On 04/26/2013 12:38 PM, Amy Roh wrote:
> If I start the domain with default domain.xml (no change to the
> domain.xml <virtual-server id="__asadmin"
> network-listeners="admin-listener"></virtual-server>),
> I see http://localhost:4848 -> GF index.html (INCORRECT)
> Also, I cannot stop the domain using asadmin stop-domain with
> "glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1 is not running" although I see
> the process running.
I am seeing that as well and plan to look into that once the other issue
(no redirect) is happening.
> Is this what you are observing? Do you know what admin console is
> "loaded" but does not get redirected to admin console page?
It is, and I was hoping you know why. :)
Jason Lee
Principal Member of Technical Staff
GlassFish Team
Oracle Corporation
Phone +1 405-216-3193
Blog http://blogs.steeplesoft.com