Extension SDK 10.1.2

Interface Invokable

All Known Subinterfaces:
GalleryWizard, PaletteEditor, PaletteInvokable, Wizard
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractConnectionEditorWizard, AbstractGalleryWizard, PaletteEditor

public interface Invokable

The Invokable interface can be used to identify a class as being capable of being "invoked" by the IDE. Wizards are one example of a type of class that the IDE might invoke.

See Also:

Method Summary
 boolean invoke(Context context, java.lang.String[] params)
          Invokes the object, usually called by the IDE.

Method Detail


public boolean invoke(Context context,
                      java.lang.String[] params)
Invokes the object, usually called by the IDE.

context - the context of the invocation.
params - optional arguments from the invoker

true if the invocation was successful, false if it failed, or was aborted.
See Also:

Extension SDK


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