Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Element
oracle.ide Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects. 
oracle.ide.addin Contains classes and interfaces that are used by addins to extend JDeveloper with their own views and wizards. 
oracle.ide.cmd Contains classes implementing several JDeveloper commands. 
oracle.ide.composite Contains centralized interfaces for associating element instances with an arbitrary set of URLs. 
oracle.ide.editor Contains classes and interfaces that allow addins to add their own specialized editors to JDeveloper. 
oracle.ide.explorer Contains the interfaces and classes addins use to provide a structured view of data contained in nodes displayed in a navigator or an editor. 
oracle.ide.gallery Contains classes implementing JDeveloper's new object gallery. 
oracle.ide.inspector Contains interfaces and classes that integrators may use to make their objects editable from the property inspector. 
oracle.ide.layout Contains interfaces and classes addins can implement or extend to provide preferred layouts for their own specialized editors. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.navigator Contains classes providing navigator support. 
oracle.ide.palette Contains classes that allow for palette integration and commands. 
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model The base classes for defining the Audit object model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service The API classes for invoking Audit programatically, and a few Audit common API classes. 
oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt Contains the base design-time API for integrating database and application server connections within JDeveloper. 
oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.addin Contains base implementations of addin interfaces. 
oracle.jdeveloper.cmt The Component Model Tool, an API for manipulating Java source code. 
oracle.jdeveloper.library The Libraries package provides the library API used by JDeveloper. 
oracle.jdeveloper.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing the Java specific portions of JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the JDeveloper runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor Contains classes that allow addins access to the UIEditor integration objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util Contains assorted stateless utilities for version control system integraton. 

Uses of Element in oracle.ide

Methods in oracle.ide that return Element
 Element[] IdeMainWindow.getSelection()

Methods in oracle.ide with parameters of type Element
 Folder IdeContext.findOwner(Element element)
static boolean Ide.addToMiscellaneousFolder(Element element)
          Adds an Element object to the MiscellaneousFolder.

Constructors in oracle.ide with parameters of type Element
IdeContext(Element element)

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.addin

Fields in oracle.ide.addin declared as Element
static Element[] ViewSelectionEvent.EMPTY_SELECTION
protected  Element[] DefaultContext._sel
protected  Element DefaultContext._elem

Methods in oracle.ide.addin that return Element
 Element[] ViewSelectionEvent.getSelection()
          Get the selection of the View as it was at the time of the creation of this event.
 Element[] ViewSelectionEvent.getDelta()
          Get the delta to the selection of the View as it was at the time of the creation of this event.
 Element[] DefaultContext.getSelection()
 Element DefaultContext.getElement()
 Element[] Context.getSelection()
          Gets the list of selected Elements.
 Element Context.getElement()
          Provides a reference to the Element of interest.
 Element[] AbstractView.getSelection()
          Gets the selection context.
 Element[] View.getSelection()
          Get the selection.

Methods in oracle.ide.addin with parameters of type Element
 void DefaultContext.setSelection(Element[] selection)
 void DefaultContext.setElement(Element element)
 Folder DefaultContext.findOwner(Element element)
 void Context.setSelection(Element[] selection)
          Sets the list of selected Elements.
 Folder Context.findOwner(Element element)
static void UpdateMessage.fireChildAdded(Subject subject, Element element, java.lang.Object extraData)
          This method sends an UpdateMessage whose ID is UpdateMessage.CHILD_ADDED to all Observers of the specified Subject.
static void UpdateMessage.fireChildAdded(Subject subject, Element element)
          Identical to UpdateMessage.fireChildAdded(Subject,Element,Object) with null for the extraData parameter.
static void UpdateMessage.fireChildRemoved(Subject subject, Element element)
          This method sends an UpdateMessage whose ID is UpdateMessage.CHILD_REMOVED to all Observers of the specified Subject.
static void UpdateMessage.fireChildRemoved(Subject subject, Element element, java.util.Map messageProperties)
          This method sends an UpdateMessage whose ID is UpdateMessage.CHILD_REMOVED to all Observers of the specified Subject.

Constructors in oracle.ide.addin with parameters of type Element
ViewSelectionEvent(View view, int id, Element[] delta)
DefaultContext(Element element)
DefaultContext(View view, Workspace workspace, Project project, Element[] selection, Document doc, Element elem)

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.cmd

Methods in oracle.ide.cmd with parameters of type Element
protected  Folder SaveAsCommand.getElementOwner(Element element, Context context, boolean parentOK)
protected  boolean RemoveFileCommand.canRemove(Element element, Folder ownerFolder)
          Returns true if the specified ownerFolder allows the element to be removed.
protected  java.util.List CloseNodeCommand.confirmClose(Element element)

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.composite

Methods in oracle.ide.composite that return Element
static Element[] CompositeFileElementRegistry.getCachedCompositeElements(java.net.URL[] urls)
          Gets the cached composite elements representing the given file URLs.
 Element[] CompositeFileElementEvent.getCompositeElements()
          Gets the composite element instances for the event.

Methods in oracle.ide.composite with parameters of type Element
 java.net.URL[] DefaultCompositeFileElementProxy.getCompositeFileURLs(Element compositeElement)
          Gets the file URLs represented by the given composite element, attaching a container state observer to all composite children.
protected  void DefaultCompositeFileElementProxy.attachContainerStateObserver(Element element)
          Attaches a container state observer to the given element and its children.
protected  java.util.Collection DefaultCompositeFileElementProxy.getContainerFileURLs(Element compositeElement)
          Gets the file URLs represented by the given composite element.
protected  void DefaultCompositeFileElementProxy.addParentURL(java.util.Collection compositeFileUrls, Element parent)
protected  void DefaultCompositeFileElementProxy.addChildURLs(java.util.Collection compositeFileUrls, Element parent)
static void CompositeFileElementRegistry.fireCompositeStateChanged(Element compositeElement)
          Fires a state change event for the given composite element instance.
static void CompositeFileElementRegistry.fireCompositeStateChanged(Element[] compositeElements)
          Fires a state change event for the given composite element instances.
static boolean CompositeFileElementRegistry.isCompositeElement(Element element)
          Asks whether the given element instance is a composite file element type.
static java.net.URL[] CompositeFileElementRegistry.getCompositeFileURLs(Element compositeElement)
          Gets the file URLs for the given composite element instance.
 java.net.URL[] CompositeFileElementProxy.getCompositeFileURLs(Element compositeElement)
          Gets the file URLs represented by the given composite element.

Constructors in oracle.ide.composite with parameters of type Element
CompositeFileElementEvent(Element[] compositeElements, int id)
          Constructs a CompositeFileElementEvent object.

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.editor

Methods in oracle.ide.editor with parameters of type Element
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Element element)
          Open the specified element using the default editor.
static Context EditorUtil.findNodeInContext(Element node, Context context)
          Find the project containing the specified node.
 float FlatEditorAddin.getEditorWeight(Element element)
          This method is called by the EditorManager when a FlatEditorAddin is registered with EditorManager.registerDynamic(FlatEditorAddin) and a new file is opened.
 float AbstractFlatEditorAddin.getEditorWeight(Element element)
abstract  EditorAddin EditorManager.getDefaultAddin(Element element)
          Gets the default registered EditorAddin for the element.
 Editor EditorManager.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Element element)
          Deprecated. replaced by EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Element)

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.explorer

Methods in oracle.ide.explorer that return Element
 Element IconOverlayConsumer.getElement(java.lang.Object value)
          Returns the data element associated with the given node value.
 Element[] IconOverlayCache.getElementKeys(java.lang.String infoTypeId)
          Gets an array of current element keys in the overlay cache.
 Element TreeExplorer.getRootElement()
          Returns the root Element.
 Element TNode.getData()
          Gets the data element associated with this node.
 Element TNode.getAncestor(java.lang.Class clazz, boolean checkBaseClass)
          Gets this TNode closest ancestor Element that encapsulates an Element of class clazz, or if checkBaseClass is true, an Element extending or implementing the specified class.
 Element TNode.getAncestor(java.lang.Class clazz)
          Gets this TNode closest ancestor Element that encapsulates an Element of class clazz.

Methods in oracle.ide.explorer with parameters of type Element
 void IconOverlayCache.putOverlay(java.lang.String infoTypeId, Element e, IconOverlay overlay)
          Puts overlay information for the given element into the cache.
 IconOverlay IconOverlayCache.getOverlay(java.lang.String infoTypeId, Element e)
          Gets overlay information for the given element from the cache.
 void IconOverlayCache.removeOverlay(java.lang.String infoTypeId, Element e)
          Removes overlay information for the given element from the cache.
 javax.swing.Icon IconOverlayCache.getRendererIcon(Element element, javax.swing.Icon baseObject)
 java.lang.String IconOverlayCache.getRendererToolTipText(Element element, java.lang.String baseObject)
 java.lang.String IconOverlayCache.getRendererShortLabel(Element element, java.lang.String baseObject)
 float ExplorerInfo.getExplorerWeight(Element element)
protected abstract  boolean IconOverlayTracker.isControlled(Element e)
          Asks whether the given element is controlled by the overlay client.
protected abstract  IconOverlay[] IconOverlayTracker.getOverlays(Element[] elements)
          Gets the displayable overlay information for the given elements.
 void IconOverlayTracker.validateOverlay(Element e)
          Validates the given element within the overlay cache.
 TNode TreeExplorer.findTNode(Element element, TNode root)
          Find the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 TNode TreeExplorer.findTNodeBreadthFirst(Element element, TNode root)
          Find the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 TNode TreeExplorer.searchTNode(Element element, TNode root)
          Search for the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 TNode TreeExplorer.searchTNodeBreadthFirst(Element element, TNode root)
          Search for the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 TNode TreeExplorer.addChild(Element element, TNode parent, javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel model)
          Add the specified element to the model as a child of parent.
 void TreeExplorer.setRootElement(Element element)
          Sets the root Element.
abstract  java.util.List ExplorerManager.getExplorerTypes(Element document)
          Get a list of Explorer types, both statically and dynamically registered, for a given Document instance.

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.gallery

Classes in oracle.ide.gallery that implement Element
 class GalleryElement
          Element for each item in the Object Gallery list.
 class GalleryFolder
          Container used in the gallery category tree, which may contain both sub-folders and gallery items.
 class GalleryXMLDataNode
          XMLDataContainer subclass for the Object Gallery.
 class RootGalleryFolder
          The Root of the tree of GalleryFolder and GalleryElement instances.

Methods in oracle.ide.gallery with parameters of type Element
 boolean GalleryFolder.canAdd(Element element)
 boolean GalleryFolder.add(Element element)
 boolean GalleryFolder.canRemove(Element element)
 boolean GalleryFolder.remove(Element element)
 boolean GalleryFolder.containsChild(Element element)

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.inspector

Methods in oracle.ide.inspector with parameters of type Element
 Inspectable InspectorFactory.getInspectable(Context context, Element element)
          Get an Inspectable implementation for the data referred to by the given Element within the given Context, else null if no Inspectable can be found for the given Element's data.

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.layout

Subinterfaces of Element in oracle.ide.layout
 interface Layout
          Layout interface.

Classes in oracle.ide.layout that implement Element
 class BaseLayout
          BaseLayout class.
 class IdeLayout
          IdeLayout class.
 class IdeProperties
          The IdeProperties class is reponsible for managing the general layout information, such as the size and position of the main application window and the opened editor frames for example.
 class Layouts
          This class manages layouts created by the user.
 class SimpleLayout
          Simple layout information.

Methods in oracle.ide.layout with parameters of type Element
 boolean IdeLayout.add(Element element)
 boolean IdeLayout.remove(Element element)
 boolean IdeLayout.canRemove(Element element)
 boolean IdeLayout.canAdd(Element element)
 boolean IdeLayout.containsChild(Element child)
 boolean Layouts.add(Element element)
          Remove the specified Element from this Folder.
 boolean Layouts.remove(Element element)
          Remove the specified Element from this Folder.
 boolean Layouts.canRemove(Element element)
 boolean Layouts.canAdd(Element element)
 boolean Layouts.containsChild(Element child)
protected static Layout BaseLayout.findLayout(java.net.URL url, Element layout)

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.model

Subinterfaces of Element in oracle.ide.model
 interface Container
          The Container interface specifies the protocol between the IDE and objects which can contain other Nodes, including other Containers.
 interface Document
          The Document interface is implemented by objects which have a persistent representation.
 interface Folder
          The Folder interface extends Element by adding methods for managing child Elements contained by the Folder.
 interface Node
 interface TextDocument
          The TextDocument extends the Document interface by providing the way for a (code) editor to access the data in this text document using a Content interface.
 interface WorkEnvironment

Classes in oracle.ide.model that implement Element
 class Applications
          The Applications class is used to wrap the Workspaces class in order to provide a different label when displayed in the application navigator.
 class CategoryFolder
          The CategoryFolder class is responsible for collecting all nodes whose category cannot be determined.
 class Connections
          Top level IDE level Connections Node.
 class DataContainer
 class DataElement
          DataElement is a complete, default implementation of the Element and Dirtyable interfaces.
 class DataFolder
          DataFolder is a complete, default implementation of the ChildrenList interface.
 class DataNode
 class DefaultContainer
          The DefaultContainer class is a default implementation of the Container interface.
 class DefaultDocument
          The DefaultDocument class is a default implementation of the Document interface.
 class DefaultElement
          DefaultElement is a complete, default implementation of the Element interface.
 class DefaultFolder
          DefaultFolder is a complete, default implementation of the Folder interface.
 class DefaultNode
          The DefaultNode class is a default implementation of the Node interface.
 class DeployableTextNode
          Trivial subclass of TextNode that has the ElementAttributes#DEPLYOABLE attribute set.
 class DirectoryFolder
          The DirectoryFolder class encapsulates a directory element managed by the DirectoryFilter.
 class HierarchicalFolder
          The HierarchicalFolder defines common behavior for folder elements managed by a HierarchicalFilter.
 class IdeSystem
          This a new class that is under development to replace IdeSystem.
 class MiscellaneousFolder
 class ObservableDataFolder
          ObservableDataFolder is a complete, default implementation of the Folder and Subject interfaces.
 class PackageFolder
          The PackageFolder class encapsulates a package element managed by the PackageFilter.
 class Preferences
          This a new class that is under development to replace Preferences.
 class Project
          This is the base class for all data classes that represent a user project.
 class PropertiesContainer
          This is a complete implementation of the Container interface that uses a single HashMap to hold all of its data and an ArrayList to hold its children.
 class PropertiesNode
          This is a complete implementation of the Node interface that uses a single HashMap to hold all of its data.
 class TextNode
          The TextNode class extends DefaultNodeand should be used for all objects that can be opened as a text file inside a code editor.
 class Workspace
          This a new class that is under development to replace Workspace.
 class Workspaces
          This a new class that is under development to replace Workspaces.
 class XMLDataContainer
          The XMLDataContainer is the Container wrapper for a Folder-implementing JavaBean that can be persisted to XML using the XML marshalling framework in oracle.ide.marshal.xml.
 class XMLDataNode
          The XMLDataNode class is the Node wrapper for a JavaBean class that can be persisted to XML using the XML marshalling framework Object2Dom.

Fields in oracle.ide.model declared as Element
 Element XMLDataNode.DataCastPacket.element
          The Element view of the data object.

Methods in oracle.ide.model that return Element
static Element ElementFactory.findOrCreate(java.net.URL url, Project project)
          Returns an Element associated with the identifier.
 Element ElementRecognizer.create(java.net.URL url, Project project)
          Creates an instance of the design-time node associated with the specified url.
protected  Element HierarchicalFilter.createElement(java.net.URL url)
          Finds or creates a child Element for the given URL.
 Element Dependable.getSource()
          Returns the actual object on which the dependency is based.
 Element IdeSystem.getChild(java.lang.Object key)

Methods in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type Element
 boolean WorkEnvironment.containsOwnedChild(Element child)
          Returns true if the child is contained by the project even if the owner is another folder contained in the project.
 Folder WorkEnvironment.findOwner(Element element)
 Container WorkEnvironment.getContainerOwner(Element element)
          Get the container that owns the specified node.
 boolean PropertiesContainer.canAdd(Element element)
 boolean PropertiesContainer.add(Element element)
 boolean PropertiesContainer.canRemove(Element element)
 boolean PropertiesContainer.remove(Element element)
 boolean PropertiesContainer.containsChild(Element child)
 boolean PropertiesContainer.add(Element element, boolean notifyObservers)
 boolean PropertiesContainer.remove(Element element, boolean notifyObservers)
 boolean PropertiesContainer.hasChild(Element element)
protected  int HierarchicalFilter.HierarchicalComparator.compareElements(Element e1, Element e2)
 boolean Applications.canAdd(Element element)
 boolean Applications.add(Element child)
 boolean Applications.canRemove(Element element)
 boolean Applications.remove(Element child)
 boolean Applications.containsChild(Element child)
 boolean XMLDataContainer.canAdd(Element element)
 boolean XMLDataContainer.add(Element element)
 boolean XMLDataContainer.canRemove(Element element)
 boolean XMLDataContainer.remove(Element element)
 boolean XMLDataContainer.containsChild(Element child)
 boolean XMLDataContainer.add(Element element, boolean notify)
 boolean XMLDataContainer.remove(Element element, boolean notify)
 boolean DefaultContainer.canAdd(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DefaultContainer.add(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DefaultContainer.canRemove(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DefaultContainer.remove(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DefaultContainer.containsChild(Element child)
 boolean DefaultContainer.add(Element element, boolean notify)
 boolean DefaultContainer.remove(Element element, boolean notify)
 boolean HierarchicalFolder.containsChild(Element child)
 boolean HierarchicalFolder.canAdd(Element element)
          Returns true if the Element short label is unique in this folder.
 boolean HierarchicalFolder.canRemove(Element element)
          Returns true if the Element short label occurs in this folder.
 boolean HierarchicalFolder.add(Element element)
          Allows the Element to be added if the element short label is unique in this folder and the superclass add(Element) method allows the element to be added.
 boolean HierarchicalFolder.remove(Element element)
          Allows the Element to be removed if the element short label occurs in this folder and the superclass remove(Element) method allows the element to be removed.
protected  TNode HierarchicalFilter.removeElementNode(Element element, TNode parent, TreeExplorer tree, TNode rtn)
protected  TNode HierarchicalFilter.createElementNode(java.net.URL url, Element element, TNode parent, TreeExplorer tree, javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel model, boolean cacheIt)
          Create the TNode for the specified element.
protected  java.lang.Object HierarchicalFilter.getFolderKey(Element element)
          Returns the folder key for the specified child element.
protected  HierarchicalFolder HierarchicalFilter.buildOtherChildrenMap(Element element, HierarchicalFolder parent, java.util.Map otherChildrenMap, int count)
protected  void HierarchicalFilter.add(Element element)
          Add the child Element to the collection of the filter's top-level children.
protected  boolean HierarchicalFilter.containsChild(Element child)
          Check if the filter already contains the specified child.
protected  void HierarchicalFilter.remove(Element element)
          Removes the child Element from the collection of the filter's top-level children.
protected  void HierarchicalFilter.addElementToChildMap(Element element, java.lang.Object key)
          Adds the specified child Element to the child Map in response to a call to HierarchicalFilter.childrenAdded(List, TNode, TreeExplorer).
protected  void HierarchicalFilter.removeElementFromChildMap(Element element, java.lang.Object key)
          Removes the specified child Element from the child Map in response to a call to HierarchicalFilter.childrenRemoved(List, TNode, TreeExplorer).
protected  HierarchicalFolder PackageFilter.buildOtherChildrenMap(Element element, HierarchicalFolder parent, java.util.Map otherChildrenMap, int count)
 boolean CategoryFolder.add(Element element)
          Add the specified Element to this Folder.
 boolean CategoryFolder.remove(Element element)
          Remove the specified Element from this Folder.
 boolean CategoryFolder.canRemove(Element element)
 boolean CategoryFolder.canAdd(Element element)
 boolean CategoryFolder.containsChild(Element child)
static boolean CategoryFolder.matchElement(Element element, CategoryFolder category)
protected  int DefaultFilter.SortedFolderFirstComparator.compareElements(Element e1, Element e2)
          Override of TNode.SortedComparator#compareElements(Element, Element) to call a different comparison routine when the Element objects are not either both Folders or both not Folders.
protected  int DefaultFilter.SortedFolderFirstComparator.compareUnlikeElementToElement(Element f, Element e)
          Template method for comparing two unlike Element objects to each other.
protected  int DefaultFilter.SortedFolderFirstComparator.compareFolderToElement(Folder f, Element e)
          Deprecated. no longer used; equivalent to DefaultFilter.SortedFolderFirstComparator.compareUnlikeElementToElement(Element,Element).
protected  boolean DefaultFilter.SortedFolderFirstComparator.isFolder(Element e)
          Check if the element is a folder.
protected  int DefaultFilter.SortedComparator.compareElements(Element e1, Element e2)
          Template method for comparing the Element objects associated with each TNode, representing the second level of comparison in the compare() call chain.
protected  int DefaultFilter.SortedComparator.compareElementToElement(Element e1, Element e2)
          Template method for comparing two like Element objects in locale-sensitive collation order, representing the third level of comparison in the compare() call chain.
 boolean DependableFactory.hasFactory(Element source)
          Returns true if a factory has been registered with the given key.
 Dependable DependableFactory.findOrCreate(Element source, Folder owner)
          Finds or creates a Dependable that encapsulates the source object.
 Dependable DependableFactory.find(Element source)
          Finds Dependable that encapsulates the source object.
 Dependable DependableFactory.find(Element source, Folder owner)
          Finds Dependable that encapsulates the source object contained by the specified owner.
 Dependable[] DependableFactory.findAll(Element source)
          Returns all Dependables associated with the given source.
 Dependable DependableRecognizer.create(Element source, Folder owner)
          Creates a Dependable that encapsulates the source object.
 boolean DependableRecognizer.recognize(Element source)
          Returns true if this dependable factory recognizes the specified source object.
 boolean Project.canRemove(Element element)
          Call this method to determine if the element can be removed from this project.
 boolean Project.canAdd(Element element)
          Call this method to determine if an Element can be added to this project.
 boolean Project.containsChild(Element child)
          Returns true if the child is contained by the project even if the owner is another folder contained in the project.
 boolean Project.containsOwnedChild(Element child)
          Returns true if the child is contained by the project even if the owner is another folder contained in the project.
 boolean Project.remove(Element element, boolean notify)
          Remove the especified element.
 Folder Project.findOwner(Element element)
protected  Container Project.getContainerOwner(Element element)
          Get the container that owns the specified node.
 boolean DataFolder.add(Element element)
 boolean DataFolder.remove(Element element)
 boolean Workspaces.canAdd(Element element)
          Folder interface method.
 boolean Workspaces.remove(Element doc)
 boolean DefaultFolder.canAdd(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DefaultFolder.add(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DefaultFolder.canRemove(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DefaultFolder.remove(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DefaultFolder.containsChild(Element child)
 boolean IdeSystem.canRemove(Element element)
          Folder interface method.
 boolean IdeSystem.remove(Element element)
          If the specified Element is the MiscellaneousFolder, then all children are first removed from the folder; otherwise, let the superclass remove the element.
 boolean MiscellaneousFolder.remove(Element element)
 boolean MiscellaneousFolder.canAdd(Element element)
protected static void Factory.notify(Element element, int msgID)
 boolean Folder.canAdd(Element element)
          Other classes can call this method to determine whether the given Element can be added to the Folder.
 boolean Folder.add(Element child)
          Appends a child Element to the end of the Folder.
 boolean Folder.canRemove(Element element)
          Other classes can call this method to determine whether the specified Element can be removed from this Folder.
 boolean Folder.remove(Element child)
          Removes the specified child Element.
 boolean Folder.containsChild(Element child)
          Returns true if the folder contains the specified child Element; returns false otherwise.
 boolean Container.add(Element element, boolean notify)
          This is a variant of the Folder.add(Element) method that accepts an additional flag that indicates whether or not notifications of the change should be sent to registered observers.
 boolean Container.remove(Element element, boolean notify)
          This is a variant of the Folder.remove(Element) method that accepts an additional flag that indiciates whether or not notifications of the change should be sent to registered observers.
 boolean DataContainer.canAdd(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DataContainer.add(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DataContainer.canRemove(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DataContainer.remove(Element element)
          Part of the Folder interface.
 boolean DataContainer.containsChild(Element child)
 boolean DataContainer.add(Element element, boolean notify)
 boolean DataContainer.remove(Element element, boolean notify)
protected  void DataContainer.setSubDirtyableOwner(Element element, Dirtyable owner)
          Sets the owner of this element to the specified element.
 boolean Workspace.canAdd(Element element)
          Folder interface method.
 boolean Workspace.remove(Element doc, boolean notifyObservers)

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.navigator

Methods in oracle.ide.navigator with parameters of type Element
 TNode NavigatorWindow.findTNode(Element element, TNode root)
          Find the specified element.

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.palette

Subinterfaces of Element in oracle.ide.palette
 interface Palette
          Palette - Palette Model based on PalettePage and PaletteItem.
 interface PaletteItem
          The PaletteItem class represents the Object model for items on the component palette.
 interface PalettePage

Uses of Element in oracle.ide.runner

Classes in oracle.ide.runner that implement Element
 class RunProcess
          An abstract class that represents a process that can be run in some way.

Uses of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model with parameters of type Element
 DocumentAdapter DocumentAdapterFactory.getDocument(Element element, java.net.URL url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets the document adapter for a construct corresponding to an element and/or URL, or null if none.
abstract  Location[] DocumentAdapter.getElementLocations(Element element)
          Gets the locations of the constructs in this document corresponding to an IDE element.
 java.net.URL[] DocumentTypeAdapter.getURLs(Element element, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets the URLs of an element, or null if none.
 java.lang.String DocumentTypeAdapter.label(Element element)
          Gets the label for an element associated with this document type.

Uses of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service with parameters of type Element
abstract  boolean Auditor.addElement(Element element, Document document, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the location corresponding to an Element to the set of locations to be audited.
abstract  int Auditor.addElements(Element[] elements, Document document, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the locations corresponding to an array of Elements to the set of locations to be audited.

Uses of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt that implement Element
 class BaseConnections
          The BaseConnections class is the base folder type for classes of connections This is a singleton class.
 class ConnectionNode
          The ConnectionNode class is the base class for all representations of Database Connections
 class DatabaseConnectionNode
 class DatabaseEditorNode
 class Oc4jConnectionNode

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt with parameters of type Element
 boolean ConnectionNode.add(Element element)
 boolean ConnectionNode.remove(Element element)
 boolean ConnectionNode.canRemove(Element element)
 boolean ConnectionNode.canAdd(Element element)
 boolean ConnectionNode.containsChild(Element child)

Uses of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.addin

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.addin that return Element
 Element[] AbstractConnectionEditor.getSelection()

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.addin with parameters of type Element
 float AbstractConnectionEditorAddin.getEditorWeight(Element element)

Uses of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt

Subinterfaces of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt
 interface CmtModelNode
          The URL for a CmtModelNode is of the form: jdev.cmt:?&

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt that implement Element
 class CmtFolder

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt that return Element
 Element[] CmtComponentSource.getLastDesignedNodes(java.lang.Object key)
          Get the nodes which were last actively designed.
 Element CmtElementRecognizer.create(java.net.URL url, Project project)
          Creates an instance of the design-time node associated with the specified url.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt with parameters of type Element
 boolean CmtFolder.add(Element element)
          Add the specified Element to this Folder.
 void CmtFolder.add(int index, Element element)
 boolean CmtFolder.remove(Element element)
          Remove the specified Element from this Folder.
 boolean CmtFolder.canRemove(Element element)
 boolean CmtFolder.canAdd(Element element)
 boolean CmtFolder.containsChild(Element child)
 void CmtComponentSource.setLastDesignedNodes(java.lang.Object key, Element[] nodes)
          Set the nodes which were last actively designed.

Uses of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.library

Subinterfaces of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.library
 interface DerivedLibrary
          Encapsulates the notion of a derived library as it is used within JDeveloper.
 interface Library
          Encapsulates the notion of a library as it is used within JDeveloper.
 interface LibraryList
          The LibraryList interface represents a list of library and J2SE definitions.

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.library that implement Element
 class AbstractDerivedLibrary
          AbstractDerivedLibrary class.
 class AbstractLibrary
          AbstractLibrary class.
 class AddinLibraryList
 class DefaultLibraryList
          The DefaultLibraryList class provides a basic implementation of the LibraryList interface.
 class JDK
          Encapsulates the notion of a JDK.
 class JLibrary
          Encapsulates the notion of a library as it is used within JDeveloper.
 class JLibraryDefinition
 class JLibraryList
 class JPaths
          Encapsulates the notion of grouping a class path, source path, and doc path.
 class JProjectLibraryList
          The JProjectLibraryList class is used to contain Libraries that are defined within the context of a JProject.
 class ProjectLibrary
          ProjectLibrary class.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.library that return Element
 Element AbstractDerivedLibrary.getSource()

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.library with parameters of type Element
 boolean DefaultLibraryList.canAdd(Element element)
 boolean DefaultLibraryList.add(Element child)
 boolean DefaultLibraryList.canRemove(Element element)
 boolean DefaultLibraryList.remove(Element child)
 boolean DefaultLibraryList.containsChild(Element child)
 boolean JLibraryList.canRemove(Element element)
 boolean JLibraryList.add(Element child)
 boolean JLibraryList.canAdd(Element element)
 boolean JLibraryList.containsChild(Element child)
 boolean JLibraryList.remove(Element child)
 Dependable JLibraryManager.create(Element source, Folder sourceOwner)
 boolean JLibraryManager.recognize(Element source)

Uses of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.model

Subinterfaces of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.model
 interface JavaNode
          The JavaNode interface represents a Java class element in the JDeveloper browser.

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.model that implement Element
 class ApplicationCode
          The ApplicationCode class is responsible for collecting all application code based on the project source path.
 class BusinessComponents
 class DatabaseObjects
 class DatabaseResources
 class Deployment
 class EnterpriseJavaBeans
 class GifImageNode
          Node subclass for .gif image files.
 class HTMLSources
          The HTMLSources class is responsible for collecting all html nodes
 class ImageNode
          Node subclass for image files.
 class JavaClassNode
          The JavaNode interface represents a Java class element in the JDeveloper browser.
 class JavaSourceNode
          The JavaSourceNode interface represents a Java source file in the JDeveloper browser.
 class JavaSources
          The JavaSources class is responsible for collecting all java nodes
 class JpegImageNode
          Node subclass for .jpg/.jpeg image files.
 class JProject
          JProject is the data class that represents the project in JDeveloper.
 class JspSourceNode
          The JspSourceNode interface represents a Jsp source file in the JDeveloper browser.
 class MiscellaneousFiles
 class PngImageNode
          Node subclass for .png image files.
 class Resources
          Resources category.
 class Sources
          The Sources class is the base class for collecting an application source files.
 class SqljSourceNode
          The SqljSourceNode interface represents a SQLJ source file in the JDeveloper browser.
 class UMLModel
 class WebContent
          The WebContent class is responsible for collecting all html nodes
 class WebServices
 class WebSources
          The WebSources class is responsible for collecting all web content sources.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.model that return Element
 Element ApplicationFilter.getSubject()
          Return the actual subject to which children are being added or removed.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.model with parameters of type Element
 boolean ApplicationFilterHelper.handleAdd(Element element, Folder parent, java.util.List childrenAdded, ApplicationFilter filter)
          Callers should add the appropriate Locatables to the parent folder.
 boolean ApplicationFilterHelper.handleRemove(Element element, Folder parent, java.util.List childrenRemoved, ApplicationFilter filter)
          Callers should remove the appropriate node(s) to the parent folder.
protected  boolean ApplicationFilter.handleRemove(Element element, CategoryFolder folder, java.util.List childrenRemoved, ChildFilter folderFilter, Element subject)
protected  boolean ApplicationFilter.handleAdd(Element element, CategoryFolder folder, java.util.List childrenAdded, ChildFilter folderFilter, Element subject, boolean checkOwner)
 boolean MiscellaneousFiles.canAdd(Element element)
protected  int CategoryFilter.JProjectComparator.compareElementToElement(Element e1, Element e2)
protected  boolean CategoryFilter.handleAdd(Element element, CategoryFolder folder, java.util.List childrenToAdd, ChildFilter folderFilter, Element subject, boolean checkOwner)
protected  boolean CategoryFilter.handleRemove(Element element, CategoryFolder folder, java.util.List childrenToRemove, ChildFilter folderFilter, Element subject)
protected  CategoryFolder CategoryFilter.findCategoryFolder(Element element)
static boolean ProjectDependencyFactory.hasFactory(Element source)
          Returns true if a factory has been registered with the given key.
static Dependable ProjectDependencyFactory.findOrCreate(Element source, Folder owner)
          Finds or creates a Dependable that encapsulates the source object.
static Dependable ProjectDependencyFactory.find(Element source)
          Finds Dependable that encapsulates the source object.
static Dependable ProjectDependencyFactory.find(Element source, Folder owner)
          Finds Dependable that encapsulates the source object contained by the specified owner.
static Dependable[] ProjectDependencyFactory.findAll(Element source)
          Returns all Dependables associated with the given source.
 boolean JProject.containsChild(Element element)
 boolean JProject.remove(Element element, boolean notify)
 boolean JProject.canAdd(Element element)

Uses of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.runner

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.runner that implement Element
 class JRunProcess
          An abstract class that represents a Java process.

Uses of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor that return Element
 Element[] AbstractCanvas.getSelection()
          Get the current selection.

Uses of Element in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util with parameters of type Element
static Context VCSThreadSafeContexts.createContext(Element element)
          Creates a context with the given element as the selection.
static Locatable[] VCSContextUtils.getExpandedLocatables(Element[] elements, URLFilter filter)
          Get the expanded set of locatables from the specified set of elements, only returning locatables which pass the speicifed filter.

Uses of Element in oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html

Classes in oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html that implement Element
 class oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html.HtmlSourceNode

Extension SDK


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