Extension SDK 10.1.2

Class ElementFactory

  extended byoracle.ide.model.Factory
      extended byoracle.ide.model.ElementFactory

public final class ElementFactory
extends Factory

The ElementFactory class is responsible for creating intances of Elements.

The type of Element that gets created depends on the object identifier that is passed into the findOrCreate(URL, Project). The ElementFactory makes use of registered ElementRecognizer instances to determine what Element class corresponds to a particular URL.

Element instances created by the ElementFactory are generally not cached. It is up to a ElementRecognizer to determine if the instances it creates should be cached or not.

See Also:
Element, ElementRecognizer

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class oracle.ide.model.Factory
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class oracle.ide.model.Factory
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void addRecognizer(int index, Recognizer recognizer)
          Registers a Recognizer, placing it in the specified location in the list of recognizers.
static void addRecognizer(Recognizer recognizer)
          Registers a ElementRecognizer, appending it to the end of the list of recognizers.
static Element findOrCreate(java.net.URL url, Project project)
          Returns an Element associated with the identifier.
static Recognizer findRecognizer(java.net.URL url)
          Returns the instance of Recognizer that is able to specify the Node class that should be instantiated for the given URL.
static java.util.Iterator getRecognizers()
          Returns the list of registered recognizers.
static java.lang.Class recognize(java.net.URL url)
          Returns the instance of Recognizer that is able to specify the Element class that should be instantiated for the given url.
static void removeRecognizer(Recognizer recognizer)
          Unregisters a Recognizer.
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.model.Factory
attach, detach, notify
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ElementFactory()
Method Detail


public static Element findOrCreate(java.net.URL url,
                                   Project project)
                            throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Returns an Element associated with the identifier. This method requests the ElementRecognizer that recoginizes the element identifier to create or find the associated element instance. It is left to the recognizer to decide whether created elements should be cached. A recognizer that does not cache newly created elements may return a new element instance every time this method is called.

url - unique url identifier.
project - the project within which the element should be created.
an element. May be null.
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the Element class or its initializer is not accessible.
java.lang.InstantiationException - if the Element class is an abstract class, an interface, an array class, a primitive type, or void; or if the instantiation fails for some other reason.


public static Recognizer findRecognizer(java.net.URL url)
Returns the instance of Recognizer that is able to specify the Node class that should be instantiated for the given URL. If no Recognizer can determine the Node class, then null is returned.


public static java.lang.Class recognize(java.net.URL url)
Returns the instance of Recognizer that is able to specify the Element class that should be instantiated for the given url. If no Recognizer can determine the Element class, then null is returned.


public static void addRecognizer(Recognizer recognizer)
Registers a ElementRecognizer, appending it to the end of the list of recognizers.

recognizer - instance of a ElementRecognizer implementation.


public static void addRecognizer(int index,
                                 Recognizer recognizer)
Registers a Recognizer, placing it in the specified location in the list of recognizers. Specifying a position less than or equal to 0 prepends this recognizer to the list. A position value larger than (or equal to) the current list size appends this recognizer to the end of the list. All other values insert this recognizer somewhere in the middle of the list.

index - the index into the list of recognizers where this recognizer will be added
recognizer - instance of a Recognizer implementation.


public static void removeRecognizer(Recognizer recognizer)
Unregisters a Recognizer.

recognizer - instance of a Recognizer implemenation.


public static java.util.Iterator getRecognizers()
Returns the list of registered recognizers.

Extension SDK


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