Long Page and Overview Template

Last Updated 06.18.02

General Description

A long page is an extension of a 1 Page Object Template. The page is used to display an object's contents and may vertically scroll, so Quick Links are used at the top to define the sections within the page. An overview page may be a 1 Page Object Template or the first section within a multi-sectioned object template such as an Object Template with Side Navigation or SubTabs. The Overview Page displays aggregate information regarding an object where the user can either drill for details and updating per section within the 1 page, or navigate to other sections via the side nav or subtab if the object is divided into multiple pages.

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Betsy Nute
UI Models - Step by Step Model, Worksheet Model
Example Products - HR modules, some Financial Modules, CRM
Related Guidelines - Step by Step Page Templates, Object Templates, 1 Page Object Template, 2 Page Object Template, Quick Links

Interaction and Usage Specifications

General Principles

Common Components in a Long Page Template and/or Overview Page

Visual Specifications

Long Page Template Example
Below is a generic version of a long page template. See individual components for exact details of behaviors and usages of the individual components.

Overview Page Template Example
Below is a generic version of an Overview page template.

Open/Closed Issues