Extension SDK 10.1.2

Class ObjectGallery

  extended byoracle.ide.gallery.ObjectGallery

public final class ObjectGallery
extends java.lang.Object

Main object gallery, which is responsible for invoking the object gallery dialog.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String XML_FILENAME
Constructor Summary
          Default Constructor
ObjectGallery(java.net.URL defaultURL)
          Constructor for the New Object Gallery.
Method Summary
 GalleryFolder getModel()
          Gets the GalleryFolder which is the parent node of all child folders for the Object Gallery.
static boolean isWizardAvailable(Wizard w, Context context)
          Safe utility method to see if a wizard is available.
 void runDialog(Context context)
          Invokes the Object Gallery on the given context.
 void runDialog(Context context, java.lang.String initialSelection)
 void runDialog(Context context, java.lang.String initialFolder, java.lang.String initialSelection)
          Invokes the Object Gallery on the given context and selects the specified wizard.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String XML_FILENAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ObjectGallery()
Default Constructor


public ObjectGallery(java.net.URL defaultURL)
Constructor for the New Object Gallery.

defaultURL - URL of the XML file which contains the data model used by this object gallery. If this parameter is null, then the default gallery.xml file will be used.
Method Detail


public GalleryFolder getModel()
Gets the GalleryFolder which is the parent node of all child folders for the Object Gallery.

The root folder
See Also:


public void runDialog(Context context)
Invokes the Object Gallery on the given context. The context is used when asking the individual wizards if they are available for use.

context - Context within the Ide framework from which this was invoked.


public void runDialog(Context context,
                      java.lang.String initialSelection)


public void runDialog(Context context,
                      java.lang.String initialFolder,
                      java.lang.String initialSelection)
Invokes the Object Gallery on the given context and selects the specified wizard. The context is used when asking the individual wizards if they are available for use.

context - Context within the Ide framework from which this was invoked.
initialFolder - the name of the desired folder, or null to use the default folder.
initialSelection - the classname of the desired wizard, or null to use the default selection.


public static final boolean isWizardAvailable(Wizard w,
                                              Context context)
Safe utility method to see if a wizard is available. It catches anything that may be thrown at eats it.

w - The wizard to check availability
context - The context the wizard should be tested against.

Extension SDK


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