Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Package oracle.jbo.domain

Interface Summary
BlobDomainInterface Provides methods to save data to, and extract data from, LOB domain classes.
DomainInterface Implemented by domain classes to save data to, and extract data from, a domain class.
KeyAttributeInterface Implemented by domain classes, instances of which could be an attribute of a oracle.jbo.Key
LobInterface Provides methods to save data to, and extract data from, LOB domain classes.
LobStreamInterface Provides methods to save data to, and extract data from, LOB domain classes.
MutableDomainInterface Implemented by domain classes.
XMLDomainFactory Each domain that can read xml, needs to implement getXMLDomainFactory() method and return an instance of this interface for an attribute def to invoke the domain to create an instance for a given xml-node.
XMLDomainInterface Implemented by domain classes which can read and write domain values as XML.
XMLDomainReaderFactory Each domain that can read xml, needs to implement getXMLDomainFactory() method and return an instance of this interface for an attribute def to invoke the domain to create an instance for a given xml-node.
XMLDomainWriter Implemented by domain classes which can read and write domain values as XML.
XMLValueFactory Each domain that can read xml, needs to implement getXMLDomainFactory() method and return a subclass of this interface for an attribute def to invoke the domain to create an instance for a given xml-node.

Class Summary
DateDomain Deprecated. This class has been superceeded by Date.
NullValue Provides a means of creating and serializing null Domain objects.
TypeFactory Internal: Applications should not extend this class or invoke its methods.

Exception Summary
DataCreationException Indicates that a Domain object could not be created.
DomainValidationException Indicates that a Domain object cannot be created because validation has failed.
GenericDomainException Thrown when creation of Domain objects fails.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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