- (JMS_SPEC-109) add method Destination.getName()
- (JMS_SPEC-112) add Message.getJMSDeliveryCount()
- (JMS_SPEC-25) Standardise the interface between a JMS provider and a Java EE application server
- (JMS_SPEC-69) Clarify that QueueRequestor and TopicRequestor only work in a non-transacted session with auto or dups-ok ack
- (JMS_SPEC-73) Define how messages from a topic are delivered to clustered application server instances
- (JMS_SPEC-94) Define what characters are valid in a durable (or shared subscription) name
- (JMS_SPEC-96 & 97) Define Java EE connection factory and destination definition annotations and descriptor elements
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] (JMS_SPEC-108) add generics to methods currently returning raw types
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] (JMS_SPEC-109) add method Destination.getName()
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] (JMS_SPEC-112) add Message.getJMSDeliveryCount()
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] AUTO: Matthew White/UK/IBM is out of the office sick (returning 28/01/2013)
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] JMS 2.0 late change: Activation property subscriptionScope
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] JMS 2.0 Late update: JMSProducer.getPropertyNames()
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] JMS 2.0 Public Draft is now published
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Late change: A.2.1 Simplified API: Injecting a JMSContext
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Late change: A.3.1 Delivery delay (Issue 1: relationship to topic subscriptions)
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Late change: A.3.1 Delivery delay (Issue 2: behaviour of QueueBrowser)
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Late change: A.3.2 Meaning of noLocal with shared topic subscriptions
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Late change: Drop maxIdleTime from <jms-connection-factory> and JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition
- [jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Late issue: Calling MessageConsumer#close from onMessage
- [jms-spec users] FasoJUG join effort of "Adopt JSR #343"
- [jms-spec users] JMSException#getCause()
- [jms-spec users] JMSProducer#getProperyNames()
- [jms-spec users] Make TemporaryQueue/Topic AutoCloseable?
- [jsr343-experts] Late change: A.3.1 Delivery delay (Issue 1: relationship to topic subscriptions)
- [jsr343-experts] Late change: A.3.2 Meaning of noLocal with shared topic subscriptions
- FasoJUG join effort of "Adopt JSR #343"
- JMS 2.0 late change: Activation property subscriptionScope
- JMS 2.0 Late update: JMSProducer.getPropertyNames()
- JMS 2.0 Public Draft is now published
- JMSException#getCause()
- JMSProducer#getProperyNames()
- Late change: A.2.1 Simplified API: Injecting a JMSContext
- Late change: A.3.1 Delivery delay (Issue 1: relationship to topic subscriptions)
- Late change: A.3.1 Delivery delay (Issue 2: behaviour of QueueBrowser)
- Late change: A.3.2 Meaning of noLocal with shared topic subscriptions
- Late change: Drop maxIdleTime from <jms-connection-factory> and JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition
- Late issue: Calling MessageConsumer#close from onMessage
- Make TemporaryQueue/Topic AutoCloseable?
- Singleton MDB?