Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Class JboException

  extended byjava.lang.Throwable
      extended byjava.lang.Exception
          extended byjava.lang.RuntimeException
              extended byoracle.jbo.JboException
All Implemented Interfaces:
JboMessage, MetaObjectBase,
Direct Known Subclasses:
AfterCommitException, AfterPostException, AfterRollbackException, AlreadyConnectedException, AlreadyLockedException, ApplicationModuleCreateException, ApplicationPoolException, AttributeLoadException, CustomClassNotFoundException, DeadEntityAccessException, DeadViewRowAccessException, DefinitionChangedException, DMLException, DomainValidationException, GenericDomainException, InvalidAttrKindException, InvalidDefNameException, InvalidObjAccessException, InvalidObjNameException, InvalidOperException, InvalidOwnerException, InvalidParamException, JboAssert, JboExMsgCarrier, JboSerializationException, JboUnexpectedException, KeyNotFoundException, NameClashException, NoDefException, NoObjException, NotConnectedException, PCollException, PersistenceException, PiggybackException, ReadOnlyViewObjectException, ReadXMLException, RemoveWithDetailsException, RowCreateException, RowInconsistentException, RowNotAvailableException, RowNotFoundException, SQLDatumException, SQLStmtException, TooManyObjectsException, UnknownSQLTypeException, ValidationException, VariantException, ViewLinkAlreadyExistsException

public class JboException
extends java.lang.RuntimeException
implements, MetaObjectBase, JboMessage

Top level exception for the JBO package.

All exceptions thrown from the Business Components for Java framework should be subclasses of this exception.

This class provides a single point for the localization and formatting of Exception messages.

Translation of a message's text occurs at the time the client calls getLocalizedMessage() rather than at creation time since the client may need to present the message in one of a number of different languages (refer to DAC for details).

About Exception Classes

The Business Components for Java framework provides many exception classes, for example, ValidationException and NameClashException. These classes extend oracle.jbo.JboException, which extends java.lang.RuntimeException. Therefore, a Business Component method can throw a Business Components for Java exception without a throws clause in the signature.

Most subclasses of JboException will provide a value for the error code in a specialized constructor.

Business Components for Java exceptions have an attribute that stores an error message, and they support NLS translation and message formatting. JboException uses java.util.ListResourceBundle to format its messages. A resource bundle class defines constants and strings to use as error messages. The default format is:

{productCode}-{errorCode}: {messageBody}

For example,

ORA-10234: You cannot do that.

The components of a Business Component exception messages are derived from the following generalized set of parameters:



Product code

A non-translated product code string, such as FRM, ORA, or OBCJ

Error code

A non-translated error code string, such as 10234 or 03101


Un-translated message text such as contained in CSMessageBundle

an optional set of parameters

These can be message parameters, equal in number to the number of "%" symbols in the message text. Possible message parameter examples are: Vendor and Oracle.


A "details" list containing background information. This can be any exception thrown in low-level code that is transformed into a Business Component exception.

Additional components may be introduced in future.

Messages may need to include information known only when the exception is thrown, so error message strings can include placeholders that refer to values in an array of Objects passed to the exception when it's thrown. When the message is formatted for display, these parameters are placed into slots in the message (the first slot is 0) using the standard formatting capabilities provided by java.text.MessageFormat. Following is a an entry from

   public static final String EXC_VAL_ATTR_SET_FAILED = "03101";
   // Description: Generic Attribute validation failure.
   //              set<Attribute> method failed to set the value.
   // Parameter 0: Ignored.
   // Parameter 1: Entity Object/View Object name.
   // Parameter 2: Attribute name.
   // Parameter 3: New value
   {EXC_VAL_ATTR_SET_FAILED, "Attribute set with value {3} for {2} in {1} failed."},

Exceptions generated by applications.

Applications may define subclasses of most JBO exceptions. To do this the application should override the following methods to provide the correct set of values for the messaging services:

Other methods may be overridden to modify the message format.

Creating Custom Exception Classes

You can use Business Component for Java exception classes in your own code to indicate errors, and you can create custom exception classes. For example, you can extend JboException and override the getProductCode method, making it return values appropriate for your exception.

You can throw a JboException by using a statement like this:

   throw new JboException("Don't do that.", "101", null );

The drawback to this approach is that the hard-coded error message is not easy to localize.

Localizing Exception Messages

To make an exception localizable into different national languages, use the NLS framework. First, create a resource bundle for your error messages. The following code example defines a bundle named MyMsgBundle that stores three error messages.

    import oracle.jbo.common.util.CheckedListResourceBundle;
    public class MyMsgBundle extends CheckedListResourceBundle
    // String Constants
       public static final String BAD_EMPNO = "101";
      public static final String DEPT_NOT_FOUND = "102";
        public static final String NOT_IN_DEPT = "103";
   //Private 2-D array of key-value pairs
     private static final Object[][] sMessageStrings = {
     { BAD_EMPNO, "Invalid employee number." },
     { DEPT_NOT_FOUND, "Department {0} does not exist." }
     { NOT_IN_DEPT, "Employee {0} not found in Department {1}." }

Then you can use the resource bundle class to define a value to pass to the constructor for your exception class or JboException:

    throw new JboException(MyMsgBundle.class           // Class of Bundle
                           MyMsgBundle.DEPT_NOT_FOUND  // String Constant
                           new Object[1] { localVar1 } //Arguments to message

JboException provides a getLocalizedMessage method which returns the message formatted for the specified locale.

The NLS framework translates the message text when the client calls getLocalizedMessage rather than at creation time because the client may need to present the message in a number of different languages. This mechanism provides a single point for localizing and formatting messages.

Marshaling Exceptions

JboException can marshal itself across a network. It handles NLS issues for the middle tier, enabling one instance of a middle-tier component to serve (for example) French users and English users at the same time.

If your exception contains member data that must be marshalled, extend JboException. If you need to provide more control over the serialized stream, implement the readObject and writeObject methods. The Java serialization mechanism uses these methods to serialize/deserialize an object. You might want implement these methods if you want to:

For example, suppose you have the class MyException (shown below), and you want to carry memberA and memberB across tiers:

    public class MyException extends JboException
       int memberA;
       String memberB;

Write code like the following in MyException:

   private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {

  private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException,
                                                    ClassNotFoundException {
        memberA = in.readInt();
        memberB = in.readUTF();

JDeveloper 3.0
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  boolean mHasPeerException
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.common.MetaObjectBase
Constructor Summary
JboException(java.lang.Class resBundleClass, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.Object[] params)
          Creates a translatable exception.
JboException(java.lang.Class resBundleClass, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.Exception[] excs)
          Creates a translatable exception.
JboException(java.lang.Class resBundleClass, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.Object[] params, JboException[] exceptions)
          Creates a translatable exception.
JboException(java.lang.String message)
          Create a non-formattable exception.
JboException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.Object[] params)
          Creates a formattable but non-localizable exception.
JboException(java.lang.Throwable ex)
          Converts an exception into a non-formattable JboException.
Method Summary
 void addToDetails(java.lang.Object obj)
          Adds to the list of details.
 void addToExceptions(java.lang.Throwable exception)
          Adds an exception to the list of detail exceptions.
 boolean containsException(java.lang.Throwable e)
          Returns true if this exception contains the given Throwable object in it's details or if one of it's details contains the Throwable object.
 void doEntityToVOMapping(ApplicationModule rootAm, ViewObject[] vos)
 java.lang.String getBaseMessage()
          Gets the message without localizing it or inserting parameters.
 java.lang.String getDetailMessage()
          Constructs a message incorporating the list of details.
 java.lang.Object[] getDetails()
          Gets the list of objects and exceptions that spawned this message.
 java.lang.String getErrorCode()
          Returns the message's error code.
 java.lang.Object[] getErrorParameters()
          Returns the error message parameters.
 java.lang.Throwable[] getExceptions()
          Gets the list of exceptions that spawned this message.
protected  JboExceptionHelper getJboExceptionHelper()
          Get the Helper object for this exception.
 java.lang.String getLocalizedBaseMessage(java.util.Locale l)
          Localizes the message text for a specific Locale, but without inserting parameters.
 java.lang.String getLocalizedMessage(java.util.Locale l)
          Formats the message text for a specific Locale.
 java.lang.String getMessage()
          Formats the message text for the locale if set into this exception and otherwise use the default locale.
 java.lang.String getProductCode()
          Returns a message's product code.
 java.lang.Class getResourceClass()
          Gets the class of the resource bundle used to localize messages.
 java.lang.String getResourceName()
          Returns the name of the ResourceBundle used to localize or resolve messages.
 java.lang.Object getSource()
static java.lang.String getTypeNameFromId(int id)
 boolean hasPeerExceptions()
 boolean isAppendCodes()
          Returns true if this exception has to prefix the error message with Product and Message Ids.
 boolean isLocalizable()
          Tests this message's localizability.
 boolean needsEntityToVOMapping()
 void printStackTrace()
          Prints this Throwable and its backtrace to the standard error stream.
 void printStackTrace( s)
          Prints this Throwable and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
 void printStackTrace( s)
          Prints this Throwable and its backtrace to the specified print writer.
 void setAppendCodes(boolean flag)
          Set false if this exception should not prefix the error message with Product and Message Ids.
 void setApplicationModule(ApplicationModule am)
 void setDetails(java.lang.Object[] details)
          Sets the list of details.
protected  void setErrorParameters(java.lang.Object[] params)
          Resets the error parameters.
 void setExceptions(java.lang.Throwable[] details)
          Sets the list of details.
 void setLocaleContext(LocaleContext locale)
          Set the default locale for this exception to the given locale.
 void setNeedsEntityToVOMapping(boolean flag)
 void setSource(java.lang.Object id)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean mHasPeerException
Constructor Detail


public JboException(java.lang.String message,
                    java.lang.String errorCode,
                    java.lang.Object[] params)
Creates a formattable but non-localizable exception.

If a localizable exception is desired, use the JboException(Class, String, Object[]) constructor.

message - the unformatted text of the message.
errorCode - an error code.
params - the error message's parameters.
See Also:


public JboException(java.lang.String message)
Create a non-formattable exception.

message - the text of the message.


public JboException(java.lang.Throwable ex)
Converts an exception into a non-formattable JboException.

ex - an excpetion to be added to the details list.


public JboException(java.lang.Class resBundleClass,
                    java.lang.String errorCode,
                    java.lang.Object[] params)
Creates a translatable exception.

resBundleClass - a subclass class of the ResourceBundle that will supply the message text.
errorCode - an error code associated with a message in the resource bundle.
params - the error message's parameters.
See Also:


public JboException(java.lang.Class resBundleClass,
                    java.lang.String errorCode,
                    java.lang.Object[] params,
                    JboException[] exceptions)
Creates a translatable exception.

resBundleClass - a subclass class of the ResourceBundle that will supply the message text.
errorCode - an error code associated with a message in the resource bundle.
params - the error message's parameters.
See Also:


public JboException(java.lang.Class resBundleClass,
                    java.lang.String errorCode,
                    java.lang.Object[] params,
                    java.lang.Exception[] excs)
Creates a translatable exception. Sets this exception as an exception that bundles peer exceptions. An exception created using this constructor will return true when hasPeerExceptions() method is invoked on it.

**Primarily for use by Oracle Applications.** BC4J framework does not use this exception nor throws such an exception.

resBundleClass - a subclass class of the ResourceBundle that will supply the message text.
errorCode - an error code associated with a message in the resource bundle.
params - the error message's parameters.
excs - An array if exceptions that this exception bundles as peer exceptions.
See Also:
Method Detail


public final boolean hasPeerExceptions()


public java.lang.String getMessage()
Formats the message text for the locale if set into this exception and otherwise use the default locale.

Specified by:
getMessage in interface JboMessage
the localized message.


public java.lang.String getLocalizedMessage(java.util.Locale l)
Formats the message text for a specific Locale.

Specified by:
getLocalizedMessage in interface JboMessage
l - a locale.
the localized message.


public java.lang.String getBaseMessage()
Gets the message without localizing it or inserting parameters.

Specified by:
getBaseMessage in interface JboMessage
the un-formatted, non-localized message.


public java.lang.Class getResourceClass()
Gets the class of the resource bundle used to localize messages.

Specified by:
getResourceClass in interface JboMessage
a ResourceBundle.


public java.lang.String getLocalizedBaseMessage(java.util.Locale l)
Localizes the message text for a specific Locale, but without inserting parameters.

Specified by:
getLocalizedBaseMessage in interface JboMessage
l - a locale.
the localalized but un-formatted message.


public java.lang.String getResourceName()
Returns the name of the ResourceBundle used to localize or resolve messages.

Specified by:
getResourceName in interface JboMessage
a string identifying a resource bundle.


public java.lang.Object[] getErrorParameters()
Returns the error message parameters.

Specified by:
getErrorParameters in interface JboMessage
an array.


protected void setErrorParameters(java.lang.Object[] params)
Resets the error parameters. This method is for use by derived classes who create their own set of parameters but do not want the "thrower" to know about it.


public java.lang.String getErrorCode()
Returns the message's error code.

Specified by:
getErrorCode in interface JboMessage
a string containing an error code.


public java.lang.String getProductCode()
Returns a message's product code.

Specified by:
getProductCode in interface JboMessage


public java.lang.Object[] getDetails()
Gets the list of objects and exceptions that spawned this message.

Details are usually used to accommodate lower-level exceptions. For example, if a SQLException is thrown in some low-level code, the Business Components for Java framework can catch it and represent it as one of the Business Component exceptions. The original SQLException becomes the first entry in the detail.

Specified by:
getDetails in interface JboMessage
an array.


public java.lang.Throwable[] getExceptions()
Gets the list of exceptions that spawned this message.

Details are usually used to accommodate lower-level exceptions. For example, if a SQLException is thrown in some low-level code, the Business Components for Java framework can catch it and represent it as one of the Business Component exceptions. The original SQLException becomes the first entry in the detail.

an array.


public java.lang.String getDetailMessage()
Constructs a message incorporating the list of details.

Specified by:
getDetailMessage in interface JboMessage
a text string.


public void setDetails(java.lang.Object[] details)
Sets the list of details.

Specified by:
setDetails in interface JboMessage
details - an array which replaces the current list of details. array in this exception object.


public void setExceptions(java.lang.Throwable[] details)
Sets the list of details.

details - a list of Throwable exception objects array in this exception object.


public void addToDetails(java.lang.Object obj)
Adds to the list of details.

Specified by:
addToDetails in interface JboMessage
obj - an object to add to the details list.


public void addToExceptions(java.lang.Throwable exception)
Adds an exception to the list of detail exceptions.

exception - a Throwable exception object to add to the details list.


public boolean isLocalizable()
Tests this message's localizability.

Specified by:
isLocalizable in interface JboMessage
true if this message can be localized.


protected JboExceptionHelper getJboExceptionHelper()
Get the Helper object for this exception. The helper object contains all of the shared storage for both the JboRuntimeException and the JboException.

the JboExceptionHelper object.
See Also:


public static java.lang.String getTypeNameFromId(int id)


public void setApplicationModule(ApplicationModule am)


public void printStackTrace()
Prints this Throwable and its backtrace to the standard error stream. This method prints a stack trace for this Throwable object on the error output stream that is the value of the field System.err. The first line of output contains the result of the Throwable.toString() method for this object. Remaining lines represent data previously recorded by the method Throwable.fillInStackTrace(). The format of this information depends on the implementation, but the following example may be regarded as typical:
         at MyClass.mash(
         at MyClass.crunch(
         at MyClass.main(
This example was produced by running the program:
 class MyClass {
     public static void main(String[] argv) {
     static void crunch(int[] a) {

     static void mash(int[] b) {

See Also:


public void printStackTrace( s)
Prints this Throwable and its backtrace to the specified print stream.


public void printStackTrace( s)
Prints this Throwable and its backtrace to the specified print writer.



public final void setNeedsEntityToVOMapping(boolean flag)


public final boolean needsEntityToVOMapping()


public void doEntityToVOMapping(ApplicationModule rootAm,
                                ViewObject[] vos)


public boolean isAppendCodes()
Returns true if this exception has to prefix the error message with Product and Message Ids.


public void setAppendCodes(boolean flag)
Set false if this exception should not prefix the error message with Product and Message Ids. By default this flag is set to true.


public void setSource(java.lang.Object id)


public java.lang.Object getSource()


public boolean containsException(java.lang.Throwable e)
Returns true if this exception contains the given Throwable object in it's details or if one of it's details contains the Throwable object.


public void setLocaleContext(LocaleContext locale)
Set the default locale for this exception to the given locale. This locale will be used when returning message from getMessage.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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