Extension SDK 10.1.2

Class DocumentPrintFactory

  extended byoracle.ide.print.DocumentPrintFactory
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DocumentPrintFactory
extends java.lang.Object

A base class for handling printing from a view. Some views will extend this class so they can override methods to provide a more view-specific implementation. For example, in the Navigator it's important to override isPrintingEnabled() to only return true if at least one selected element is printable.

Field Summary
protected  java.awt.print.Pageable _pageable
protected  PrintManager _printManager
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void create(Context context)
          The method that will be called by the PrintManager in response to the the print command.
 boolean isPrintingEnabled(Context context)
          This method will be called by the PrintManager to determine if the File->Print menu option should be enabled.
 void print()
          Deprecated. Now the create() method should set the object to be printed in the PrintManager rather than use the print() method.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected PrintManager _printManager


protected java.awt.print.Pageable _pageable
Constructor Detail


public DocumentPrintFactory()
Method Detail


public void create(Context context)
The method that will be called by the PrintManager in response to the the print command. The code which implements this will need to do the appropriate action based on the view that is being asked to print. For example, in the Navigator this call would need to determine which nodes are selected and of those, which are printable. For each node it would then get the Document for the node and call the PrintManager's method to create a Pageable for each document.


public void print()
Deprecated. Now the create() method should set the object to be printed in the PrintManager rather than use the print() method.

The method that will be called by the PrintManager to print the document(s). This should just call one of the PrintManager's print() variations. For example to print a single Pageable you'd call PrintManager.printPageable( Pageable pageable ) and to print an array of Pageables you'd call PrintManager.printPageables( Pageable[] pageables )


public boolean isPrintingEnabled(Context context)
This method will be called by the PrintManager to determine if the File->Print menu option should be enabled. The default implementation is to have the menu option enabled, but if the menu option needs to be enabled/disabled based on additional information then the view's DocumentPrintFactory should override this method. For example, the NavigatorController determines if File->Print should be enabled based on what is selected in the Navigator window.

Extension SDK


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