Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Package oracle.jbo.common.ampool

Interface Summary
ApplicationPool This is the ApplicationPool interface.
ConnectionStrategy Declares application module creation and connection operations.
EnvInfoProvider Invoked by DefaultConnectionStrategy when the application pool is establishing connection to the database or when the application pool is recycling an ApplicationModule.
SessionCookie Interface for session cookies.
SessionCookieFactory Interface for session cookie factories.

Class Summary
ApplicationPoolImpl This class provides the default implementation of the ApplicationPool interface.
ApplicationPoolLogger Responsible for logging, collecting, and reporting application pool statistics.
DefaultConnectionStrategy A default strategy class for application module creation and connection.
DefaultSessionCookieFactory Factory for SessionCookieImpl instances.
OCIEnvInfoProvider May be used to specify OCI proxy authentication properties to an <@link oracle.jbo.server.OCIConnectionPoolManagerImpl} instance.
PoolMgr This class manages the Application Pool.
PoolTester The PoolTester class provides a sample implementation and use of Application Module Pooling in LOCAL mode.
SecurityUtil Internal: Applications should not use this class.
SessionCookieImpl Default SessionCookie implementation.
Statistics A structure for ApplicationPool statistics.

Exception Summary

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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