From: Hong Zhang <>
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2013 09:19:53 -0400

Hi, Jeremy
    Thanks for looking into this! I usually run the deployment dev tests
on Linux box so I did not see this issue before. It will be great if you
can fix the issue that you are seeing so the deployment dev tests can be
run successfully on all platforms. Please make sure the deployment dev
tests can be run on windows platform as well as another platform before
you commit the change.


- Hong

On 4/2/2013 10:36 PM, lvsongping wrote:
> Hi, Hong:
> When I run the dev tests related to the deployment, I find the dev
> tests can't be executed successfully when it run in the windows platform.
> Here's some useful messages:
> start-process-windows:
> E:\GF_MAIN\appserv-tests\devtests\deployment\config\common.xml:825:
> The followin
> g error occurred while executing this line:
> E:\GF_MAIN\appserv-tests\devtests\deployment\config\common.xml:1011:
> The followi
> ng error occurred while executing this line:
> E:\GF_MAIN\appserv-tests\devtests\deployment\config\common.xml:1291:
> The followi
> ng error occurred while executing this line:
> E:\GF_MAIN\appserv-tests\devtests\deployment\config\common.xml:1303:
> taskdef cla
> ss SpawnTask cannot be found
> So I have tried to find the SpawnTask and found the address is not
> correct. So I have changed the classpath from
> "${env.APS_HOME}/modules" to "${env.APS_HOME}/lib"
> I will check to see whether the dev tests can be run successfully at
> the windows platform.
> Thanks
> Jeremy