Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Uses of Class

Packages that use JboException
oracle.adf.model.binding Contains the abstract implementation of ADFm binding objects. 
oracle.jbo Contains interfaces for client-side applications. 
oracle.jbo.common Contains the implementation of components shared by thin clients and the middle tier. 
oracle.jbo.rules Contains sample validation beans. 
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 
oracle.jbo.server.rules Contains sample validation beans. 
oracle.jbo.uicli.binding Contains JClient classes that handle interaction with BC4J objects for various JClient bindings. 

Uses of JboException in oracle.adf.model.binding

Methods in oracle.adf.model.binding that return JboException
 JboException DCIteratorBinding.getError()
protected  JboException DCControlBinding.getError()
          Primarily for spel support.

Methods in oracle.adf.model.binding with parameters of type JboException
 void DCIteratorBinding.processInputException(JboException errExc)
protected  void DCControlBinding.addToDCExceptions(JboException e)
 void DCBindingContainer.processException(JboException ex)
          Matches a control-binding with the exception or one of it's detail exceptions if the exception or one of it's detail excpetions is an AttrValException and the control-binding is bound to that attribute.
 void DCBindingContainer.cacheException(JboException ex)

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo

Subclasses of JboException in oracle.jbo
 class AfterCommitException
          Indicates failure during the after-commit phase of the transaction cycle.
 class AfterPostException
          Indicates failure during the after-post phase of the transaction cycle.
 class AfterRollbackException
          Indicates failure during the after-rollback phase of the transaction cycle.
 class AlreadyConnectedException
          An attempt was made to call connect() on a Transaction which is already connected to database.
 class AlreadyLockedException
          Indicates failure while attempting to lock a row because another user locked the row.
 class ApplicationModuleCreateException
          Indicates failure that an Application Module could not be created.
 class AttributeLoadException
          Thrown when a value from a JDBC result set cannot be converted into a java type and loaded into an attribute.
 class AttributeReadXMLException
          Thrown when reading an xml document fails for a RowSet or a Row.
 class AttrSetValException
          Indicates n failed attempt to set an attribute value.
 class AttrValException
          Indicates a attribute validation error.
 class BatchDMLException
          Indicates a failure to post data to a database.
 class CustomClassNotFoundException
          Indicates a failure to find the named custom component/definition/row class.
 class DeadEntityAccessException
          Indicates that a requested object could not be found.
 class DeadViewRowAccessException
          Indicates that a requested object could not be found.
 class DefinitionChangedException
          Thrown when the evaluation of a SQL statement fails.
 class DMLConstraintException
          Indicates a failure to post data to a database.
 class DMLException
          Indicates a failure to post data to a database.
 class InvalidAttrKindException
          Indicates that data access failed because an unknown attribute type was encountered.
 class InvalidDefNameException
          Indicates that an attempt has been made to associate a definition name with a type for which it is not valid.
 class InvalidObjAccessException
          Indicates that an attempt has been made to associate an object with a type for which it is not valid.
 class InvalidObjNameException
          Indicates that an attempt has been made to associate an object with a type for which it is not valid.
 class InvalidOperException
          Indicates an operation failure.
 class InvalidOwnerException
          Indicates that an attempt has been made to associate an object with an entity not its owner.
 class InvalidParamException
          Indicates that an attempt has been made to pass an parameter of an invalid type to a method.
 class JboSerializationException
          Thrown when an attempt to create a row fails.
 class KeyNotFoundException
          This exception is thrown while initializing the definition of an entity object to indicate that the entity object has no primary key attribute.
 class NameClashException
          Indicates that an attempt has been made to use a name that is already defined.
 class NoDefException
          Indicates that an attempt has been made to use a nonextistant definition.
 class NoObjException
          Indicates that a named object does not exist.
 class NotConnectedException
          Indicates that the Application Module is not connected to a database.
 class NoXMLFileException
          Indicates that an XML file could not be found for a container.
 class PCollException
 class PersistenceException
          Indicates an error while loading XML files at Runtime.
 class PiggybackException
          Indicates a failure while reading/writing piggyback.
 class ReadOnlyAttrException
          Indicates an attempt to modify a read-only attribute.
 class ReadOnlyViewObjectException
          Thrown when the application attempts to perform a data update operation on a read-only view object.
 class ReadXMLException
          Thrown when reading an xml document fails for a RowSet or a Row.
 class RemoveWithDetailsException
          Thrown when the application attempts to remove an Entity Object that is a composition association and has detail (children) Entity Objects.
 class RowAlreadyDeletedException
          Thrown when the requested row is not found in the the database perhaps it has been already deleted after the row was initially queried.
 class RowCreateException
          Thrown when an attempt to create a row fails.
 class RowDMLException
          Indicates a failure to post data to a database.
 class RowInconsistentException
          Thrown if inconsist data is detected when locking a row.
 class RowNotAvailableException
          Thrown when the requested row is not available.
 class RowNotFoundException
          Thrown when the requested row is not found.
 class RowReadXMLException
          Thrown when reading an xml document fails for a RowSet or a Row.
 class RowValException
          Indicates that validation of a business object has failed.
 class SQLDatumException
          Indicates a failure to get/set data from SQL datum.
 class SQLStmtException
          Thrown when the evaluation of a SQL statement fails.
 class TooManyObjectsException
          Thrown when more objects than expected are found.
 class TxnValException
          Thrown when reading an xml document fails for a RowSet or a Row.
 class UpdateAttrPrivilegeException
          Indicates an attempt to modify a read-only attribute.
 class ValidationException
          Indicates a validation failure.
 class VariantException
 class ViewLinkAlreadyExistsException
          Thrown if a view link already exists between the source and destination view object.

Methods in oracle.jbo that return JboException
 JboException ApplicationPoolSvcMsgContext.getAuthException()

Methods in oracle.jbo with parameters of type JboException
 void ApplicationPoolSvcMsgContext.setAuthException(JboException ex)

Constructors in oracle.jbo with parameters of type JboException
JboException(java.lang.Class resBundleClass, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.Object[] params, JboException[] exceptions)
          Creates a translatable exception.

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.client

Methods in oracle.jbo.client that throw JboException
 void Configuration.loadFromStream( in)
          Build a Configuration class using the input stream on the config file.
 void Configuration.loadFromReader( reader)
 void Configuration.loadFromFile(java.lang.String configurationFileName)
 void Configuration.loadFromClassPath(java.lang.String classPathConfigurationFileName)
          Pass the name of the Configuration file.
 java.util.Hashtable Configuration.getConfiguration(java.lang.String configName)
          Get the list of properties for a given Configuration.
 void Configuration.getConfiguration(java.lang.String configName, java.util.Hashtable env)
 java.lang.String[] Configuration.getConfigurationNameList()
          Get the list of 'named' Configuration defined in this file.
protected  XMLDocument Configuration.getXMLDocument( inputStream)
protected  XMLDocument Configuration.getXMLDocument( reader)
protected  void Configuration.registerConnectionsFromDocument()

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.client.remote

Methods in oracle.jbo.client.remote with parameters of type JboException
 void ApplicationModuleImpl.processJboException(JboException ex)
 void AbstractAppModuleRequestHandler.processJboException(JboException ex)

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.client.remote.corba

Methods in oracle.jbo.client.remote.corba that throw JboException
 void CORBAApplicationModuleImpl.processRemoteJboException(oracle.jbo.common.remote.corba.RemoteJboException rEx)

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.client.remote.ejb

Methods in oracle.jbo.client.remote.ejb that throw JboException
protected  java.lang.Object RootApplicationModuleImpl.invokeMethod(RequestParams target, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String[] argTypes, java.lang.Object[] args)
 void RootApplicationModuleImpl.processRemoteJboException(oracle.jbo.common.remote.ejb.RemoteJboException ex)
 void RootApplicationModuleImpl.processRemoteJboException(java.rmi.RemoteException re)
static ApplicationModule ApplicationModuleProxy.create(javax.ejb.EJBHome home, java.util.Hashtable sessionEnv)

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.common

Subclasses of JboException in oracle.jbo.common
 class JboAssert
          Indicates that an ASSERT() statement has failed.
 class JboExMsgCarrier
 class JboUnexpectedException
          Indicates an unspecified fatal error.
 class UnknownSQLTypeException
          Indicates that an attempt has been made to use a unknown or unimplemented SQL data type.

Methods in oracle.jbo.common that throw JboException
static JBOClass.loadResource(java.lang.String name)

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.common.ampool

Subclasses of JboException in oracle.jbo.common.ampool
 class ApplicationPoolException

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.domain

Subclasses of JboException in oracle.jbo.domain
 class DataCreationException
          Indicates that a Domain object could not be created.
 class DomainValidationException
          Indicates that a Domain object cannot be created because validation has failed.
 class GenericDomainException
          Thrown when creation of Domain objects fails.

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.rules

Methods in oracle.jbo.rules that throw JboException
 boolean JboMethodValidator.validateValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Validate an object by passing it to the validation method.

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.server

Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type JboException
protected  void ViewRowImpl.registerAttributeException(AttributeDef attrDef, java.lang.Object val, JboException dce)
protected abstract  void RowImpl.registerAttributeException(AttributeDef attrDef, java.lang.Object val, JboException ex)
protected  void RowImpl.registerRowException(JboException e)
protected  void EntityImpl.registerAttributeException(AttributeDef attrDef, java.lang.Object val, JboException ex)

Methods in oracle.jbo.server that throw JboException
 void ValidationManager.validate()
          Implements validation logic for this object and invokes validate() for each validation listener.
 void ValidationListener.validate()
          Validates this object.
static JbiValidator ValidationBeanLoader.load(java.lang.String domainName)
 javax.sql.DataSource SQLBuilder.lookupDataSource(java.lang.String nsUrl, java.lang.String nsUser, java.lang.String nsPasswd, java.lang.String dataSourceName)
 javax.sql.DataSource OracleSQLBuilderImpl.lookupDataSource(java.lang.String nsUrl, java.lang.String nsUser, java.lang.String nsPasswd, java.lang.String dataSourceName)
 void JboPrecisionScaleValidator.vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evObj)
          Validates an Entity Object by invoking validateValue().
 void EntityImpl.validate()
          Validate this Entity Object.
 javax.sql.DataSource BaseSQLBuilderImpl.lookupDataSource(java.lang.String nsUrl, java.lang.String nsUser, java.lang.String nsPasswd, java.lang.String dataSourceName)

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.server.ejb

Methods in oracle.jbo.server.ejb that throw JboException
protected  void StatelessSessionBeanImpl.acquireResources()
protected  void StatelessSessionBeanImpl.commit()
protected  void StatelessSessionBeanImpl.releaseResources()
 void StatefulSessionBeanImpl.beginTransaction()
          If the bean is managing the transaction, starts the bean transaction using the javax.transaction.UserTransaction interface and acquires the jdbc connection from the datasource.
 void StatefulSessionBeanImpl.commitTransaction()
          Posts the changes in bc4j cache, commits the transaction associated with the bean and then releases the jdbc connection.
 void StatefulSessionBeanImpl.rollbackTransaction()
          Rollbacks the changes in bc4j cache, rollbacks the transaction associated with the bean and then release the jdbc connection.
protected  void SessionBeanImpl.connectToDataSource()
          Convenenince method for acquiring the jdbc connection from the dataSource name specified in useDataSource.
protected  void SessionBeanImpl.disconnectFromDataSource()
          Releases the jdbc connection by acquired by #connectToDataSource().
 void ContainerManagedTxnHandlerImpl.afterBegin()
 void ContainerManagedTxnHandlerImpl.beforeCompletion()
 void ContainerManagedTxnHandlerImpl.afterCompletion(boolean committed)

Uses of JboException in

Methods in that throw JboException
protected  void ContainerManagedServiceBeanBase.postChanges()
          Posts the changes to the database when the transaction is about to be completed.
 void BeanManagedServiceBean.commitTransaction()
          Posts the changes in bc4j cache, commits the transaction associated with the bean and then releases the jdbc connection.
 void BeanManagedServiceBean.rollbackTransaction()
          Rollbacks the changes in bc4j cache, rollbacks the transaction associated with the bean and then release the jdbc connection.

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.server.remote

Methods in oracle.jbo.server.remote with parameters of type JboException
 void PiggybackManager.cleanUpServiceMessage(JboException ex)

Methods in oracle.jbo.server.remote that throw JboException
 java.lang.Object AbstractRemoteApplicationModuleImpl.dispatchMethod(java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String[] argTypes, java.lang.Object[] args)

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.server.rules

Methods in oracle.jbo.server.rules that throw JboException
 boolean JboMethodValidator.validateValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Validate an object by passing it to the validation method.
 void JboGenericValidator.vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evObj)
          Invokes validateValue() on a value contained in a constrained property.
 void JboBaseValidator.vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evObj)
          Invokes validateValue() on a value contained in a constrained property.

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.server.util

Methods in oracle.jbo.server.util that throw JboException
 void VetoableChangeListener.vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent p0)

Uses of JboException in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding

Methods in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding that return JboException
 JboException JUCtrlValueBinding.getError()
          Primarily for spel support.
 JboException JUCtrlActionBinding.getError()
          Primarily for spel support.

Methods in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding with parameters of type JboException
protected  void JUCtrlValueBinding.setError(JboException vex, java.lang.Object value)

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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