Mobile Accelerator for Oracle Service Cloud — August 2016
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Deploy a mobile application

You can deploy your mobile application to a device, emulator, or package.

Before you begin

Refer to the Deploying MAF Applications chapter of Developing Mobile Applications with Oracle Mobile Application Framework for more information.

About this task


  1. In Oracle JDeveloper, select Application > Deploy > New Deployment Profile.

  2. Choose the profile for your device platform:

    • MAF for Android
    • MAF for iOS

  3. Name the new deployment profile.

    We recommend naming the profile for the platform and device to which you plan to deploy.

  4. Set properties in the Deployment Profile Properties editor.

    Refer to Working with Deployment Profiles in Developing Mobile Applications with Oracle Mobile Application Framework for more information.

  5. Select Application > Deploy.

  6. Choose one of the following:

    • Deploy application to device
    • Deploy application to emulator
    • Deploy application to package
    Refer to Deploying an Android Application or Deploying an iOS Application in Developing Mobile Applications with Oracle Mobile Application Framework, depending on your platform.


If you deploy to a device or emulator, the splash screen should appear. If you deploy to a package, you should get an OracleServiceCloud.apk file that you can then install on the device.