- Annotation processing
- Can not build GF trunk
- Client Classes for the REST Interface
- difference in vmcid (SUN vs OMG) and minor code (off by 200) between GF 2.1 and GF 3.1.1
- Event Propogation in a clustered environment
- Fwd: Fwd: POM Change Request
- Fwd: POM Change Request
- Greenhopper on JIRA appears to be version 4.3.2.
- Head's Up: REST-related Annotation Changes
- hudson.glassfish.org down
- List of ConfigBeans
- Need to get source code control access to Glassfish 2.1.1 release (used to be cvs.dev.java.net)
- POM Change Request
- pom change review - jersey 1.10-b03 integration
- pom change review - jersey 1.10-b04 integration
- pom review (shoal in 3.1.2 branch)
- pom review (shoal into trunk)
- POM, OSGi, and Packaging Changes
- Q: transport client attributes via orb or ...
- Quick Look Failures
- RestResponse failure when listing apps in admin console
- servlet mapping question
- Troubleshooting QL
- where is https set up in GF 3.1.2
- who/where's the corba team?