You must import the Mobile Accelerator reports into your
Oracle Service Cloud site for the mobile app to run.
Before you begin
The report definitions are in the archive that you must download.
Download and extract the file from Oracle Service Cloud Accelerators on Oracle
Technology Network.
In the Service Console, click Analytics on the navigation pane.
Double-click Reports Explorer.
In the Reports Explorer, right-click Public
Reports and select New Folder.
Name the new folder Accelerators.
Right-click Accelerators and select New Folder. Name the new folder Mobile, or some other useful name.
Click New Report on the ribbon.
The New Report wizard opens.
Click Import Existing Report Definition.
Select the AcceleratorAccountForSelect.xml file from the imports/reports directory that
you extracted, then click Open.
The report opens in the Report Designer.
Click Save & Close on the ribbon..
the report AcceleratorAccountForSelect and
save it under Public Reports\Accelerators\Mobile.
Repeat steps 6 through 10 for each report in the imports/reports directory.