- [jax-rs-spec users] Concerns about the client-side exception hierarchy
- [jax-rs-spec users] No error conditions defined for get() in javadoc
- [jax-rs-spec users] Request interface duplicates MBRs, HttpHeaders and UriInfo
- [jsr339-experts] Add link header methods to RequestHeaders
- [jsr339-experts] Concerns about the client-side exception hierarchy
- [jsr339-experts] EDR Second Edition
- [jsr339-experts] Filters Poll and Second EDR
- [jsr339-experts] Heads-up: Proposed Request/Response API changes as part of the fix for #JAX_RS_SPEC-152
- [jsr339-experts] make _at_Context optional?
- [jsr339-experts] MultivaluedHashMap
- [jsr339-experts] No error conditions defined for get() in javadoc
- [jsr339-experts] Open questions on JSR 330 support
- [jsr339-experts] Request/Response.getEntity(...) and Request/ResponseBuilder.entity(...) should take annotations array argument
- [jsr339-experts] Response.close() required?
- [jsr339-experts] Target Configuration initialization
- [jsr339-experts] type information within Entity class
- [jsr339-experts] UriBuilder should have similar methods as Target
- Fwd: Last Call: <draft-gregorio-uritemplate-07.txt> (URI Template) to Proposed Standard
- lets remove Client.Builder, and ClientFactoryBuilder please
- MultivaluedHashMap
- No error conditions defined for get() in javadoc
- Open questions on JSR 330 support
- Request interface duplicates MBRs, HttpHeaders and UriInfo
- Request/Response.getEntity(...) and Request/ResponseBuilder.entity(...) should take annotations array argument
- Response.close() required?
- type information within Entity class