Extension SDK 10.1.2

Interface SupportsInspection

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public interface SupportsInspection

This is a marker interface which may be used in cooperation with Element implementations that wish to have the properties of their data made available to the Property Inspector. By default data types which implement this interface will be inspectable without needing to perform any explicit registrations with the InspectorFactory.

For example; if a given Element implementation class MyElement returns instances of class MyData from its Element.getData() implementation, then class MyData may implement this interface in order to automatically have its properties shown in the Property Inspector whenever an instance of its wrapper MyElement is selected in a View. If MyData did not implement this interface, or if an Inspectable other than the default is desired when editing instances of MyData, then a registration call would have to be made upon the InspectorFactory to register the desired Inspectable for the type MyData.

Extension SDK


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