Hi all,
First of all I want to say that your project helped me a lot. Big thanks!
At the beginning I struggled a while with API but finally I figured out how
it works. Then I stacked at if/elseif/else statement. Either I don't really
understand how to use it or there is a bug. It would be great if you
consider changing/enhancing original JConditional implementation. In order
to workaround this problem I had to write my own JConditionalExt class -
see below.
package com.sun.codemodel;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* Usage:
* JConditionalFix i = JConditionalFix._if( JExpr.ref("if_condition") );
* method.body().add(i);
* i._then().add( JExpr.invoke("if_body") );
* i._elseif(JExpr.ref("else_if_condition_1"))._then().add(
JExpr.invoke("else_if_body_1") );
* i._elseif(JExpr.ref("else_if_condition_2"))._then().add(
JExpr.invoke("else_if_body_2") );
* i._else().add( JExpr.invoke("else_body") );
* @author p.halicz
public class JConditionalFix implements JStatement {
public JConditionalFix _if = null;
private LinkedList<JConditionalFix> _elseList = new
* JExpression to test - can be null for else statement.
private JExpression test = null;
* JBlock of statement.
private JBlock _then = new JBlock();
* Constructor
* @param test JExpression
JConditionalFix(JConditionalFix _if, JExpression test) {
this._if = _if;
this.test = test;
* Creates new if/elseif/.../else statement.
* @param test JExpression
* @return
public static JConditionalFix _if(JExpression test){
return new JConditionalFix(null, test);
* Return the statement block
* @return Then block
public JBlock _then() {
return _then;
private JConditionalFix getIf() {
if( this._if != null ){
return this._if;
} else {
return this;
* Throws runtime exception when closing else statement already exists.
* @return
private void checkAdd() {
if( getIf()._elseList.size() == 0 ){
JConditionalFix lastElse = getIf()._elseList.getLast();
if( lastElse._if == null ){
throw new RuntimeException("else statement already exists");
* Create a block to be executed by "else" branch
* @return Newly generated else block
public JBlock _else() {
JConditionalFix el = new JConditionalFix(this, null);
getIf()._elseList.addLast( el );
return el._then();
* Creates <tt>... else if(...) ...</tt> code.
public JConditionalFix _elseif(JExpression test) {
JConditionalFix el = new JConditionalFix(this, test);
getIf()._elseList.addLast( el );
return el;
private boolean isIf(){
return _if == null;
private boolean isElseIf(){
return _if != null && test != null ;
public void state(JFormatter f) {
if( isIf() ){
for( JConditionalFix el : _elseList ){
} else if( isElseIf() ){
} else {
private void stateElse(JFormatter f) {
f.p(" else ").g(_then);
private void stateElseIf(JFormatter f) {
if (JOp.hasTopOp(test)) {
f.p(" else if ").g(test);
} else {
f.p(" else if (").g(test).p(')');
private void stateIf(JFormatter f) {
if (JOp.hasTopOp(test)) {
f.p("if ").g(test);
} else {
f.p("if (").g(test).p(')');
Best Regards
Paweł Halicz