- Annotation Param: Using external enumerations as value
- Annotation: Parameter and public static final field
- Anonymous classes
- any help about codemodel
- Arrays?
- Assert statements
- Case label using enum values
- Codemodel forked
- Codemodel further develoment
- Create model from source file
- Do you know?
- Feature update request: "_elseif"
- Generating javadoc
- Generics
- how to add import statements
- How to create a method call with "generic binding"
- How to create an abstract class?
- https://github.com/UnquietCode/JCodeModel
- if/else if/else enhancements
- Imports missing for Inner classes
- Is CodeModel compatible with an Apache 2 licensed project ?
- Is it possible to obtain a JDefinedClass from a java.lang.Class
- is now live
- Issues 2 & 3 fixed
- JAnnotationUse
- java.net.codemodel has been migrated to GitHub and groups.io discussion service
- JTypeWildcard#getBound
- method invoke with type parameter
- modifying existing classes
- Nested Annotations in Codemodel
- New developer. Some thoughts on test suite.
- possible bug in com.sun.codemodel.JDefinedClass.field(int, JType, String, JExpression) v2.4
- PrintStream?
- Re-Post: Finer grained controll over the code model.
- Specifying type for Generic classes...
- static import
- Static initialization block?
- Where is JInvocation#getArgs()
- Which project should we report issues to?
- Last message date: Wed May 10 17:13:30 2017
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 14:53:17 2017 PDT