Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Context
oracle.ide Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects. 
oracle.ide.addin Contains classes and interfaces that are used by addins to extend JDeveloper with their own views and wizards. 
oracle.ide.cmd Contains classes implementing several JDeveloper commands. 
oracle.ide.compiler Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE build system. 
oracle.ide.datatransfer Contains classes that implement drag and drop data transfers of JDeveloper's drag sources. 
oracle.ide.dialogs Contains classes implementing standard dialogs used by JDeveloper. 
oracle.ide.docking Contains interfaces and classes responsible for the dockable behavior provided by JDeveloper. 
oracle.ide.editor Contains classes and interfaces that allow addins to add their own specialized editors to JDeveloper. 
oracle.ide.explorer Contains the interfaces and classes addins use to provide a structured view of data contained in nodes displayed in a navigator or an editor. 
oracle.ide.gallery Contains classes implementing JDeveloper's new object gallery. 
oracle.ide.help Contains interfaces and classes used by addins to provide context sensitive help on their own windows and dialogs.  
oracle.ide.inspector Contains interfaces and classes that integrators may use to make their objects editable from the property inspector. 
oracle.ide.log Contains the interfaces and classes that allow addins to provide their own log pages. 
oracle.ide.navigator Contains classes providing navigator support. 
oracle.ide.palette Contains classes that allow for palette integration and commands. 
oracle.ide.print Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE print system. 
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 
oracle.ide.vcs Contains application-level interfaces to the version control sub-system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.builder This package contains the base implementations for the set of classes used for creating new objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls The cls package provides classes and interfaces for generating Java classes. 
oracle.jdeveloper.builder.file The file package includes the classes and interfaces for generating file objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.ceditor The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE. 
oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt Contains the base design-time API for integrating database and application server connections within JDeveloper. 
oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.addin Contains base implementations of addin interfaces. 
oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.wizard Contains classes related to Wizard implementations used with connection objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.cmt The Component Model Tool, an API for manipulating Java source code. 
oracle.jdeveloper.compiler Contains classes that allow addins to integrate their own build system translator. 
oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs The Dialogs package contains commonly used dialogs. 
oracle.jdeveloper.externaltools Contains interfaces and classes that allow the support for external tools in the JDeveloper IDE to be invoked, manipulated and extended by extensions. 
oracle.jdeveloper.externaltools.macro Contains APIs related to macros that can be expanded when invoking external tools. 
oracle.jdeveloper.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing the Java specific portions of JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.profiler Utility package to provide code level support for the profiling features. 
oracle.jdeveloper.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the JDeveloper runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor Contains classes that allow addins access to the UIEditor integration objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas Contains classes that allow addins access to the UICanvas integration objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi Contains extension-level service provider interfaces for version control system integraton. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util Contains assorted stateless utilities for version control system integraton. 

Uses of Context in oracle.ide

Classes in oracle.ide that implement Context
 class IdeContext
          IdeContext provides information about the state of the IDE at the time of Context creation.

Methods in oracle.ide that return Context
 Context ContextMenu.getContext()
          Geth the current context.
 Context IdeMainWindow.getContext()
 Context IdeMainWindow.getContext(java.util.EventObject event)

Methods in oracle.ide with parameters of type Context
 DockableView PinnableManager.showLastView(Context context)
 DockableView PinnableManager.showView(Context context)
 boolean PinnableManager.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean PinnableManager.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean FileOpenHistory.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean FileOpenHistory.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean WizardManager.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Handles a command when a user interaction with a View triggers the execution of a command.
 boolean WizardManager.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Invoked when the availability of a specific command needs to be determined.
 boolean WizardManager.invokeWizard(Invokable invokable, Context context, java.lang.String[] params)
          Invokes a wizard with the specified execution context and parameters.
 boolean WizardManager.invokeWizard(Invokable invokable, Context context, java.lang.String[] params, java.lang.String[] technologyKeys)
          Invokes a wizard with the specified execution context and parameters.
 void WizardManager.invokeSecondaryWizard(Invokable invokable, Context context, java.lang.String[] params)
          This method should be used to launch a wizard from another wizard.
 void WizardManager.invokeSecondaryWizard(Invokable invokable, Context context, java.lang.String[] params, java.lang.String[] technologyKeys)
          This method should be used to launch a wizard from another wizard.
 Command CommandProcessor.createCommand(java.lang.String cmd, Context context)
          Creates and instance of the specified command.
 boolean CommandProcessor.canUndo(Context context)
          Check if the last command can be undone.
 java.lang.String CommandProcessor.getUndoLabel(Context context)
 Command CommandProcessor.getCommand(Context context)
 boolean CommandProcessor.canRedo(Context context)
          Check if the last undone command can be redone.
 java.lang.String CommandProcessor.getRedoLabel(Context context)
 void IdeAction.performAction(Context context)
 void IdeAction.updateAction(Context context)
 void ContextMenu.show(Context context)
          Shows the popup menu.
 boolean ContextMenu.fireDefaultAction(Context context)
          Invoke this method to fire the deault action associated with this context menu.
 DockableView MultiManager.showLastView(Context context)
          Show the last managed View.
 DockableView MultiManager.showView(Context context)
          Show the View for the given Context, creating a new View instance as necessary.
 DockableView MultiManager.getNewView(Context context, ViewId viewId)
          Get a new View instance rooted on the given Context and having the given ViewId.
protected abstract  DockableView MultiManager.createDockableView(Context ctx, ViewId viewId)
protected  ViewId MultiManager.getViewId(Context context)
protected  DockableView MultiManager.findOrCreateView(Context context)
protected  DockableView MultiManager.getRelativeView(Context context, ViewId viewId)
 boolean MultiManager.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean MultiManager.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
static int Ide.quit(IdeAction action, Context context)

Constructors in oracle.ide with parameters of type Context
IdeContext(Context context)
          Copy constructor.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.addin

Classes in oracle.ide.addin that implement Context
 class DefaultContext
          DefaultContext class.

Fields in oracle.ide.addin declared as Context
protected  Context AbstractCommand.context
protected  Context Message.context
          Holds the context under which notification is taking place.

Methods in oracle.ide.addin that return Context
 Context DefaultContext.makeCopy()
          Create a copy of the current context and copy accross the relavent properties
 Context Command.getContext()
          Gets the ide current context
 Context AbstractCommand.getContext()
          Gets the ide current context
 Context Context.makeCopy()
          This methods allows clients to make a copy of the current context whilst preserving the type of the Context object.
 Context AbstractView.getContext()
          Gets the current view context.
 Context View.getContext()
          Gets the current view context.
 Context View.getContext(java.util.EventObject event)
          Get the current view context for the given EventObject.
 Context Message.getContext()
          Get the context under which notification is taking place.

Methods in oracle.ide.addin with parameters of type Context
 void AbstractPinnable.setContext(Context context)
          Initialize the DockableView based upon the selection of the View contained in the incoming Context.
protected  void AbstractPinnable.viewSelectionChanged(Context context)
          Internal method allowing subclasses to perform additional processing after the standard call to viewSelectionChanged(ViewSelectionEvent) has filtered out cases where the selection changes should be ignored.
 void Command.setContext(Context context)
          Sets context associated with command
 void AbstractCommand.setContext(Context context)
          Sets context associated with command
 javax.swing.JComponent[] DynamicMenuListener.gatherDynamicActions(Context context)
          Called just before the dynamic menu is added to the main menu bar.
 boolean Invokable.invoke(Context context, java.lang.String[] params)
          Invokes the object, usually called by the IDE.
 boolean Wizard.isAvailable(Context context)
          Called when the sensitivity of the menu item that opens this wizard must be determined.
 boolean ContextMenuListener.handleDefaultAction(Context context)
          Called when the user double clicks on an item that has a popup menu.
 void Message.setContext(Context context)
          Set the context under which notification is taking place.
 boolean Controller.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when a user interaction with a View triggers the execution of a command.
 boolean Controller.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method updates the enabled status of the specified action within the specified context.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.cmd

Fields in oracle.ide.cmd declared as Context
protected  Context SaveAsCommand._context

Methods in oracle.ide.cmd with parameters of type Context
protected  Folder SaveAsCommand.getElementOwner(Element element, Context context, boolean parentOK)
protected  boolean SaveAsCommand.saveFileDlgOK(Context context, Document doc, java.lang.String dialogTitle)
static int RevertNodeCommand.reload(Context context)
          Utility method to reload the document specified in the context with confirmation; the document must be an instance of Node.
static int RevertNodeCommand.reload(Context context, boolean confirm)
          Utility method to reload the document specified in the context with optional confirmation; the document must be an instance of Node.
static void RenameMessage.fireObjectRenamed(Subject subject, java.net.URL oldURL, Context context)
          Case 1) Object rename notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireChildRenamed(Subject subject, java.net.URL oldURL, Document doc, Context context)
          Case 1) Child rename notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireObjectRenamed(Subject subject, java.net.URL oldURL, Document doc, Document duplicate, Context context)
          Case 2) Object renamed notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireChildRenamed(Subject subject, java.net.URL oldURL, Document doc, Document duplicate, Context context)
          Case 2) Child renamed notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireObjectRenamed(Document doc, java.net.URL oldURL, Document node, Context context)
          Case 3) Object renamed notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireChildRenamed(Subject subject, Document doc, java.net.URL oldURL, Document node, Context context)
          Case 3) Child renamed notification.
static void RenameMessage.firePreChildRenamed(Subject subject, Context context)
          Call this method before the subject is actually renamed.
static Workspace NewWorkspaceCommand.createEmptyWorkspace(Context context, java.net.URL wspURL)
          Creates a new empty workspace.
protected  Folder RemoveFileCommand.findOwner(TNode[] tnodes, Context context)
          Find the owner of the given tnode.
protected  Folder RemoveFileCommand.findOwner(TNode tnode, Context context)
          Find the owner of the given tnode.
 int CloseNodeCommand.close(java.util.Iterator nodes, Context context, boolean uncache, boolean removeUnsavedNodes)
          Closes the nodes specified by the Iterator.
protected  int CloseNodeCommand.close(java.util.List nodes, Context context, boolean uncache, boolean removeUnsavedNodes)

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.compiler

Methods in oracle.ide.compiler with parameters of type Context
 void BuildSystemListener.buildWillStart(Context context)
          This method is called just before actually starting a build for the following context, context may be one or more workspace(s), one or more project(s), or one or more files within a project.
abstract  boolean Compiler.compile(Context context, boolean rebuild, boolean wait)
          compile -- compile the context (may be project, workspace, file, ...) and return true if they are no errors else false.
abstract  boolean Compiler.compile(Context context, boolean rebuild, boolean wait, boolean save)
abstract  void Compiler.compile(Context context, boolean rebuild, PostBuilder postBuild, boolean save)
          compile -- compile the context (may be project, workspace, file, ...) on a background thread and call the specified worker object once compilation is completed with build successful or not as the postBuild method input parameter.
abstract  boolean Compiler.isBusy(Context context)
abstract  boolean Compiler.lock(Context context, boolean wait)
          lock/unlock the context (may be project, workspace, file, ...) and return true if the opeartion was successful.
abstract  boolean Compiler.unlock(Context context)

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.datatransfer

Methods in oracle.ide.datatransfer that return Context
 Context TransferableContext.getContext()

Constructors in oracle.ide.datatransfer with parameters of type Context
TransferableContext(Context context)
          Construct a TransferableContext from the specified Context.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.dialogs

Methods in oracle.ide.dialogs with parameters of type Context
static void ExceptionDialog.showExceptionDialog(Context context, java.lang.Throwable t)
          Show an exception dialog based on an IDE context and a throwable.
static void ExceptionDialog.showExceptionDialog(Context context, java.lang.Throwable t, java.lang.String message)
          Show an exception dialog based on an IDE context and a throwable.
static void ExceptionDialog.showExceptionDialog(Context context, java.lang.Throwable t, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String message, java.lang.String helpTopicID)
          Show an exception dialog based on an IDE context and a throwable.
static URLChooser DialogUtil.newURLChooser(Context context)
          Creates a new URLChooser that is initialized according to the current Context.
static void DialogUtil.initURLChooser(URLChooser urlChooser, Context context)
          Initializes the specified URLChooser according to the current Context.
static void DialogUtil.addShortcutButtons(URLChooser uc, java.net.URL defaultURL, Context context)
          Deprecated. Replace with #addShortcutButtons(URLChooser,Context.
static void DialogUtil.addShortcutButtons(URLChooser uc, Context context)
          Adds shortcut buttons on the left side of the URLChooser based on the specified Context.
static URLChooserInit DialogUtil.getURLChooserInit(Context context)
          Returns a URLChooser initializer.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.docking

Methods in oracle.ide.docking with parameters of type Context
static void DockUtil.smartToggleDockableWindow(DockableView dw, Context context)
          'Smart' Toggles the visibility of the DockableView.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.editor

Fields in oracle.ide.editor declared as Context
protected  Context AbstractEditor._context

Methods in oracle.ide.editor that return Context
 Context RecentFile.getContext()
static Context EditorUtil.findNodeInContext(Element node, Context context)
          Find the project containing the specified node.
 Context AbstractEditor.getContext()
 Context AbstractEditor.getContext(java.util.EventObject event)

Methods in oracle.ide.editor with parameters of type Context
 boolean RecentFile.isSameDocument(Context otherContext)
static Editor EditorUtil.openExplicitEditorInFrame(java.lang.Class editorClass, Context context)
          Opens the specified editor and makes the document 'explicit'
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Node node, Context context)
          Open the specified node using the default editor.
static Context EditorUtil.findNodeInContext(Element node, Context context)
          Find the project containing the specified node.
 void AbstractEditor.setContext(Context context)
 void Editor.setContext(Context context)
          Sets the current editor context.
abstract  Editor EditorManager.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Context context)
          Opens the specified file (context) using the default registered editor class for this node type.
abstract  Editor EditorManager.openEditorInFrame(java.lang.Class editorClass, Context context)
          Opens the specified file (context) using the specified editor class (editorClass.) The new editor frame will be opened in the active editor tabbed frame (if one exists.) If there is no active editor desktop, or editor tabbed frame, one will be created automatically.
abstract  void EditorManager.replaceEditors(Context oldContext, Context newContext)
abstract  java.util.List EditorManager.findEditors(Context context)

Constructors in oracle.ide.editor with parameters of type Context
RecentFile(Context context)

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.explorer

Methods in oracle.ide.explorer that return Context
 Context TreeExplorer.getContext(java.util.EventObject event)
          Get the current tree context.

Methods in oracle.ide.explorer with parameters of type Context
static TNode ExplorerContextUtil.getSingleTNode(Context context)
          Returns the selected TNode from the specified Context if there is only one Element selected in the Context and that Element has a corresponding TNode.
static TNode ExplorerContextUtil.getFirstTNode(Context context)
          Returns the first selected TNode from the specified Context if there is at least one Element selected in the Context and that Element has a corresponding TNode.
static TNode[] ExplorerContextUtil.getAllTNodes(Context context)
          Returns the array of selected TNode objects from the specified Context if there are one or more Element objects selected in the Context and those Element objects have corresponding TNode objects.
static boolean ExplorerContextUtil.hasNonSiblingTNodes(Context context)
          Asks whether the specified Context has a selection that represents non-sibling TNode objects.
 void Explorer.setContext(Context context)
          (Re)initialize the contents of the gui.
 void AbstractExplorer.setContext(Context context)
abstract  Explorer ExplorerManager.getExplorerForHost(View host, Context context)
          Gets the Explorer associated with the specified host for the given context.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.gallery

Methods in oracle.ide.gallery with parameters of type Context
 void ObjectGalleryPanel.setContext(Context context)
protected  boolean GalleryElement.isAvailable(Context context)
          Returns the enabled state of the GalleryElement in the specified Context.
 void ObjectGallery.runDialog(Context context)
          Invokes the Object Gallery on the given context.
 void ObjectGallery.runDialog(Context context, java.lang.String initialSelection)
 void ObjectGallery.runDialog(Context context, java.lang.String initialFolder, java.lang.String initialSelection)
          Invokes the Object Gallery on the given context and selects the specified wizard.
static boolean ObjectGallery.isWizardAvailable(Wizard w, Context context)
          Safe utility method to see if a wizard is available.
 boolean ObjectGalleryAddin.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean ObjectGalleryAddin.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean ObjectGalleryAddin.handleDefaultAction(Context context)

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.help

Methods in oracle.ide.help that return Context
 Context HelpInfo.getContext()

Methods in oracle.ide.help with parameters of type Context
 void HelpInfo.setContext(Context context)
abstract  void HelpSystem.showHelp(Context c)
          Invokes the Help Viewer on help topic for the JComponent
abstract  void HelpSystem.showLanguageHelp(Context context, java.lang.String symbolName)
          Shows help on the language symbol symbolName

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.inspector

Methods in oracle.ide.inspector with parameters of type Context
abstract  void IdePropertyModel.setContext(Context context)
          Initialize this PropertyModel based on the selection of a given Context.
 void IdeMultiObjectModel.setContext(Context context)
          Initialize based upon the selection of a given Context.
 Inspectable InspectableFactory.getInspectable(Context context)
          Get an Inspectable capable of handling the entire selection of the given Context.
 void Inspectable.setContext(Context context)
          Initialize the PropertyModel to reflect the selection of the Context.
 void DefaultInspectable.setContext(Context context)
          Initialize from the selection of the given Context.
 MultiInspectable InspectorFactory.getMultiInspectable(Context context)
          Get a MultiInspectable instance for the given Context.
 Inspectable InspectorFactory.getInspectable(Context context)
          Get an Inspectable implementation for the entire set of data referred to within the given Context, else null if no single Inspectable can be found to handle the entire contents.
 Inspectable InspectorFactory.getInspectable(Context context, Element element)
          Get an Inspectable implementation for the data referred to by the given Element within the given Context, else null if no Inspectable can be found for the given Element's data.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.log

Methods in oracle.ide.log that return Context
 Context AbstractLogPage.getContext(java.util.EventObject event)
protected  Context AbstractLogManager.getContext(java.util.EventObject event)
          Classes that extend the AbstractLogManager class should override this method in order to return the appropriate context.

Methods in oracle.ide.log with parameters of type Context
protected  void DefaultLogPage.saveToFile(Context context)
 void AbstractLogPage.checkCommands(Context context, Controller activeController)
abstract  void LogManager.toggleLog(Context context)
          Shows/Hide the LogWindow.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.navigator

Methods in oracle.ide.navigator that return Context
 Context Extension.updateContext(Context context, TNode[] tnodes)
          This method is called when the NavigatorWindow getContext method is called.

Methods in oracle.ide.navigator with parameters of type Context
 Context Extension.updateContext(Context context, TNode[] tnodes)
          This method is called when the NavigatorWindow getContext method is called.
abstract  NavigatorWindow NavigatorManager.openNavigator(Context context)
          Open a navigator based on the specified context.
abstract  NavigatorWindow NavigatorManager.showNavigator(Context context)
          Convenience method programatically identical to casting the result of showView(context) to a NavigatorWindow.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.palette

Methods in oracle.ide.palette with parameters of type Context
 void PaletteTransferable.setContext(Context context)
          Set the current Context
 void PaletteTransferable.postConfigure(Context context)
          Allow for a postConfigure process that occurs when the drop has been completed.
 void PaletteDisplayableListener.paletteDisplayed(Context context, Editor editor)
 java.lang.Object PaletteInvokable.getPaletteEditor(Context context)
 void PaletteInvokable.configure(Context context)
 boolean PaletteContext.canShowPage(Context context)
          Allow page owners to determine if their page should be shown
abstract  void PaletteManager.syncPalette(Context context)
          Force a palette sync with current context.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.print

Methods in oracle.ide.print with parameters of type Context
 void DocumentPrintFactory.create(Context context)
          The method that will be called by the PrintManager in response to the the print command.
 boolean DocumentPrintFactory.isPrintingEnabled(Context context)
          This method will be called by the PrintManager to determine if the File->Print menu option should be enabled.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.runner

Fields in oracle.ide.runner declared as Context
protected  Context RunProcess.context
          The Context that is associated with this process.

Methods in oracle.ide.runner that return Context
 Context RunLogPage.getContext(java.util.EventObject event)
          Returns the Context that is associated with this log page.
 Context RunProcess.getContext()
          Returns the Context that is associated with this RunProcess.

Methods in oracle.ide.runner with parameters of type Context
static Document RunProcess.getContextDocumentForRun(Context context)
          Returns the Document for the given Context.
static Project RunProcess.getProject(Context context)
abstract  void Debugger.addRunAndDebugToContextMenu(ContextMenu popup, Context context)
 boolean AbstractStarterFactory.enableRunDebugActions(Context context)
 java.lang.Object AbstractStarterFactory.canStart(RunProcess runProcess, Context context, Node node, java.util.List errors)
 Displayable AbstractStarterFactory.getDisplayable(RunProcess runProcess, Context context, Node node, java.lang.Object o)
 Starter AbstractStarterFactory.createStarter(RunProcess runProcess, Context context, Node node, java.lang.Object o)
abstract  boolean Runner.enableRunDebugActions(Context context, java.lang.Class starterFactorySubClass)
          This method is used by the run and debug systems in order to set the enable/disable state of the run and debug actions.

Constructors in oracle.ide.runner with parameters of type Context
RunProcess(Context context)
          The constructor simply initializes the fields of this RunProcess.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.vcs

Methods in oracle.ide.vcs with parameters of type Context
static boolean VCSFacade.doAdd(Context context)
          Adds files represented by the context to the version control sub-system.
static boolean VCSFacade.doCheckOut(Context context)
          Prepares a check out on files represented by the context.
static boolean VCSFacade.doRemove(Context context)
          Removes files represented by the context from the version control sub-system.
static java.util.Map VCSFacade.getStatus(Context context)
          Gets version control statuses for the given context.

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.builder

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder with parameters of type Context
protected  void AbstractBuilderModel.initializeFromContext(Context ctx)
protected  BaliWizardState AbstractBuilder.buildState(Context context)
protected abstract  AbstractBuilderModel AbstractBuilder._buildModel(Context context)

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls that return Context
protected  Context AbstractGenerator.getContext()
protected  Context ClassBuilderModel.getContext()

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls with parameters of type Context
 void Generator.setContext(Context ctx)
          Sets the context in which the generator is being accessed.
 void AbstractGenerator.setContext(Context ctx)
protected  AbstractBuilderModel ClassBuilder._buildModel(Context context)
protected  ClassBuilderModel ClassBuilder._createModel(Context context)
protected  BaliWizardPanel ClassBuilder.buildPanel(Context context, BaliWizardState state)
protected  oracle.bali.ewt.dialog.JEWTDialog ClassBuilder.buildDialog(Context context, BaliWizardState state)

Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls with parameters of type Context
ClassBuilderModel(Context ctx)

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.file

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.file with parameters of type Context
protected  AbstractBuilderModel EmptyFileBuilder._buildModel(Context context)
protected  BaliWizardPanel FileBuilder.buildPanel(Context context, BaliWizardState state)

Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.file with parameters of type Context
EmptyFileBuilder.EmptyFileBuilderModel(Context context)
FileBuilderModel(Context ctx)
FileBuilderModel(Context ctx, java.lang.String ext)

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.ceditor

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.ceditor that return Context
 Context CodeEditorGutter.getContext()
          Gets the current view context associated with this particular Code Editor and Gutter.
static Context CodeEditor.getContext(BasicEditorPane editor)
          Fetch the IDE context associated with the given editor component.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.ceditor with parameters of type Context
protected  void CodeEditorController.checkCommandsAfterNavigation(Context context)
          Utility routine which is used to verify command sensitivity after a change in the caret position of the editor.
 boolean CodeEditorController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when the availability of a specific command needs to be determined.
 boolean CodeEditorController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when a user interaction with a View triggers the execution of a command.
 boolean CodeEditorController.handleDefaultAction(Context context)
          Called when the user double clicks on an item that has a popup menu.
 javax.swing.JComponent[] CodeEditorController.gatherDynamicActions(Context context)
          Called just before the dynamic menu is added to the main menu bar.
 java.util.List EditorPluginsFactory.createPlugins(Context ideContext)
          Creates a set of EditorPlugins that should be installed in a new CodeEditor opened for a node of the specified nodeClass.
 java.util.List CodeEditorPluginsFactory.createPlugins(Context ideContext)
          Creates a set of EditorPlugins that should be installed in a new CodeEditor opened for the given document.
 void CodeEditor.setContext(Context context)
          Set the context behind this editor.

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt with parameters of type Context
static ConnectionNode CmUtil.getConnectionNode(Context ctx)

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.addin

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.addin with parameters of type Context
 void AbstractConnectionEditor.setContext(Context context)
 boolean AbstractConnectionEditorWizard.isAvailable(Context context)
 boolean AbstractConnectionEditorWizard.invoke(Context context, java.lang.String[] params)

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.wizard

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.wizard with parameters of type Context
static Schema DBWizardLauncher.determineSchema(Context ctx, Database db)
static Node DBWizardLauncher.createNode(Context ctx, Database db, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String objectType, boolean openEditor)
 boolean DBWizardFactory.canCreateDBObject(Context ctx, Database db, java.lang.String dbObjectType)
          Whether this DBWizardFactory will be able to create a new dabtabase object of a specific type in a specific context.
 boolean DBWizardFactory.createDBObject(Context ctx, Database db, java.lang.String dbObjectType)
          Creates a new dabtabase object of a specific type in a specific context.
 boolean DBWizardFactory.canEditDBObject(Context ctx, Database db, DBObject object)
          Whether this DBWizardFactory will be able to edit an existing dabtabase object of a specific type in a specific context.
 boolean DBWizardFactory.editDBObject(Context ctx, Database db, DBObject object)
          Edits an existing dabtabase object of a specific type in a specific context.

Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.wizard with parameters of type Context
DBWizardLauncher(Context ctx, Database db, java.lang.String title)

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt with parameters of type Context
 void CmtMultiObjectModel.setContext(Context context)
 void InspectableSubcomponent.setContext(Context context)

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler with parameters of type Context
 boolean UnifiedBuildSystem.init(Context context, boolean rebuild)
 java.net.URL UnifiedBuildSystem.getURLFromClassName(Context context, java.lang.String className)
 boolean UnifiedBuildSystem.isLocked(Context context)
 boolean UnifiedBuildSystem.lock(Context context)
 boolean JCompiler.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when a user interaction with a View triggers the execution of a command.
 boolean JCompiler.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          This method is called when the availability of a specific command needs to be determined.
 boolean JCompiler.handleDefaultAction(Context context)
          Called when the user double clicks on an item that has a popup menu
 boolean JCompiler.isBusy(Context context)
          Will return true if the build system is already busy building and not currently available.
 void JCompiler.stopBuild(Context context)
          Will return true if the build system is already busy building and not currently available.
 boolean JCompiler.compile(Context context, boolean rebuild, boolean wait)
          Will compile the specified node.
 boolean JCompiler.compile(Context context, boolean rebuild, boolean wait, boolean save)
 void JCompiler.compile(Context context, boolean rebuild, PostBuilder postBuild, boolean save)
 java.net.URL JCompiler.getURLFromClassName(Context context, java.lang.String className)
 boolean JCompiler.lock(Context context, boolean wait)
 boolean JCompiler.unlock(Context context)

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs with parameters of type Context
 void ClassPackageBrowserFilter2.setContext(Context context)
          Set the Context of the filter.

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.externaltools

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.externaltools with parameters of type Context
abstract  void ExternalTool.run(ExternalToolManager manager, Context context)
          Invoke the external tool instance on the specified context.

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.externaltools.macro

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.externaltools.macro with parameters of type Context
abstract  java.lang.String MacroRegistry.expand(java.lang.String inputString, Context context, boolean isSample)
          Expand macros in the specified String for the specified IDE context, and return a String containing expanded macros.
 java.lang.String MacroRegistry.expand(java.lang.String inputString, Context context)
          Expand macros in the specified String for the specified IDE context, and return a String containing expanded macros.
 java.lang.String MacroExpander.getSampleExpansion(Context context)
          Get a sample expansion of this macro.
 java.lang.String MacroExpander.expand(Context context)
          Expand the specified context into a String.

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.utils

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.utils with parameters of type Context
static void War.create(Context ctx)
          Create War Structure in Project
static boolean War.exists(Context context)
          Check to see if a WEB-INF directory exists in project
static void JSPTagUtils.insertTaglib(oracle.ideimpl.palette.model.Jsplibrary jspLib, Context context, Document document)
static boolean JSPTagUtils.unregisterTagLibrary(Context context, java.lang.String prefix)
          Removes all reference of a tag library from the web deployment descriptor as well as from the additional classpath.
static void JSPTagUtils.updateArchives(Context context)
          Updates the project with the latest Tag Libraries as definied in jsp-libraries.xml

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.model

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.model that return Context
 Context NavigatorExtension.updateContext(Context context, TNode[] tnodes)
          This method is called when the NavigatorWindow getContext method is called.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.model with parameters of type Context
 Context NavigatorExtension.updateContext(Context context, TNode[] tnodes)
          This method is called when the NavigatorWindow getContext method is called.
 void JProjectInspectable.setContext(Context context)
static boolean JProjectStructureController.isInCategoryView(Context context)
 boolean JProjectStructureController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean JProjectStructureController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean DocumentRecognizer.handleDefaultAction(Context context)
          Called when the user double clicks on an item that has a popup menu

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.palette

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.palette that return Context
 Context PaletteEditorContext.getContext()
 Context DataTransferable.getContext()

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.palette with parameters of type Context
 void ReentrantWizard.editTag(oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.model.content.dom.ONode node, Context context)
          Will be called on a double-click or right-click edit tag operation.
static java.lang.Integer PaletteUtils.getCurrentPosition(Context context)
 void PaletteEditorContext.setContext(Context context)
 java.net.URL PaletteEditorContext.showWebDocumentDialog(Context context)
 java.net.URL PaletteEditorContext.showImageDialog(Context context)
 void PaletteEditorContext.addImageToProject(java.net.URL url, Context context)
 java.lang.String PaletteEditorContext.getRelativeString(Context context, java.net.URL url)
          Get a relative url for any document under the document root in a web application
 java.lang.String PaletteEditorContext.getRelativeStringForImage(Context context, java.net.URL url)
          Get a relative url for any document under the document root in a web application
 java.net.URL PaletteEditorContext.showCssDialog(Context context)
static java.lang.Integer PaletteEditorContext.getCurrentPosition(Context context)
 boolean HtmlPaletteContext.canShowPage(Context context)
 void DataTransferable.setContext(Context context)
 void ConfigureProject.configure(Context context, JProject project)
          Called by individual palette items when activated.
 java.net.URL HtmlWizardConfiguration.getRootPath(Context context)
 java.net.URL WebApplicationConfiguration.getRootPath(Context context)
 HtmlWizardConfiguration HtmlWizardManager.getHtmlWizardConfiguration(Context context)

Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.palette with parameters of type Context
PaletteEditorContext(Context context, PaletteEditor editor)

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.profiler

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.profiler with parameters of type Context
 void EventTester.doTest(Context c, int id, java.lang.String filename, int line, float start, float end, java.lang.String comment, java.lang.String detail)
 void DefaultEventTester.doTest(Context context, int id, java.lang.String file, int line, float start, float end, java.lang.String comment, java.lang.String detail)

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.runner

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.runner that return Context
abstract  Context EmbeddedServerAdmin.getTargetContext()
          Returns the Context in which the embedded server is running.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.runner with parameters of type Context
static CodeEditor Source.getCodeEditorFromContext(Context context)
          Returns the CodeEditor for the given Context.
static Node Source.getNodeFromCodeEditor(Context context)
          Returns the Node for the given code editor Context.
static int Source.getLineFromCodeEditor(Context context)
          Returns the line number for the given code editor Context.

Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.runner with parameters of type Context
JRunProcess(Context context)
          This constructor initializes fields, including JRunProcess.runConfiguration.

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor that return Context
 Context AbstractCanvas.getContext()
          Get the Context.
 Context AbstractCanvas.getContext(java.util.EventObject e)
          Get the Context relative to the given event.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor with parameters of type Context
 void UIEditorPrintFactory.create(Context context)
          Called by the PrintManager in response to the the print command.
 javax.swing.JComponent[] AbstractFactory.gatherDynamicActions(Context context)
          Get an array of objects to be hosted in the dynamic menu associated with the View of the given Context.
 void AbstractCanvas.setContext(Context context)
          Set the Context.
 boolean AbstractCanvas.handleDefaultAction(Context context)
          Handle the default action of the UIEditor ContextMenu.

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas with parameters of type Context
 Explorer LayoutAssistant.getConstraintsEditor(Context context)
          Get an Explorer implementation with which to modify the constraints settings, else null.
 boolean LayoutAssistant.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Respond to the given user action within the given context.
 boolean LayoutAssistant.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Update the enabled state of the given action within the given context.
 javax.swing.JComponent[] LayoutAssistant.getContextMenuItems(Context context)
          Get an array of JComponent for population onto a ContextMenu.
 javax.swing.JComponent[] AbstractAssistant.getContextMenuItems(Context context)
          Get an array of JComponent for population onto a ContextMenu.
 boolean AbstractAssistant.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Update the enabled state of the given action within the given context.
 boolean AbstractAssistant.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Respond to the given user action within the given context.
protected static java.util.ArrayList AbstractAssistant.getSelectedSiblings(Context context)
          Convenience method for determining whether the selection of the given Context contains all siblings.

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi that return Context
protected  Context VCSAbstractCommand.buildContextForEditor()
          Build a context for invoking an editor.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi with parameters of type Context
 boolean VCSController.handleEvent(IdeAction action, Context context)
 boolean VCSController.update(IdeAction action, Context context)
protected  void VCSController.updateImpl(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Provides action update implementation for the given action and context (handled actions only).
protected  void VCSController.handleEventImpl(IdeAction action, Context context)
          Provides event handler implementation for the given action and context.
 boolean VCSContextMenuListener.handleDefaultAction(Context context)
protected abstract  java.awt.Component[] VCSContextMenuListener.getContextMenuItems(Context context)
          Gets the menu items to be added directly to the context menu when popup notification is received.

Uses of Context in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util that return Context
static Context VCSThreadSafeContexts.createContext()
          Creates a default context.
static Context VCSThreadSafeContexts.createContext(Context context)
          Creates a copy context.
static Context VCSThreadSafeContexts.createContext(Element element)
          Creates a context with the given element as the selection.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util with parameters of type Context
static Context VCSThreadSafeContexts.createContext(Context context)
          Creates a copy context.
static javax.swing.JMenuItem VCSMenuUtils.addDynamicMenuItem(javax.swing.JMenu menu, int cmdId, float section, Context context)
          Create and add a dynamic menu item for the specified command.
static Command VCSDocumentCommands.createQuietCloseNodeCommand(Context context)
          Creates a command to quietly close nodes.
static Command VCSDocumentCommands.createMoveNodeCommand(Context context, java.net.URL destinationUrl)
          Creates a command to move a single node to a different URL location.
static Locatable[] VCSContextUtils.getContextLocatables(Context context, URLFilter filter)
          Gets the valid locatables from the context node selection.
static Locatable[] VCSContextUtils.getContextLocatables(Context context)
          Gets the valid locatables from the context node selection.

Extension SDK


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