Extension SDK 10.1.2

Package oracle.ide.model

Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model.


Interface Summary
Category The Category interface provides the API for identifying how a specific data node should categorized.
Container The Container interface specifies the protocol between the IDE and objects which can contain other Nodes, including other Containers.
ContentProvider The ContentProvider interface allows extension to provide an URLPath where a container can search for children it may contain.
Dependable Dependable interface.
DependableRecognizer DependableRecognizer interface.
Dirtyable Objects that implement the Dirtyable interface indicate that they are able to track their own dirty state.
Displayable The Displayable interface defines methods that an object must implement in order to be displayed in the various controls used by the IDE.
Document The Document interface is implemented by objects which have a persistent representation.
Element The Element interface defines the protocol used by the IDE to communicate with data objects in order to display the objects in the UI.
ElementRecognizer The ElementRecognizer interface provides the API for recognizing data types from specific object identifiers.
Folder The Folder interface extends Element by adding methods for managing child Elements contained by the Folder.
LazyLoadable Elements that should be lazily loaded need to be implement this interface to avoid forcing their loading.
NodeInfo An instance of NodeInfo is used to configure a generic node class such as XMLDataNode or XMLDataContainer.
PseudoTechnologyCallback The PseudoTechnologyCallback interface allows clients to register "pseudo-technologies" with the TechnologyRegistry.
Recognizer The Recognizer interface provides the API for recognizing data types from specific urls.
SubDirtyable Objects that implement the SubDirtyable interface indicate that they are to be saved as content of the document that owns them.
SupportsInspection This is a marker interface which may be used in cooperation with Element implementations that wish to have the properties of their data made available to the Property Inspector.
TextDocument The TextDocument extends the Document interface by providing the way for a (code) editor to access the data in this text document using a Content interface.

Class Summary
AbstractElementRecognizer The AbstractElementRecognizer class.
Applications The Applications class is used to wrap the Workspaces class in order to provide a different label when displayed in the application navigator.
CategoryFolder The CategoryFolder class is responsible for collecting all nodes whose category cannot be determined.
Connections Top level IDE level Connections Node.
DataElement DataElement is a complete, default implementation of the Element and Dirtyable interfaces.
DataFolder DataFolder is a complete, default implementation of the ChildrenList interface.
DefaultAttributes This class encapsulates the notion of attributes, which is a collection of boolean flags.
DefaultContainer The DefaultContainer class is a default implementation of the Container interface.
DefaultDirtyable Default implementation of the Dirtyable interface.
DefaultDisplayable Default implementation of the Displayable interface.
DefaultDocument The DefaultDocument class is a default implementation of the Document interface.
DefaultElement DefaultElement is a complete, default implementation of the Element interface.
DefaultFilter The DefaultFilter class.
DefaultFilter.SortedComparator Builtin Comparator class for ordering the children of a container node according to the sort option specified.
DefaultFilter.SortedFolderFirstComparator Builtin Comparator class for ordering the children of a container node, with container children ordered before non-container children.
DefaultFolder DefaultFolder is a complete, default implementation of the Folder interface.
DefaultNode The DefaultNode class is a default implementation of the Node interface.
DefaultRecognizer The DefaultRecognizer is the default Recognizer implementation used in the IDE.
DefaultSubDirtyable Objects that implement the SubDirtyable interface indicate that they want to be saved as content of the document that owns them.
DependableFactory DependableFactory class.
DeployableTextNode Trivial subclass of TextNode that has the ElementAttributes#DEPLYOABLE attribute set.
DirectoryFilter The DirectoryFilter organizes the children of a source folder into a directory structure view.
DirectoryFolder The DirectoryFolder class encapsulates a directory element managed by the DirectoryFilter.
DocumentInfo DocumentInfo class.
ElementAttributes Extends Attributes to focus on the notion of Element attributes.
ElementFactory The ElementFactory class is responsible for creating intances of Elements.
Factory The Factory interface define contants used by the element factories.
FilelistFilter The FilelistFilter class shows a flat children list
HierarchicalFilter The HierarchicalFilter defines common behavior for filters that organize the children of a source folder into a hierarchical (tree) structure view.
HierarchicalFolder The HierarchicalFolder defines common behavior for folder elements managed by a HierarchicalFilter.
IdeSystem This a new class that is under development to replace IdeSystem.
IdeTechnologies The IdeTechnologies class defines the technology keys for the core IDE.
NodeFactory The NodeFactory class is responsible for creating intances of Node.
NodeUtil Utilities involving Nodes.
ObservableDataFolder ObservableDataFolder is a complete, default implementation of the Folder and Subject interfaces.
PackageFilter The PackageFilter organizes the children of a source folder into a package structure view.
PackageFolder The PackageFolder class encapsulates a package element managed by the PackageFilter.
PackageTreeFilter The PackageTreeFilter is a subclass of PackageFilter that organizes its children into a nested (tree) structure view.
Preferences This a new class that is under development to replace Preferences.
Project This is the base class for all data classes that represent a user project.
PropertiesContainer This is a complete implementation of the Container interface that uses a single HashMap to hold all of its data and an ArrayList to hold its children.
PropertiesNode This is a complete implementation of the Node interface that uses a single HashMap to hold all of its data.
Reference The Reference class is used to reference data nodes such as workspaces and projects from their containers.
Tag2Workspace Loads the Workspace properties from the TagElement representing the workspace.
TechId The TechId class is a unique identifier for representing a technology in the system.
TechnologyRegistry The TechnologyRegistry is used to create and look up technologies in the system.
TechnologyScope The TechnologyScope class is used to group a set of technologies.
TextNode The TextNode class extends DefaultNodeand should be used for all objects that can be opened as a text file inside a code editor.
Workspace This a new class that is under development to replace Workspace.
WorkspaceMigrator Workspace migrator.
Workspaces This a new class that is under development to replace Workspaces.
XMLDataContainer The XMLDataContainer is the Container wrapper for a Folder-implementing JavaBean that can be persisted to XML using the XML marshalling framework in oracle.ide.marshal.xml.
XMLDataNode The XMLDataNode class is the Node wrapper for a JavaBean class that can be persisted to XML using the XML marshalling framework Object2Dom.
XMLDataNode.DataCastPacket The DataCastPacket class is a data class that is helpful for reducing the number of type-cast operations that need to occur.

Exception Summary
RecognizerException This is an Exception class that is thrown by a Recognizer when validation fails.

Package oracle.ide.model Description

Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. In JDeveloper persistent data, such as projects and java files, are encapsulated by objects implementing the Node or Container interface. Other objects, such as the structure of an xml file, are encapsulated by implementations of the Element or Folder interface. Generally, these structural elements are transient objects that are constantly re-created as the content of the xml file is updated by the user.

Data model classes are Subjects that can be observed by objects that implement the Observer interface. In general, changes to the data model should be undoable and delegated from a View to that view's Controller. It is the responsability of the Controller to use the CommandProcessor to execute a Command implementation that changes the data model, notifies model observers of the change, and has the ability to undo the changes done to the model.

Note from the description above it is the responsability of the object that modifies data to send UpdateMessage notifications when the data model is changed. This allows batching up data model changes avoiding thus the proliferation of change notification messages. In the framework, the data model is only responsible for maintaining data.

Related Documentation

See Extending JDeveloper Using the Addin API for detailed information.

Extension SDK


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