Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)


Package oracle.xml.parser.v2

Provides APIs for XML parsing (SAX and DOM), XSL Transformations (XSLT).


Interface Summary
NSName Deprecated. - use oracle.xml.util.NSName
NSResolver This interface provides support for resolving Namespaces
PrintDriver The PrintDriver defines methods used to print XML documents represented as DOM trees.
XMLDocumentHandler This interface extends the org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler interface.
XMLToken Basic interface for XMLToken All XMLParser applications with Tokenizer feature must implement this interface.


Class Summary
AttrDecl This class hold information about each attribute declared in an attribute list in the Document Type Definition.
DefaultXMLDocumentHandler This class implements the default behaviour for the XMLDocumentHandler interface.
DocumentBuilder This class implements XMLDocumentHandler (deprecated) and ContentHandler to build a DOM Tree from SAX 2.0 events.
DOMParser This class implements an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 parser according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation.
DTD Implements the DOM DocumentType interface and holds the Document Type Definition information for an XML document.
ElementDecl This class represents an element declaration in a DTD.
NodeFactory This class specifies methods to create various nodes of the DOM tree built during parsing.
oraxml The oraxml class provides a command-line interface to validate XML files java oracle.xml.parser.v2.oraxml options* <filename> -help Prints the help message -version Prints the release version -novalidate Parses the input file to check for well-formedness -dtd Validates the input file with DTD validation -schema Validates the input file with Schema validation -log <logfile> Writes the errors/logs to the output file -comp Compresses the input xml file -decomp Decompresses the input compressed file -enc Prints the encoding of the input file -warning Show warnings
oraxsl The oraxsl class provides a command-line interface to applying stylesheets on multiple XML documents.
SAXAttrList This class implements the SAX AttributeList interface and also provides Namespace support.
SAXParser This class implements an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 SAX parser according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation.
XMLAttr This class implements the DOM Attr interface and holds information on each attribute of an element.
XMLCDATA This class implements the DOM CDATASection interface.
XMLComment This class implements the DOM Comment interface.
XMLDeclPI This class implements the XML Decl Processing Instruction.
XMLDocument This class implements the DOM Document interface, represents an entire XML document and serves the root of the Document Object Model tree.
XMLDocumentFragment This class implements the DOM DocumentFragment interface.
XMLDOMImplementation This class implements the DOMImplementation
XMLElement This class implements the DOM Element Interface
XMLEntity This class implements the DOM Entity interface and represens an XML internal or external entity as defined in the XML Document Type Definition (DTD).
XMLEntityReference This class implements DOM EntityReference interface.
XMLError This class hold error message and the line number where it occured
XMLMultiHandler This utility class allow multiple content handlers registered and send all the events to the registered content handlers.
XMLNode Implements the DOM Node interface and serves as the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model.
XMLNotation This class implements the DOM Notation interface and represents a notation declared in the Document Type Definition.
XMLNSNode Extends XMLNode to add support for Namespace names and children
XMLOutputStream XMLOutputSteam -- writes output stream, can handle XML encoding
XMLParser This class serves as a base class for the DOMParser and SAXParser classes.
XMLPI This class implements the DOM Processing Instruction interface.
XMLPrintDriver The XMLPrintDriver implements PrintDriver interface.
XMLSAXSerializer Class to print the document based on SAX Events
XMLText This class implements the DOM Text interface.
XMLTokenizer This class implements an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 parser according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation.
XSLExtensionElement Base element for extension elements
XSLProcessor This class provides methods to create XSLStylesheet objects and to transform an input XML document using a previously constructed XSLStylesheet.
XSLProcessor.XSLTVersion Version class used in XSLProcessor.setXSLTVersion()
XSLStylesheet The class holds XSL stylesheet information such as templates, keys, variables, and attribute sets.
XSLTContext Class for Xpath processing Context


Exception Summary
XMLDOMException This class is used to throw DOM exceptions.
XMLParseException Indicates that a parsing exception occurred while processing an XML document
XSLException Indicates that an exception occurred during XSL tranformation


Package oracle.xml.parser.v2 Description

Provides APIs for XML parsing (SAX and DOM), XSL Transformations (XSLT).

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see:

Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)


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