Extension SDK 10.1.2

Class DialogUtil

  extended byoracle.ide.dialogs.DialogUtil

public abstract class DialogUtil
extends java.lang.Object

A factory class for dialogs.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void addShortcutButtons(URLChooser uc, Context context)
          Adds shortcut buttons on the left side of the URLChooser based on the specified Context.
static void addShortcutButtons(URLChooser uc, java.net.URL defaultURL, Context context)
          Deprecated. Replace with #addShortcutButtons(URLChooser,Context.
static void addURLFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Adds a new URLFilter that will be included automatically in URLChooser instances created by DialogUtil#getURLChooser(Context).
static oracle.bali.ewt.dialog.JEWTDialog createJEWTDialogOwnedBy(java.awt.Component parent)
          Given a Component, find its nearest hosting Dialog, if any, which may be itself.
static java.awt.Dialog getAncestorDialog(java.awt.Component parent)
static java.awt.Frame getAncestorFrame(java.awt.Component parent)
static URLChooserInit getURLChooserInit(Context context)
          Returns a URLChooser initializer.
static void initURLChooser(URLChooser urlChooser, Context context)
          Initializes the specified URLChooser according to the current Context.
static URLChooser newURLChooser()
          Creates a new URLChooser that is initialized using a default Context.
static URLChooser newURLChooser(Context context)
          Creates a new URLChooser that is initialized according to the current Context.
static URLChooser newURLChooser(java.net.URL url)
          Creates a new URLChooser that is initialized with the specified URL as the initial selection.
static void setDefaultFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Sets the filter that is to be used by default.
static void setProjectFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Sets the filter that is to be used when the current Context is a Workspace node.
static void setWorkspaceFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Sets the filter that is to be used when the current Context is the "Workspaces" node.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DialogUtil()
Method Detail


public static URLChooser newURLChooser()
Creates a new URLChooser that is initialized using a default Context.


public static URLChooser newURLChooser(Context context)
Creates a new URLChooser that is initialized according to the current Context.

context - The Context with which to initialize the URLChooser, or null if the URLChooser should be initialized with default values.


public static URLChooser newURLChooser(java.net.URL url)
Creates a new URLChooser that is initialized with the specified URL as the initial selection.

url - The URL of the initial selection, or null if no initial selection is desired.


public static void initURLChooser(URLChooser urlChooser,
                                  Context context)
Initializes the specified URLChooser according to the current Context.

urlChooser - The URLChooser to initialize, which may not be null.
context - The Context with which to initialize the URLChooser, or null if the URLChooser should be initialized with default values.


public static void addShortcutButtons(URLChooser uc,
                                      java.net.URL defaultURL,
                                      Context context)
Deprecated. Replace with #addShortcutButtons(URLChooser,Context.


public static void addShortcutButtons(URLChooser uc,
                                      Context context)
Adds shortcut buttons on the left side of the URLChooser based on the specified Context.


public static URLChooserInit getURLChooserInit(Context context)
Returns a URLChooser initializer. This method is used to make compile-time dependencies more loosely coupled.


public static void addURLFilter(URLFilter filter)
Adds a new URLFilter that will be included automatically in URLChooser instances created by DialogUtil#getURLChooser(Context).


public static void setWorkspaceFilter(URLFilter filter)
Sets the filter that is to be used when the current Context is the "Workspaces" node.


public static void setProjectFilter(URLFilter filter)
Sets the filter that is to be used when the current Context is a Workspace node.


public static void setDefaultFilter(URLFilter filter)
Sets the filter that is to be used by default.


public static java.awt.Dialog getAncestorDialog(java.awt.Component parent)


public static java.awt.Frame getAncestorFrame(java.awt.Component parent)


public static oracle.bali.ewt.dialog.JEWTDialog createJEWTDialogOwnedBy(java.awt.Component parent)
Given a Component, find its nearest hosting Dialog, if any, which may be itself. Creates a JEWTDialog with that owner.

null if Component is not hosted by a Dialog or Frame; otherwise it returns a JEWTDialog

Extension SDK


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