Extension SDK 10.1.2

Interface Inspectable

All Known Subinterfaces:
CmtInspectable, Inspectable2
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultInspectable, InspectableSubcomponent, JProjectInspectable

public interface Inspectable

An Inspectable provides information describing the property settings of a given selection. An Inspectable implementation class can be registered via the InspectorFactory for a given data type such that instances of that data type appearing in the selection of a given Context may be described to the InspectorWindow via an instance of the registered Inspectable implementation class.

The collective Inspectable instances for the selection of any given Context (there may be as many as one Inspectable per Element in the selection) are amalgamated into a single MultiInspectable which in turn can be handed to the InspectorWindow as a single model for display.

See Also:
InspectorFactory.registerInspectable, InspectorFactory.registerInspectableFactory, MultiInspectable, InspectorWindow

Method Summary
 java.awt.Component[] getAdditionalTabPages()
          Get any additional pages that should appear in the InspectorWindow when editing the selected object(s).
 java.beans.Customizer getCustomizer()
          Get any Customizer that is applicable to the selected data as contained in the selection of the Context set by a previous call to setContext.
 oracle.bali.inspector.PropertyModel getPropertyModel()
          Get a PropertyModel describing the state of the selected data as contained in the selection of the Context set by a previous call to setContext.
 java.lang.Object getTarget()
          Get the target that will ultimately be affected by changes made to the PropertyModel returned by this Inspectable, or by changes made by any Customizer returned by this Inspectable.
 void setContext(Context context)
          Initialize the PropertyModel to reflect the selection of the Context.

Method Detail


public void setContext(Context context)
Initialize the PropertyModel to reflect the selection of the Context.

context - the Context to use for initialization.


public java.lang.Object getTarget()
Get the target that will ultimately be affected by changes made to the PropertyModel returned by this Inspectable, or by changes made by any Customizer returned by this Inspectable. If more than a single object is contained in the selection, then the first one should be returned.

The target object.


public oracle.bali.inspector.PropertyModel getPropertyModel()
Get a PropertyModel describing the state of the selected data as contained in the selection of the Context set by a previous call to setContext.

The applicable PropertyModel.


public java.beans.Customizer getCustomizer()
Get any Customizer that is applicable to the selected data as contained in the selection of the Context set by a previous call to setContext. Note that if the selection is of more than one object then this method should return null. Any Customizer returned is expected to have already been initialized via a call to its setObject method.

A Customizer.


public java.awt.Component[] getAdditionalTabPages()
Get any additional pages that should appear in the InspectorWindow when editing the selected object(s). Note that any pages returned must be capable of handling the entire selection, be that a single object or many objects.

An array of GUI 'pages'.

Extension SDK


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