Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Class JUCtrlValueBinding

  extended byjava.util.AbstractMap
      extended byoracle.jbo.common.JboAbstractMap
          extended byoracle.adf.model.binding.DCControlBinding
              extended byoracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUControlBinding
                  extended byoracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding
All Implemented Interfaces:
JUCtrlInputValueHandler, java.util.Map, StructureDef
Direct Known Subclasses:
JUCtrlAttrsBinding, JUCtrlHierNodeBinding, JUCtrlRangeBinding

public abstract class JUCtrlValueBinding
extends JUControlBinding
implements StructureDef, JUCtrlInputValueHandler

A JUControlBinding class responsible for maintaining which attribute(s) of a row this binding can display/update. This class accepts a list of attribute names and gets the AttributeDef objects for those attributes from the associated ViewObject. This class also provides APIs to update values in a control given a new row or a set of rows. JUIteratorBinding uses APIs in this class to notify the controls of:

This class also has accessor methods that return attribute values for Attributes with which this control binding is working. The indices of these attributes are ordered based on the names provided to this control binding in the constructor.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class java.util.Map
Field Summary
static java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE
static java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_DEF
static java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_DEFS
static java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE
static java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES
static java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTES
static java.lang.String ATTR_DISPLAY_HINT
static java.lang.String ATTR_INPUT_VALUE
static java.lang.String ATTR_LABEL
static java.lang.String ATTR_LABELS
static java.lang.String ATTR_LABELSET
static java.lang.String ATTR_MANDATORY
static java.lang.String ATTR_PATH
static java.lang.String ATTR_TOOLTIP
static java.lang.String ATTR_UPDATEABLE
protected  boolean mHasInputVal
protected  java.lang.Object mInputVal
static java.lang.String SEP_LIST_DISPLAY
Fields inherited from class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCControlBinding
Constructor Summary
protected JUCtrlValueBinding()
  JUCtrlValueBinding(java.lang.Object control, DCIteratorBinding iterBinding, java.lang.String[] attrNames)
Method Summary
 void compareAndSetAttribute(int index, java.lang.Object cVal)
          Advanced method.
 boolean displayInShortForm()
          Returns true if the attribute is to displayed in the short(summary) form.
 AttributeDef findAttributeDef(java.lang.String name)
          Gets an attribute definition, given its name.
 java.lang.Object getAttribute()
          Returns formatted attribute value for this binding.
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(int index)
          Returns formatted attribute value for the attribute at the given index in this control binding's definition.
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
 int getAttributeCount()
          Returns the number of defined attributes.
 AttributeDef getAttributeDef()
          Primarily for spel support.
 AttributeDef getAttributeDef(int index)
          Returns attribute definition at the given index.
 AttributeDef[] getAttributeDefs()
          Return Attribute definitions of the attributes to which this binding is bound to.
 java.lang.Object getAttributeFromRow(int rowIndexInRange, int attrIndex)
          Return formatted attribute value for the attribute at given index in the row at the given row index within the current range in the iterator that this binding is associated with.
 java.lang.Object getAttributeFromRow(int rowIndexInRange, java.lang.String name)
          Return formatted attribute value for the attribute of the given name in the row at the given row index within the current range in the iterator that this binding is associated with.
 java.lang.Object getAttributeFromRow(Row row, AttributeDef def)
          Return formatted attribute value for the attribute with the given attribute definition and in the given row.
 java.lang.Object getAttributeFromRow(Row row, int attrIndex)
          Return the attribute value for the attribute at the given index in this control binding and from within the given row.
 java.lang.Object getAttributeFromRow(Row row, java.lang.String name)
          Return the attribute value for the attribute of the given name from within the given row.
 int getAttributeIndexOf(java.lang.String name)
          Finds the index (0-based) of the named attribute.
 java.lang.String[] getAttributeNames()
          Return names of the attributes to which this binding is bound to and as defined in the binding definition.
 java.lang.Object[] getAttributes()
          Returns formatted attribute values for this binding.
protected  java.util.ArrayList getAttributes(Row row, AttributeDef[] attrs)
          Returns formatted attribute values for the given set of attribute defs.
protected  AttributeHints getAttributeUIHelper(java.lang.String attrName)
 java.util.ArrayList getAttributeValidators()
 java.util.ArrayList getAttributeValidators(int index)
 java.lang.Object getAttributeValue()
          Returns unformatted attribute value of the first attribute
 java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(int j)
          Returns unformatted attribute value of the first attribute
protected  java.lang.Object getAttributeValueFromRow(int rowIndexInRange, int attrIndex)
          Returns unformatted attribute value of the first attribute
 java.lang.Object[] getAttributeValues()
          Returns unformatted attribute values for this binding.
protected  java.util.ArrayList getAttributeValues(Row row, AttributeDef[] attrs)
          Returns un-formatted (raw) attribute values.
 int getControlType()
          Returns the preferred control type for this attribute.
 int getDisplayHeight()
          Returns the display width for this attribute.
 java.lang.String getDisplayHint()
          Retrieves the display hint that dictates whether this attribute should be visible or not.
 int getDisplayWidth()
          Returns the display width for this attribute.
 JboException getError()
          Primarily for spel support.
 java.util.List getErrors()
          Primarily for spel support.
 java.lang.String getHint(java.lang.String sHintName)
          Returns the hint value based on the hint name.
 java.lang.String getHint(java.lang.String voAttrName, java.lang.String objectAttrName, java.lang.String sHintName)
          Returns the hint value based on the hint name.
 java.lang.Object getInputValue()
          Primarily for spel support.
 java.lang.String getLabel()
          Retrieves the label to be used in any attribute prompts
 java.lang.String getLabel(java.lang.String voAttrName, java.lang.String objectAttrName)
          Retrieves the label to be used in any attribute prompts
 java.util.Map getLabels()
 java.lang.String[] getLabelSet()
 LocaleContext getLocaleContext()
protected static java.lang.String getMergedAttributeValues(java.util.List al)
 java.lang.String getPath()
 java.lang.String getTooltip()
          Retrives the tooltip text to be used for this attribute.
 java.lang.String getTooltip(java.lang.String voAttrName, java.lang.String objectAttrName)
          Retrives the tooltip text to be used for this attribute.
 boolean hasFormatInformation()
          Returns true if any format hints have been defined for this attribute.
protected  java.lang.Object internalGet(java.lang.String key)
          Subclasses should override this to handle a specific key.
protected  Row internalGetRow()
 boolean isArrayIteratorType()
 boolean isAttributeMandatory(int index)
          Returns true if the attribute at the given index is set to be mandatory.
 boolean isAttributeUpdateable(int index)
          Determines whether this attribute is updateable for that row instance.
 boolean isMandatory()
          Primarily for spel support.
 boolean isNewInputValue(JUCtrlValueBinding binding, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Returns true, if the caller needs to call setInputValue() on this binding to update the current attribute value that this binding is set to.
 boolean isUpdateable()
          Primarily for spel support.
 AttributeDef lookupAttributeDef(java.lang.String name)
          Gets an attribute definition, given its name.
protected  void processInputException(ValidationException vex)
 boolean processNewInputValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Returns true, if the caller needs to call setInputValue() on this binding to update the current attribute value that this binding is set to.
 java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.Object value)
protected  void release(int flags)
protected  void resetInputState()
          Resets any exceptions and client-side values that this binding may hold.
 void setArrayIteratorType()
 void setAttribute(int index, java.lang.Object value)
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
 void setAttributeInRow(int rowIndexInRange, int attrIndex, java.lang.Object value, boolean handleException)
 void setAttributeInRow(int rowIndexInRange, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value, boolean handleException)
 void setAttributeInRow(Row row, AttributeDef def, java.lang.Object value)
 void setAttributeInRow(Row row, AttributeDef def, java.lang.Object value, boolean handleException)
 void setAttributeInRow(Row row, int attrIndex, java.lang.Object value, boolean handleException)
 void setAttributeInRow(Row row, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value, boolean handleException)
 void setAttributeValue(java.lang.Object val)
          Primarily for spel support.
protected  void setError(JboException vex, java.lang.Object value)
 void setInputValue(JUCtrlValueBinding binding, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Implement value specific handling of the inputValue.
 void setInputValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Primarily for spel support.
 void setInputValueHandler(JUCtrlInputValueHandler hdlr)
 void stopEditing()
          Notified by NavigationBar to stop any edits on the current control.
abstract  void updateNavigated(NavigationEvent event)
          Update the current row display as the currency has navigated in the iterator with which this control binding is working.
abstract  void updateRangeScrolled(ScrollEvent event)
          Update the control display based on whether the rows of data has scrolled.
 void updateRowDeleted(DeleteEvent event)
          Notification that a row was deleted in the associated iterator.
 void updateRowInserted(InsertEvent event)
          Notification that a new row was inserted in the associated iterator.
 void updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
          Given a row, update the control with new attribute values from this row based on the attributes with which this binding is associated.
abstract  void updateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows, boolean clear)
          Given a set of rows, update the control with new attribute values from the rows based on the attributes with which this binding is associated.
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUControlBinding
addControlToPanel, getFormBinding, getIteratorBinding, reportException, setFormBinding
Methods inherited from class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCControlBinding
addToDCExceptions, executeQuery, executeQueryIfNeeded, get, getAllRowsInRange, getApplicationModule, getBindingContainer, getControl, getControlModel, getCurrentRow, getDCIteratorBinding, getDef, getDefFullName, getDefName, getFullName, getLayoutObject, getName, getRowAtRangeIndex, getRowIterator, getTransaction, getViewObject, hashCode, internalSetName, isControlQueriable, needsEstimatedRowCount, refreshControl, removeFromDCExceptions, reportException, resetAttributeExceptionInRow, setBindingContainer, setControl, setName, toString
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.JboAbstractMap
entrySet, equals
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractMap
clear, clone, containsKey, containsValue, isEmpty, keySet, putAll, remove, size, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.StructureDef
getDefFullName, getDefName, getFullName, getName

Field Detail


protected boolean mHasInputVal


protected java.lang.Object mInputVal


public static final java.lang.String SEP_LIST_DISPLAY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_LABEL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_LABELS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_LABELSET
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_TOOLTIP
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_DISPLAY_HINT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTES
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_DEF
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_DEFS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_INPUT_VALUE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_UPDATEABLE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_MANDATORY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTR_PATH
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected JUCtrlValueBinding()


public JUCtrlValueBinding(java.lang.Object control,
                          DCIteratorBinding iterBinding,
                          java.lang.String[] attrNames)
Method Detail


public void updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
Given a row, update the control with new attribute values from this row based on the attributes with which this binding is associated.


public abstract void updateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows,
                                          boolean clear)
Given a set of rows, update the control with new attribute values from the rows based on the attributes with which this binding is associated. If clear is true, the control is expected to remove the current displayed value and associated children values (like in a tree, remove all subnodes) and then set the new values.


public abstract void updateRangeScrolled(ScrollEvent event)
Update the control display based on whether the rows of data has scrolled.

See Also:


public abstract void updateNavigated(NavigationEvent event)
Update the current row display as the currency has navigated in the iterator with which this control binding is working.


public void updateRowInserted(InsertEvent event)
Notification that a new row was inserted in the associated iterator. Control-bindings like JTable refresh their display to show the new row on this event.


public void updateRowDeleted(DeleteEvent event)
Notification that a row was deleted in the associated iterator. Moves the currency on the associated row iterator to the next row (or previous row if there is no next row) when the currency on the iterator was on the deleted row.


public java.lang.String[] getAttributeNames()
Return names of the attributes to which this binding is bound to and as defined in the binding definition.


public AttributeDef[] getAttributeDefs()
Return Attribute definitions of the attributes to which this binding is bound to.

Specified by:
getAttributeDefs in interface StructureDef
an array of attribute definitions.


public AttributeDef getAttributeDef(int index)
Returns attribute definition at the given index. Returns null if not found.

Specified by:
getAttributeDef in interface StructureDef
index - the index of an AttributeDef, where the leftmost attribute has index zero.
an attribute definition.


public AttributeDef lookupAttributeDef(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: StructureDef
Gets an attribute definition, given its name.

Specified by:
lookupAttributeDef in interface StructureDef
name - the name of an AttributeDef.
an attribute definition if found, null otherwise


public AttributeDef findAttributeDef(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: StructureDef
Gets an attribute definition, given its name.

Specified by:
findAttributeDef in interface StructureDef
name - the name of an AttributeDef.
an attribute definition


public java.lang.Object getAttributeFromRow(int rowIndexInRange,
                                            int attrIndex)
Return formatted attribute value for the attribute at given index in the row at the given row index within the current range in the iterator that this binding is associated with.


public java.lang.Object getAttributeFromRow(int rowIndexInRange,
                                            java.lang.String name)
Return formatted attribute value for the attribute of the given name in the row at the given row index within the current range in the iterator that this binding is associated with.


public java.lang.Object getAttributeFromRow(Row row,
                                            AttributeDef def)
Return formatted attribute value for the attribute with the given attribute definition and in the given row.


public java.lang.Object getAttributeFromRow(Row row,
                                            int attrIndex)
Return the attribute value for the attribute at the given index in this control binding and from within the given row.


public java.lang.Object getAttributeFromRow(Row row,
                                            java.lang.String name)
Return the attribute value for the attribute of the given name from within the given row.


public void setAttributeInRow(int rowIndexInRange,
                              int attrIndex,
                              java.lang.Object value,
                              boolean handleException)


public void setAttributeInRow(int rowIndexInRange,
                              java.lang.String name,
                              java.lang.Object value,
                              boolean handleException)


public void setAttributeInRow(Row row,
                              AttributeDef def,
                              java.lang.Object value)


public void setAttributeInRow(Row row,
                              AttributeDef def,
                              java.lang.Object value,
                              boolean handleException)


public void setAttributeInRow(Row row,
                              int attrIndex,
                              java.lang.Object value,
                              boolean handleException)


public void setAttributeInRow(Row row,
                              java.lang.String name,
                              java.lang.Object value,
                              boolean handleException)


protected Row internalGetRow()


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(int index)
Returns formatted attribute value for the attribute at the given index in this control binding's definition.


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)


public java.lang.Object getAttribute()
Returns formatted attribute value for this binding.


public java.lang.Object[] getAttributes()
Returns formatted attribute values for this binding.


protected java.util.ArrayList getAttributes(Row row,
                                            AttributeDef[] attrs)
Returns formatted attribute values for the given set of attribute defs.


public void setAttribute(int index,
                         java.lang.Object value)


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.Object value)


public int getAttributeCount()
Description copied from interface: StructureDef
Returns the number of defined attributes.

Specified by:
getAttributeCount in interface StructureDef
the number of attributes.


public int getAttributeIndexOf(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: StructureDef
Finds the index (0-based) of the named attribute.

Specified by:
getAttributeIndexOf in interface StructureDef
name - the attribute's name.
an integer in the range 0 to getAttributeCount() - 1. If the named attribute is not found, it returns -1.


public java.lang.Object getAttributeValue()
Returns unformatted attribute value of the first attribute


public java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(int j)
Returns unformatted attribute value of the first attribute


public void setAttributeValue(java.lang.Object val)
Primarily for spel support. Could be removed prior to 905Prod and merged into a get() method for spel-access.

Sets the value to the first attribute in this binding.


protected java.util.ArrayList getAttributeValues(Row row,
                                                 AttributeDef[] attrs)
Returns un-formatted (raw) attribute values.


protected java.lang.Object getAttributeValueFromRow(int rowIndexInRange,
                                                    int attrIndex)
Returns unformatted attribute value of the first attribute


public java.lang.Object[] getAttributeValues()
Returns unformatted attribute values for this binding.


protected static java.lang.String getMergedAttributeValues(java.util.List al)


public boolean isAttributeMandatory(int index)
Returns true if the attribute at the given index is set to be mandatory.


public boolean isAttributeUpdateable(int index)
Determines whether this attribute is updateable for that row instance. Returns true if iterator is in data mode and is the corresponding row. If iterator is in find mode, then does an additional check to determine whether the associated control is queriable.


public void stopEditing()
Notified by NavigationBar to stop any edits on the current control. Primarily for grid and tree to notify their cell editors to stop editing.


public void setArrayIteratorType()


public boolean isArrayIteratorType()


protected void release(int flags)
release in class DCControlBinding


public final LocaleContext getLocaleContext()


protected final AttributeHints getAttributeUIHelper(java.lang.String attrName)


public java.lang.String[] getLabelSet()


public java.util.Map getLabels()


public java.lang.String getLabel()
Retrieves the label to be used in any attribute prompts

Calling this on a control-binding that does not have an attribute will throw a NullPointerException


public java.lang.String getTooltip()
Retrives the tooltip text to be used for this attribute. Calling this on a control-binding that does not have an attribute will throw a NullPointerException


public java.lang.String getDisplayHint()
Retrieves the display hint that dictates whether this attribute should be visible or not. The two possible values are:

Calling this on a control-binding that does not have an attribute will throw a NullPointerException


public int getControlType()
Returns the preferred control type for this attribute.

Calling this on a control-binding that does not have an attribute will throw a NullPointerException


public int getDisplayWidth()
Returns the display width for this attribute.

Calling this on a control-binding that does not have an attribute will throw a NullPointerException


public int getDisplayHeight()
Returns the display width for this attribute.

Calling this on a control-binding that does not have an attribute will throw a NullPointerException


public java.lang.String getHint(java.lang.String sHintName)
Returns the hint value based on the hint name.

Calling this on a control-binding that does not have an attribute will throw a NullPointerException


public boolean hasFormatInformation()
Returns true if any format hints have been defined for this attribute. This function should be used to bracket any calls to the formatting API.

Calling this on a control-binding that does not have an attribute will throw a NullPointerException


public boolean displayInShortForm()
Returns true if the attribute is to displayed in the short(summary) form.

Calling this on a control-binding that does not have an attribute will throw a NullPointerException


public java.lang.String getLabel(java.lang.String voAttrName,
                                 java.lang.String objectAttrName)
Retrieves the label to be used in any attribute prompts


public java.lang.String getTooltip(java.lang.String voAttrName,
                                   java.lang.String objectAttrName)
Retrives the tooltip text to be used for this attribute.


public java.lang.String getHint(java.lang.String voAttrName,
                                java.lang.String objectAttrName,
                                java.lang.String sHintName)
Returns the hint value based on the hint name.


public final java.util.ArrayList getAttributeValidators()


public java.util.ArrayList getAttributeValidators(int index)


protected java.lang.Object internalGet(java.lang.String key)
Subclasses should override this to handle a specific key. If they do find the key valid, they should also set the mInternalGet_KeyResolved to 'true' so that bean-introspection is not done for valid null-value returns from the internalGet() call.

Properties returned vis getter on this control bindings are:

  • attributeValue - returns getAttributeValue()
  • inputValue - returns getInputValue()
  • updateable - returns isUpdateable()
  • mandatory - returns isMandatory()
  • path - returns getPath()
  • attributeValues - returns getAttributeValues()
  • label - returns getLabel()
  • tooltip - returns getTooltip()
  • displayHint - returns getDisplayHint()
  • attributeDef - returns getAttributeDef()
  • attributeDefs - returns getAttributeDefs()
  • labels - returns getLabels()
  • labelSet - returns getLabelSet()
  • Overrides:
    internalGet in class DCControlBinding


    public java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object obj,
                                java.lang.Object value)
    Specified by:
    put in interface java.util.Map


    protected void resetInputState()
    Description copied from class: DCControlBinding
    Resets any exceptions and client-side values that this binding may hold. This is used by control-bindings to reset their state before refreshing values from the MT.

    Specified by:
    resetInputState in class DCControlBinding


    protected void processInputException(ValidationException vex)
    processInputException in class DCControlBinding


    protected void setError(JboException vex,
                            java.lang.Object value)


    public boolean isUpdateable()
    Primarily for spel support. Could be removed prior to 905Prod and merged into a get() method for spel-access.

    Returns updateability of the first attribute


    public boolean isMandatory()
    Primarily for spel support. Could be removed prior to 905Prod and merged into a get() method for spel-access.

    Returns mandatory flag for the first attribute that this binding is bound to.


    public AttributeDef getAttributeDef()
    Primarily for spel support. Could be removed prior to 905Prod and merged into a get() method for spel-access.

    Returns Attribute definition for the first attribute


    public java.lang.String getPath()


    public java.lang.Object getInputValue()
    Primarily for spel support. Could be removed prior to 905Prod and merged into a get() method for spel-access.

    Returns the last input value for the first attribute on this binding if this value raised an exception. Otherwise returns the value from the model object calling getAttribute(0);


    public void setInputValue(java.lang.Object value)
    Primarily for spel support. Could be removed prior to 905Prod and merged into a get() method for spel-access.

    Sets the value given and caches any error/exception in member variables for further access. Also rethrows the exception for outer methods to catch it.


    public void setInputValue(JUCtrlValueBinding binding,
                              int index,
                              java.lang.Object value)
    Description copied from interface: JUCtrlInputValueHandler
    Implement value specific handling of the inputValue. For Example Intermedia domains know how to update their data based on a file url or Struts FileHandle as input value. JUCtrlValueBinding provides the base domain object (or null in which case it also provides access to the AttributeDef that contains the domain/value type). Custom implementation for the Intermedia domain may then update some fields on the domain instead of the entire domain Object.

    Specified by:
    setInputValue in interface JUCtrlInputValueHandler
    binding - Control binding that is associated to the attribute to be updated.
    index - Index of the attribute in this control binding to update with the given Input Value. Note that for most single attribute control like TextFields, this value should be 0.


    public boolean processNewInputValue(java.lang.Object value)
    Returns true, if the caller needs to call setInputValue() on this binding to update the current attribute value that this binding is set to.

    If the value is different than the attribute value, or if this binding had cached an error in a pervious setInputValue, then this method returns true.


    public boolean isNewInputValue(JUCtrlValueBinding binding,
                                   int index,
                                   java.lang.Object value)
    Returns true, if the caller needs to call setInputValue() on this binding to update the current attribute value that this binding is set to.

    If the value is different than the attribute value, or if this binding had cached an error in a pervious setInputValue, then this method returns true.

    Specified by:
    isNewInputValue in interface JUCtrlInputValueHandler


    public JboException getError()
    Primarily for spel support.

    Returns exception that occured on last setInputValue

    getError in class DCControlBinding


    public java.util.List getErrors()
    Primarily for spel support.

    Returns exceptions that occured on last setInputValue

    getErrors in class DCControlBinding


    public void compareAndSetAttribute(int index,
                                       java.lang.Object cVal)
    Advanced method. Compares the value from the value for an attribute at the given index as stored by the data that this binding is bound to and if the value is different, then sets it on the bound attribute at the given index.


    public void setInputValueHandler(JUCtrlInputValueHandler hdlr)

    Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


    Copyright © 1997, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.