Mobile Accelerator for Oracle Service Cloud — August 2016
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About Mobile Accelerator reports

The following reports in Oracle Service Cloud provide the base functionality of the Mobile Accelerator.

Report AMX Page in JDeveloper Project Purpose
AcceleratorAccountForSelect SearchContactForSelect.amx Searching for contacts by the staff accounts associated with contacts
AcceleratorAssetForSelect SearchAsset.amx Searching for assets to associate with an incident
AcceleratorCategoryForSelect SearchCategory.amx Searching for categories to associate with an incident
AcceleratorContactForSelect SearchContactForSelect.amx Searching for contacts
AcceleratorContactIncidentList ContactDetail.amx Listing incidents associated with a contact
AcceleratorContactList Contacts.amx Listing contacts
AcceleratorDashPerformance Dashboard.amx Incident performance graphs on the Dashboard
AcceleratorDashStatus Dashboard.amx Incident status pie chart on the Dashboard
AcceleratorIncidentAttachmentList IncidentDetail.amx Listing attachments associated with an incident
AcceleratorIncidentList Incidents.amx Listing incidents
AcceleratorIncidentTaskList IncidentDetail.amx Listing tasks associated with an incident
AcceleratorIncidentThreadList IncidentDetail.amx Listing threads associated with an incident
AcceleratorOrganizationContactList OrganizationDetail.amx Listing contacts associated with an organization
AcceleratorOrganizationForSelect SearchContactForSelect.amx Searching for contacts by the organizations associated with contacts
AcceleratorOrganizationIncidentList OrganizationDetail.amx Listing incidents associated with an organization
AcceleratorOrganizationList Organizations.amx Listing organizations
AcceleratorProductForSelect SearchProduct.amx Searching for service products to associate with a new incident
AcceleratorTaskList Dashboard.amx


Listing tasks on the Dashboard or Tasks screen
AcceleratorTaskNoteList TaskDetail.amx Listing Notes associated with a task
AcceleratorThreadChanneForSelect NewThread.amx Selecting a channel to associate with a new thread