
    sessionMode. If these methods are called in a Java EE web or EJB
    container then these parameters will be overridden as described above.

    [4 methods]

    It is recommended that applications that run in the Java EE web or EJB
    container create a session using the following method which does not
    specify a parameter:

    [1 method]

    The JMS API provides the following methods to create a JMSContext
    which allow the session to be defined using the single parameter
    sessionMode. If these methods are called in a Java EE web or EJB
    container then this parameter will be overridden as described above.

    [2 methods]

    The following method to create a JMSContext from an existing
    JMSContext is not permitted in a Java EE web or EJB container because
    it would create a second session on an existing connection, which is
    not permitted in a java EE web or EJB container.]

    [1 method]

    It is recommended that applications that run in the Java EE web or EJB
    container creates a JMSContext using one of the following methods
    which do not specify a sessionMode:

    [2 methods]

Replacement text:

    When an application creates a Session or JMSContext in a Java EE web
    or EJB container, and there is no active JTA transaction in progress,

     * If the session parameters specify that the session should be
     non-transacted with an acknowledgement mode of AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or
     DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE then the session will be non-transacted and messages
     will be acknowledged according to the specified acknowledgement mode.

     * If the session parameters specify that the session should be
     non-transacted with an acknowledgement mode of CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE then the
     JMS provider is recommended to ignore the specified parameters and instead
     provide a non-transacted, auto-acknowledged session. However the JMS
     provider may alternatively provide a non-transacted session with client

     * If the session parameters specify that the session should be transacted,
     then the JMS provider is recommended to ignore the specified parameters and
     instead provide a non-transacted, auto-acknowledged session. However the JMS
     provider may alternatively provide a local transacted session.

     * Applications running in a Java EE web or EJB container are recommended to
     specify no session parameters or to specify that the session be
     non-transacted with an acknowledgement mode of AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or

     * It is not recommended that applications specify client acknowledgement
     or a local transaction since applications may not be portable. Furthermore
     if the JMS provider does support the use of client acknowledgement
     and local transactions when there is no JTA transaction, the application
     would need to be written differently dependent on whether there was a JTA
     transaction or not.

Javadocs for Connection.html#createSession(boolean, int):

Existing text:

     In the Java EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA
     transaction in progress:

     * The argument transacted is ignored. The session will always be
     non-transacted, using one of the two acknowledgement modes

     * The argument acknowledgeMode is used to specify how messages
     received by this session will be acknowledged. The only permitted
     values in this case are Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE and
     may not be used. For a definition of the meaning of these
     acknowledgement modes see the links below.

Replacement text:

     In the Java EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA
     transaction in progress:

     * If transacted is set to false and acknowledgeMode is set to
     session will be non-transacted and messages will be acknowledged according
     to the value of sessionMode.

     * If transacted is set to false and acknowledgeMode is set to
     JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE then the JMS provider is recommended to
     ignore the specified parameters and instead provide a non-transacted,
     auto-acknowledged session. However the JMS provider may alternatively
     provide a non-transacted session with client acknowledgement.

     * If transacted is set to true, then the JMS provider is recommended to
     ignore the specified parameters and instead provide a non-transacted,
     auto-acknowledged session. However the JMS provider may alternatively
     provide a local transacted session.

     * Applications are recommended to set transacted to false and
     acknowledgeMode to JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or
     JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE since since applications which set
     transacted to false and set acknowledgeMode to
     JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, or which set transacted to true, may not be

Existing text:


     transacted - indicates whether the session will use a local transaction.
     If this method is called in the Java EE web or EJB container then this
     argument is ignored.

     acknowledgeMode - indicates how messages received by the session will be

     * If this method is called in a Java SE environment or in the Java EE
     application client container, the permitted values are

     * If this method is called in the Java EE web or EJB container when
     there is an active JTA transaction in progress then this argument is

     * If this method is called in the Java EE web or EJB container when
     there is no active JTA transaction in progress, the permitted values
     are Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. In this
     case Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE is not permitted.

Replacement text:


     transacted - indicates whether the session will use a local transaction,
     except in the cases described above when this value is ignored.

     acknowledgeMode - when transacted is false, indicates how messages received
     by the session will be acknowledged, except in the cases described above
     when this value is ignored.

Javadocs for Connection.html#createSession(int):

Existing text:

     In the Java EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA
     transaction in progress:

     * The argument acknowledgeMode must be set to either of
     Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. The session will
     be non-transacted and messages received by this session will be
     acknowledged automatically according to the value of acknowledgeMode. For
     a definition of the meaning of these acknowledgement modes see the links
     below. The values Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED and Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE
     may not be used.

Replacement text:

     In the Java EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA
     transaction in progress:

     * If sessionMode is set to JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or
     JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE then the session will be
     non-transacted and messages will be acknowledged according to the value
     of sessionMode.

     * If sessionMode is set to JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE then the JMS
     provider is recommended to ignore the specified parameter and instead
     provide a non-transacted, auto-acknowledged session. However the JMS
     provider may alternatively provide a non-transacted session with
     client acknowledgement.

     * If sessionMode is set to JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED, then the JMS
     provider is recommended to ignore the specified parameter and instead
     provide a non-transacted, auto-acknowledged session. However the JMS
     provider may alternatively provide a local transacted session.

     * Applications are recommended to use only the values
     since applications which use JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE or
     JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED may not be portable.

Existing text:


     sessionMode - indicates which of four possible session modes will be used.

     * If this method is called in a Java SE environment or in the Java EE
     application client container, the permitted values are

     * If this method is called in the Java EE web or EJB container when there
     is an active JTA transaction in progress then this argument is ignored.

     * If this method is called in the Java EE web or EJB container when there
     is no active JTA transaction in progress, the permitted values are
     Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. In this case
     the values Session.TRANSACTED and Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE are not permitted.

Replacement text:

     sessionMode - specifies the session mode that will be used, except in the
     cases described above when this value is ignored. Legal values are

Javadocs for ConnectionFactory.html.createContext(int):

Existing text:

     In the Java EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA
     transaction in progress:

     * The argument acknowledgeMode must be set to either of
     session will be non-transacted and messages received by this session
     will be acknowledged automatically according to the value of
     acknowledgeMode. For a definition of the meaning of these
     acknowledgement modes see the links below. The values
     not be used.

Replacement text:

     In the Java EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA
     transaction in progress:

     * If sessionMode is set to JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or
     JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE then the session will be
     non-transacted and messages will be acknowledged according to the value
     of sessionMode.

     * If sessionMode is set to JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE then the JMS
     provider is recommended to ignore the specified parameter and instead
     provide a non-transacted, auto-acknowledged session. However the JMS
     provider may alternatively provide a non-transacted session with
     client acknowledgement.

     * If sessionMode is set to JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED, then the JMS
     provider is recommended to ignore the specified parameter and instead
     provide a non-transacted, auto-acknowledged session. However the JMS
     provider may alternatively provide a local transacted session.

     * Applications are recommended to use only the values
     since applications which use JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE or
     JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED may not be portable.

Existing text:


     sessionMode - indicates which of four possible session modes will be used.

     * If this method is called in a Java SE environment or in the Java EE
     application client container, the permitted values are

     * If this method is called in the Java EE web or EJB container when there
     is an active JTA transaction in progress then this argument is ignored.

     * If this method is called in the Java EE web or EJB container when there
     is no active JTA transaction in progress, the permitted values are
     the values JMSContext.TRANSACTED and JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE are not

Replacement text:


     sessionMode - specifies the session mode that will be used, except in the
     cases described above when this value is ignored. Legal values are

Javadocs for ConnectionFactory.html.createContext(String, String, int):

Existing text:

     In the Java EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA
     transaction in progress:

     * The argument acknowledgeMode must be set to either of
     will be non-transacted and messages received by this session will be
     acknowledged automatically according to the value of acknowledgeMode.
     For a definition of the meaning of these acknowledgement modes see the
     links below. The values JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED and
     JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE may not be used.

Replacement text:

     In the Java EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA
     transaction in progress:

     * If sessionMode is set to JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or
     JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE then the session will be
     non-transacted and messages will be acknowledged according to the value
     of sessionMode.

     * If sessionMode is set to JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE then the JMS
     provider is recommended to ignore the specified parameter and instead
     provide a non-transacted, auto-acknowledged session. However the JMS
     provider may alternatively provide a non-transacted session with
     client acknowledgement.

     * If sessionMode is set to JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED, then the JMS
     provider is recommended to ignore the specified parameter and instead
     provide a non-transacted, auto-acknowledged session. However the JMS
     provider may alternatively provide a local transacted session.

     * Applications are recommended to use only the values
     since applications which use JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE or
     JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED may not be portable.

Existing text:


     userName - the caller's user name

     password - the caller's password

     sessionMode - indicates which of four possible session modes will be used.

     * If this method is called in a Java SE environment or in the Java EE
     application client container, the permitted values are

     * If this method is called in the Java EE web or EJB container when there
     is an active JTA transaction in progress then this argument is ignored.

     * If this method is called in the Java EE web or EJB container when there
     is no active JTA transaction in progress, the permitted values are
     case the values JMSContext.TRANSACTED and JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE
     are not permitted.

Replacement text:


     userName - the caller's user name

     password - the caller's password

     sessionMode - specifies the session mode that will be used, except in the
     cases described above when this value is ignored. Legal values are
