Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Package oracle.adf.model.binding

Contains the abstract implementation of ADFm binding objects.


Interface Summary
DCBindingContainerValidationListener Implemented by classes that are interested in performing typically lightweight, client-side validation for an attribute, a row, or the whole transaction.
DCDataControlManagement INTERNAL USE ONLY.
DCErrorHandler Implements reporting of all ADF exceptions raised in the context of a DCBindingContainer.
DCStatusBarInterface Implements status messages based on the current focus, current iterator, and current display mode of a DCPanel.
DCTransactionStateListener Implemented by controls/classes that need to react to a change in a transaction's state.

Class Summary
DCBindingContainer Corresponds to a Swing JFrame or a JSP Page instance and manages bindings used in a frame.
DCBindingContainerState This class can capture the iterator state for a binding container.
DCBindingContainerValidationAdapter Default implementation for DCBindingContainerValidationListener interface.
DCBindingContainerValidationEvent Implements EventObject that is passed to the DCBindingContainerValidationListeners in the various event methods.
DCControlBinding The base class for all binding objects in the ADF framework that bind a View control/model to an object or an attribute of an object in a DataControl.
DCDataControl The application class that manages connection to a Data Provider object.
DCErrorHandlerImpl Implements a default error handling class for the ADF framework.
DCErrorHandlerThrow Implements a default error handling class for the ADF framework.
DCInvokeMethodDef Implements metadata and logic to invoke a custom action binding method.
DCIteratorBinding DCIteratorBinding is the binding class that interacts with RowIterator objects to iterate over rows and provide the current row(s) for use in a client application or to view via various control bindings.
DCUtil Contains some static utility methods used by the framework.
DCValidationListenersUtil Internal: Applications should not use this class.

Package oracle.adf.model.binding Description

Contains the abstract implementation of ADFm binding objects.

This package contains classes that interact with an abstract DataControl implementation. Various View bindings implementation subclass from classes in this package to implement View specific bindings.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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