Extension SDK 10.1.2

Package oracle.ide

Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects.


Interface Summary
ActiveViewHandler This interface is used by the main window to return the active view and to build the control stack.
ExtensionTagHandler Enables handlers to register their own xml tag element with the AddinManager, enabling them to be called when the addin manager reads the xml tag.
IdeActivationListener A listener to IDE activation events.
IdeConstants Interface defining IDE constants such as command IDs.
IdeListener A listener to IDE events.
IdePropertyConstants This class serves as a repository of properties used in ide.properties
IdeUIManager IdeUIManager defines public constants related to how the IDE handles look-and-feel specific code.
MenuManager Manages the JDeveloper IDE's menus.

Class Summary
AbstractMenuManager AbstractMenuManager class.
AddinManager The AddinManager class is responsible for loading extensions (Addins) to the IDE.
CommandProcessor The IdeCommandProcessor singleton class is responsible for managing the execution of the IDE commands and managing the undo stack.
ComponentVersionManager Adds the component name and version number to the list of registered component/version sets.
ContextMenu ContextMenu class.
FileOpenHistory The FileOpenHistory class manages the opened files history.
Ide This class is responsible for coordinating startup of the IDE.
IdeAction An IdeAction is used when adding a menu and/or toobar button.
IdeActions Factory class for getting or creating IdeAction instances that are defined by the IDE framework.
IdeActivationAdapter The default implementation of IdeActivationListener
IdeActivationEvent An event representing activation or deactivation of the IDE.
IdeAdapter The default implementation of IdeListener
IdeArgs This class is used as an agument for the IDE startup() procedure.
IdeContext IdeContext provides information about the state of the IDE at the time of Context creation.
IdeCore Core IDE functionality.
IdeEvent An event representing a step in the IDE startup and shutdown
IdeMacros Maintains a Map of system variables to value pairs.
IdeMainWindow This class implements the main application view.
IdeSubject The IdeSubject class defines the API to register Observers that are interested in receiving notifications of Subject changes.
IdeVetoableSubject The IdeVetoableSubject class is a default implementation of the VetoableSubject interface.
IdeViewHandler For IDE internal use only.
LocalAction An LocalAction is used in Views that have commands accessible through local toolbars.
Menubar Menubar class represents a JFrame menu bar.
MenuConstants This class defines the constants for adding commands to the main menubar and to context menus.
MenuWeightComparator Comparator for sorting weighted menu items.
MultiManager The MultiManager class is a base class for other managers that can support support either a singleton view or multiple views based on a configurable setting.
ProfileIDs Defines constants used for event profiling IDE framework classes.
WizardManager WizardManager provides the interface through which the IDE handles Wizards.

Exception Summary
ExtensionTagException Enables implementors of ExtensionTagHandler to report errors to the Extension manager.

Package oracle.ide Description

Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects. In general, addins use the oracle.ide.Ide class to gain access to other objects such as the oracle.ide.MainWindow and oracle.ide.Menubar in order to add their own menu items to the JDeveloper.

Related Documentation

See Extending JDeveloper Using the Addin API for additional details.

Extension SDK


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