- 4.0 Change Request
- 4.0 Change Request & pom.xml changes for uptake of Weld 2.0.0.CR3
- 4.0 Change Request & pom.xml review
- 4.0 Change Request (& pom.xml changes)
- [Ask/Help]About glassfish-jar packaging
- [Asking]About EclipseLink Weaving
- [Asking]About META-INF/hk2-locator/default
- [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: cloudlogic-trunk-build-dev-jdk6 #2429
- [QL TESTS] Not all of the QL tests can be passed on the Mac OS platform
- A question about EJB Invocation
- ACTION REQUIRED: EE7 GF4.0 open bugs
- can't start GF with the recently updated workspace
- cannot commit
- Change for 4.0
- Change for 4.0 (and pom.xml review for fix)
- Commit messages
- console
- copyright (year) / comments changes doesn't need approval
- Diff for 18235
- Error in building the Glassfish project
- fighterfish it test result using httpclient lib
- Findbugs exception
- FindBugs progress - 4/9/2013
- FindBugs SUCCESS - 4/23/2013
- Fwd: 4.0 Change Request
- global setting
- https://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-20366
- java EE descriptors vs GF specific descriptors
- NPE processing config bean changes
- Performance tip of the day: config bean attribute access
- please review nucleus/pom.xml changes for Jersey 2.0 integration
- Please review pom.xml changes for JSON Processing integration
- pom and osgi.bundle review request
- pom change
- pom change review
- pom change review - WebSocket API 1.0 and Tyrus 1.0-rc4 integration
- pom change review - WebSocket API 1.0-rc3 and Tyrus 1.0-rc1 integration
- POM Changes Review: add nucleus/security/services-l10n module
- POM Changes Review: main-docs-l10n integration
- pom review
- pom review request
- pom review request to integrate EL 3.0 final release
- POM Review Request: l10n docs
- pom.xml change for maven-embedded-glassfish-plugin
- pom.xml change for review
- pom.xml changes for integrating b25 batch jars
- pom.xml changes to integrate b23 batch jars
- pom.xml changes to integrate b24 batch jars
- pom.xml review
- pom.xml review request
- pom.xml review request (GLASSFISH-19732)
- pom.xml review request - final JavaMail 1.5.0 integration
- pom.xml review request for EclipseLink update
- pox.ml change for javax.servlet-api
- Request to check fix for http://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-20151 - Hudson Windows build issue
- Requested change for 4.0
- RESEND: Pom Review
- Resending: pom.xml review
- review request: main/nucleus/pom.xml
- Review:pom.xml changes and new pom.xml for new webTier Provider OHS.
- svn troubles
- unresolved dependencies caused multiple failures on the latest ejb devtests run against web.zip