Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Interface LobInterface

All Superinterfaces:
BlobDomainInterface, DomainInterface, MutableDomainInterface
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface LobInterface
extends BlobDomainInterface, MutableDomainInterface

Provides methods to save data to, and extract data from, LOB domain classes. These methods are implemented by all LOB-based domain classes: BlobDomain, BFileDomain, and ClobDomain.

Domain classes encapsulate Oracle SQL datatypes. Domain objects can be converted to the standard JDBC data types.

JDevloper 3.0
See Also:
TypeFactory, "JboDomainValidator"

Method Summary
 DomainOwnerInterface getOwner()
          Returns the reference to owner of this domain (could be the row that this domain instance belongs to.)
 int getOwnerAttributeIndex()
 java.lang.String getRemoteIdString()
 long getSize()
 void syncClientLob(LobInterface oldObject)
          Synchronize client-side data from the given lob
 void syncServerLob(LobInterface oldObject)
          Synchronize the streams from an older version of this object so that this version works with the opened streams (if any).
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomainInterface
loadFromDatabase, prepareForDML, saveToDatabase, saveToDatabase
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.domain.DomainInterface
getData, setContext

Method Detail


public void syncServerLob(LobInterface oldObject)
Synchronize the streams from an older version of this object so that this version works with the opened streams (if any).


public void syncClientLob(LobInterface oldObject)
Synchronize client-side data from the given lob


public DomainOwnerInterface getOwner()
Returns the reference to owner of this domain (could be the row that this domain instance belongs to.)


public long getSize()


public java.lang.String getRemoteIdString()


public int getOwnerAttributeIndex()

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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