Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Class DCControlBinding

  extended byjava.util.AbstractMap
      extended byoracle.jbo.common.JboAbstractMap
          extended byoracle.adf.model.binding.DCControlBinding
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DCControlBinding
extends JboAbstractMap

The base class for all binding objects in the ADF framework that bind a View control/model to an object or an attribute of an object in a DataControl. This class manages:

This class also implements helper methods to access DataProvider objects like the DataProvider object itself, the current Application Module, the ViewObject or the DataProvider object that this control binding is working with, the current RowIterator, the current Row in the iterator that this control binding is associated with.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class java.util.Map
Field Summary
static java.lang.String ATTR_CURRENTROW
static java.lang.String ATTR_DEF
static java.lang.String ATTR_ERROR
static java.lang.String ATTR_ERRORS
static java.lang.String ATTR_FULLNAME
static java.lang.String ATTR_ITER
static java.lang.String ATTR_NAME
protected  boolean mInternalGet_KeyResolved
static java.lang.String ROW_KEY_STR
Constructor Summary
protected DCControlBinding()
  DCControlBinding(java.lang.Object control, DCIteratorBinding iterBinding)
          Constructor used in the framework to pass in the Swing control and the Iterator Binding with which this binding object works to get it's data.
Method Summary
abstract  void addControlToPanel(java.lang.Object panel, java.lang.Object layoutObject, java.lang.Object layoutCons)
protected  void addToDCExceptions(JboException e)
 void executeQuery()
          Calls DCIteratorBinding.executeQuery which in turn executes the query to repopulate the rows for the RowSet with which this control is working.
 void executeQueryIfNeeded()
          Calls DCIteratorBinding.executeQueryIfNeeded which in turn executes the query to repopulate the rows for the RowSet with which this control is working, if it is not already executed.
 java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object keyObj)
 Row[] getAllRowsInRange()
          Returns the rows in current range in the RowIterator with which this control binding is working.
 ApplicationModule getApplicationModule()
          Returns the Application Module to which this control's ViewObject belongs.
 DCBindingContainer getBindingContainer()
          Returns the form binding object that this control binding is part of.
 java.lang.Object getControl()
          Gets the associated View (Swing) control.
 java.lang.Object getControlModel(java.lang.Object control)
          Gets the associated View's model object.
 Row getCurrentRow()
          Returns the current row for which this control is displaying data.
 DCIteratorBinding getDCIteratorBinding()
          Returns the iterator binding with which this control binding is associated to get it's data.
 DCControlBindingDef getDef()
 java.lang.String getDefFullName()
 java.lang.String getDefName()
protected  JboException getError()
          Primarily for spel support.
protected  java.util.List getErrors()
          Primarily for spel support.
 java.lang.String getFullName()
 java.lang.Object getLayoutObject()
 java.lang.String getName()
 Row getRowAtRangeIndex(int rangeIndex)
          Returns the row of given range index.
 RowIterator getRowIterator()
          Returns the current RowIterator with which this control binding is working.
 Transaction getTransaction()
          Returns the Transaction object for the current BC4J session.
 ViewObject getViewObject()
          Returns the ViewObject for which this control is displaying data.
 int hashCode()
protected  java.lang.Object internalGet(java.lang.String key)
          Subclasses should override this to handle a specific key.
protected  void internalSetName(java.lang.String name)
protected  boolean isControlQueriable()
          Returns true if this control can participate in find form.
protected  boolean needsEstimatedRowCount()
protected  void processInputException(ValidationException vex)
abstract  void refreshControl()
          Updates the values in a control that is bound using an Iterator already in use.
protected  void release(int flags)
protected  void removeFromDCExceptions()
 void reportException(java.lang.Exception ex)
          Report the given exception via the containing BindingContainer object.
protected  void resetAttributeExceptionInRow(Row row, AttributeDef def, AttrValException ave)
protected abstract  void resetInputState()
          Resets any exceptions and client-side values that this binding may hold.
 void setBindingContainer(DCBindingContainer formBnd)
 void setControl(java.lang.Object control)
          Sets the associated Swing control.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.JboAbstractMap
entrySet, equals
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractMap
clear, clone, containsKey, containsValue, isEmpty, keySet, put, putAll, remove, size, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String ROW_KEY_STR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_ITER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_DEF
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_ERROR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_ERRORS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_FULLNAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_CURRENTROW
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected boolean mInternalGet_KeyResolved
Constructor Detail


protected DCControlBinding()


public DCControlBinding(java.lang.Object control,
                        DCIteratorBinding iterBinding)
Constructor used in the framework to pass in the Swing control and the Iterator Binding with which this binding object works to get it's data.

Method Detail


public abstract void addControlToPanel(java.lang.Object panel,
                                       java.lang.Object layoutObject,
                                       java.lang.Object layoutCons)


public final java.lang.String getName()


protected void internalSetName(java.lang.String name)


public void setName(java.lang.String name)


public final java.lang.String getFullName()


public java.lang.String getDefName()


public java.lang.String getDefFullName()


public void reportException(java.lang.Exception ex)
Report the given exception via the containing BindingContainer object.


public final DCBindingContainer getBindingContainer()
Returns the form binding object that this control binding is part of.


public void setBindingContainer(DCBindingContainer formBnd)


public final DCControlBindingDef getDef()


public final DCIteratorBinding getDCIteratorBinding()
Returns the iterator binding with which this control binding is associated to get it's data.


public Transaction getTransaction()
Returns the Transaction object for the current BC4J session.


public ApplicationModule getApplicationModule()
Returns the Application Module to which this control's ViewObject belongs. Returns null in case of non-bc4j bound DataControls.


public ViewObject getViewObject()
Returns the ViewObject for which this control is displaying data. Returns null in case of non-bc4j bound data-controls.


public RowIterator getRowIterator()
Returns the current RowIterator with which this control binding is working. This will return an instance of ViewCriteria object if the associated IteratorBinding is in find mode. Otherwise, it returns an instance of RowSetIterator.


public void executeQuery()
Calls DCIteratorBinding.executeQuery which in turn executes the query to repopulate the rows for the RowSet with which this control is working.


public void executeQueryIfNeeded()
Calls DCIteratorBinding.executeQueryIfNeeded which in turn executes the query to repopulate the rows for the RowSet with which this control is working, if it is not already executed.


public Row getCurrentRow()
Returns the current row for which this control is displaying data. In find mode, this will return an instance of ViewCriteriaRow, whereas in data mode it returns a Row object. This method should be used to get the current Row to which this control is bound in order to perform any validations on the control-value or data stored in the row.


public Row getRowAtRangeIndex(int rangeIndex)
Returns the row of given range index.

rangeIndex - range index of the row.


public Row[] getAllRowsInRange()
Returns the rows in current range in the RowIterator with which this control binding is working.


public java.lang.Object getControl()
Gets the associated View (Swing) control.


public java.lang.Object getControlModel(java.lang.Object control)
Gets the associated View's model object. By default return this binding object. If subclasses have their own View models that work with like say ButtonModel for JUButtonBinding, then return that.

This method is primarily for use by the generated binding calls so that it returns a proper 'typed' model object for that binding type and control combination.


public void setControl(java.lang.Object control)
Sets the associated Swing control.


public java.lang.Object getLayoutObject()


protected boolean isControlQueriable()
Returns true if this control can participate in find form. Note that some controls like ProgressBar cannot participate in a find form as they do no accept user inputs. By default this method returns false and it's up to the individual control bindings to determine whether they can participate in a find mode.


protected JboException getError()
Primarily for spel support. Returns cached exception for some bindings.

Returns exception that occured on last setInputValue


protected java.util.List getErrors()
Primarily for spel support. Returns cached exceptions for some bindings.

Returns a list of exceptions that occured on last setInputValue


protected void processInputException(ValidationException vex)


protected abstract void resetInputState()
Resets any exceptions and client-side values that this binding may hold. This is used by control-bindings to reset their state before refreshing values from the MT.


public abstract void refreshControl()
Updates the values in a control that is bound using an Iterator already in use. (a valid row iterator) If you do not call this method, your control won't update unless you refresh the Iterator.


protected void release(int flags)


protected boolean needsEstimatedRowCount()


protected void removeFromDCExceptions()


protected void resetAttributeExceptionInRow(Row row,
                                            AttributeDef def,
                                            AttrValException ave)


protected void addToDCExceptions(JboException e)


public final java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object keyObj)
Specified by:
get in interface java.util.Map
get in class JboAbstractMap
See Also:
for valid keyObj values


protected java.lang.Object internalGet(java.lang.String key)
Subclasses should override this to handle a specific key. If they do find the key valid, they should also set the mInternalGet_KeyResolved to 'true' so that bean-introspection is not done for valid null-value returns from the internalGet() call.

Properties returned vis getter on this control bindings are:

  • def - returns getDef()
  • error - returns getError()
  • errors - returns getErrors()
  • fullName - returns getFullName()
  • name - returns getName()
  • currentRow - returns getCurrentRow()
  • iteratorBinding - returns getDCIteratorBinding()
  • rowKeyStr - returns String format of the current row's key
  • Overrides:
    internalGet in class JboAbstractMap


    public int hashCode()
    Specified by:
    hashCode in interface java.util.Map
    hashCode in class JboAbstractMap


    public java.lang.String toString()

    Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


    Copyright © 1997, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.