Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Package oracle.jbo.rules

Contains sample validation beans.


Interface Summary
GenericValidator Implemented by validators for domain datatypes.
JboValidatorInterface The principal interface for validator classes.

Class Summary
AbstractValidator The superclass for all pre-defined validators.
JboAbstractValidator The superclass for all pre-defined validators.
JboCompareValidator A validator that tests literal values by comparing them to a pre-defined value, using a pre-defined relation.
JboCompareValidatorBeanInfo The external interface for JboCompareValidator.
JboGenericValidator A validator for domain attributes.
JboGenericValidatorBeanInfo The external interface for JboGenericValidator.
JboListValidator A validator that tests for the presence of a literal value in a list of pre-defined values.
JboListValidatorBeanInfo The external interface for JboListValidator.
JboMethodValidator A validator that tests values by passing them to a validation method.
JboMethodValidatorBeanInfo The external interface for JboMethodValidator.
JboNonNullValidator Implements non-null validation for mandatory attributes.
JboPrecisionScaleValidator Implements precision and scale validation for numeric attributes and length validation for string and character attributes.
JboRangeValidator A validator that tests if a literal value lies within a pre-defined range.
JboRangeValidatorBeanInfo The external interface for JboRangeValidator.
JboValidatorContext A "PropertyChange" event gets delivered whenever a bean changes a "bound" or "constrained" property.
RulesBeanUtils Internal: Applications should not use this class.

Package oracle.jbo.rules Description

Contains sample validation beans.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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